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    • 1、九年级英语期末质量检测试题(二)二基础知识(共 25 分) . 句意填词 根据上下文填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。( 10 分)21. He will succeed sooner or later without_ because he works hard all the time .22. My brother is good at science, including maths, physics and _.23. Be careful when you talk with _ online.24. It s very _ to go shopping from here for this is the center ofthe town.25. Italy is a _ country which many people want to visit.26. The Chinese peopleare used to using_insteadof forksand knives.27. The old lady was _ hurt in the car accident

      2、.28. We should make our own _ to choose the school uniforms.29. You are supposed to _ to your dreams until they come true.30. You must take your _when you go abroad.单项选择( 15分)()31. Many kids write to LanguageDoctorto_ advice about learningEnglish.A. look throughB. ask forC. give up()32. If we have a lot of _ , we will know more about our world.A. ideasB. brainC. knowledge()33. _ fine weather today ! Why not go out for a walk?A. WhatB. HowC. What a()34. You shouldn t_ Dick for the mistake. He is

      3、so young.A. praiseB. punishC. ask()35. Tony asked Lucy_ or not.A.Ifshe likesthatfilmB.whethershe likesthatfilmC.whethersheliked that film()36.They arrived _Shanghai _ a cold morning.A. in; inB. in; onC. at; on()37. Lisa is _ and she has an _ sister.A.11-year-old;8-year-old B.11 yearsold;8yearsoldC.11 yearsold;8-year-old()38. -I want to teach in Tibet when I graduate from college.-Me, too. Teachers _ very much there.A. is neededB. are neededC. needed()39. My little sister isnt_ to look after hers

      4、elf.A. young enoughB. enough oldC. old enough()40.If you wantto takecareofyourhealth,you should_junk food.A. keep away fromB. look forward toC. get along with()41.-Someonewillcome toourmusic club tomorrow. Iguessit s Mary.-It_ be Mary.She leftforEngland yesterdayand willstaythere for a week.A. mustn tB. can tC. needn t()42.Mike sfatherbought_electronicwatch forbirthday._ electronic watch looks very beautiful.A. an; TheB. an; AnC. a; The)43. I enjoy the music_ makes me_.A. that; happilyB. that; h

      5、appyC. which; happily)44.The water_ turned red after Linda put the red paper into it.A. softlyB. deeplyC. gradually)45. -What language do you also speak_English?-Spanish. But just a little.A. besidesB. exceptC. besidehim athis三交际运用(共15 分).完成对话从方框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)( 5 分)A. I was annoyed all the time.B. Who did you go to the movie with?C. Yes, you are right.D. What s wrong with you?E. We should turn off our mobile phones.F. So the movie was boring, wasn tit?(Lana went to see a new moviein t

      6、he morning.But shedidn t enjoy it. She stalking to Jenny about what happened.)Jenny: You look unhappy.46Lana: I watched a movie in the morning.Jenny:47Lana: No. The movie was great. It was the audience(观众 ). Some people were lateforthemovie,some tookphone calls duringthe movie, some made noisewhile eatingsnacks and some talked loudly.48Jenny:That s toobad!Peopleshould obey certainruleswhilewatchinga movie.Lana: Yes. The firstthing istokeep the theatrequiet.We should sitdown beforethe movie begins.49We should eat snacks quietly. And we shouldtalk as little as possible.Jenny:50And we should take away our rubbish when we leave.Lana: Ihope everyoneshoulddo these thingsso thatwe can enjoythe movie better.Jenny: Me, too.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._. 补全对话根据对话内容,填写适当话语,使对话完整正确。(每空词数不限) (10分)A:Hello,WangFeng.MyfriendMarcinvitedmetoadinner.51?B: I m so


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