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    • 1、名校名 推荐精编优选练 (十七 )阅读理解 主旨大意题1(限时: 25 分钟 )ADuring lunch all my friends were talkingabout their families plans for winter break, and Iwas more than alittle jealous (嫉妒的 ) since myparents couldnttake a vacation duringChristmas week.I came home from school that day to find a newsletter from the Jewish Community (社区 )Center, whichcontained an ad for an “ alternative vacation”community- service trip to NewOrleans during Christmas week. I wondered whether cleaning neighborhoods destroyed by Hurricane Ka

      2、trina and sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag were really the way I wanted to spend Christmas vacation. I sent in an application anyway, went for an interview, and was actually very excited when I was accepted into the program.We arrived in New Orleans onDecember 23.First, we had dinner at a pizza place that hadbeen destroyed by the hurricane. The owners told us about what they had gone through to rebuild their homes.On Christmas Eve, we spent the day removing garbage as part of a beautifica

      3、tion project inthe Lower Ninth Ward, which was most heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina.On Christmas Day, we workedat a centerforhomeless people. The people reallyappreciated our work, and we felt like we had made Christmas a little more special for them.My favorite project was helping at ananimal rescue center. We walked the animals, cleanedtheir places, and fed them. Six thousand dogs and cats, separated from their owners, were rescuedby that shelter after the hurricane.When I returned to New

      4、 York and told my friends about my trip, I realized how ridiculous Ihad been to be jealous of their Christmas plans. I looked around at my house, my dog, my family,and everything I owned and felt really spoiled (被宠坏的 ). All the things I saw in New Orleans,allthe amazing people I met, and the small ways I was able to contribute to the rebuilding of thecity made that week the most memorable vacation I can imagine.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在圣诞假期来到灾后的新奥尔良去帮助那里的人们重建家园,这次经历成为他毕生难忘的回忆。1 What was the authors firs

      5、t reaction to the community- service trip?A He felt upset.B He was excited.CHe felt hopeful.D He was doubtful.解析 :推理判断题。题干中的community- service trip 对应到文章第二段,由该段中的“Iwondered whether.were really the way I wanted to spend Christmas vacation.可知,作者对于是”否要在圣诞假期去打扫灾后的居民区并在睡袋里过夜这一计划有些许犹豫。此处需要注意B项,根据该段中的was actually very excited when I was accepted into the program可知,作者在被该项目组接受后感到很高兴,因此B 项并不是作者对该社区服务之行的第一反应。1名校名 推荐答案 :D2 Which did the author like most?A Removing garbage.BHelping the homeless.CWorking with

      6、 animals.D Dining with survivors.解析 :细节理解题。作者在第三至六段中介绍自己具体的志愿工作,其中第六段首句“Myfavorite project was helping at an animal rescue center. ”表明作者此行最喜欢的工作是在动物救助中心帮忙。答案 :C3 What can we infer about the authors trip?A It was very precious to him.BIt strengthened his family ties.CIt freed him from envyingothers.D It improved his interpersonal skills.解析 :推理判断题。阅读四个选项后不难发现,该题是作者此行结束后的看法和认识,因此定位到文章末尾。根据最后一段中的All the things I saw in New Orleans ,all the amazingpeople I met , and the small ways I was able to contr

      7、ibute to the rebuilding of the city made thatweek the most memorable vacation I can imagine.可知,圣诞周的志愿工作让作者记忆深刻。该句中的amazing people, contribute to , memorable 等信息透露出此次志愿旅行对作者来说弥足珍贵。 C 项概括推断错误,文中只提到作者一开始非常嫉妒同学们的美好假期计划,最后在经过此次旅行后发现这其实很可笑,因为自己在圣诞周所做的事情远比同学们的假期更有意义。因此,这并不是说作者的此次旅行使得他不再嫉妒他人。答案 :A4 What can be the best title for the text?A The Most Memorable DayBMySpecial Christmas VacationCPost-disaster ReconstructionD A Big Contribution to Society解析 :标题归纳题。 通读文章后不难发现,本文主要由三部分构成:作者偶然发现一份圣诞志愿活动的招募启事;作者去

      8、受灾地区所做的志愿工作;作者对此次志愿工作的感想。因此, B 项 “ 我的特别的圣诞假期” 涵盖了这三大部分的内容,适合做本文标题。A 项有一定的迷惑性, 但是作者的圣诞志愿工作并非只有一天,因此概括不准确;C 项在文中有一定体现,但文章并非主要讲述灾后重建工作;D 项中的 Big 一词用词不准确。2名校名 推荐答案 :BBImagine this scene:its blowing outside, and you snuggle ( 蜷伏 ) up on the sofa under a warmquilt, chatting and recalling with your closest friends.That content, cosy feeling, has a name in Danish hygge.And, as Denmark recently won thetitle of“ the happiest country in the world , the concept” of hygge is known to more and morepeople interested in finding ways to understand this concept.Hygge originallyfrom a Norwegian word meaning well- being doesnt havean exactequivalent ( 对应物 )inEnglish. Its often translated as coziness, or as blogger Anna West toldtheBBC,“ coziness ofthesoul ”.But,professorMarenSparkexplains,“Hygge_was_never_meant_to_be_translated._It_was_meant_to_be_felt. ”Basically, hygge involves creating a warm, c


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