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[精编]john milton的英文简介

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    • 1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。john milton的英文简介约翰;弥尔顿,英国诗人、政论家,民主斗士,英国文学史上伟大的六大诗人之一。下面是小编给大家整理的john milton的英文简介,供大家参阅!john milton简介John Milton (December 9, 1608 to November 8, 1674) British poet, political commentator, democratic fighter, British literature in the history of one of the great six poets. Representative works are long poem "Lost Paradise", "Fu Paradise" and "Lux" Samson.In 1625, Milton went to Cambridge University and began writing poetry. Af

      2、ter graduating from college and studying literature for 6 years. In 1638, Milton traveled to Europe. In 1640 the British Revolution broke out, Milton decided to join in the revolutionary movement, and published five books on religious freedom, in 1644, Milton also for freedom of speech and wrote "on the freedom of the press." In 1649, after the victory of the British colonies, Milton published "on the king and officials of the authority" and other documents to consolidate the

      3、 revolutionary regime. 1660, the British feudal dynasty restoration, Milton was arrested and imprisoned, was soon released, then he concentrate on writing poetryjohn milton人物经历On December 9, 1608, John Milton was born. Milton's father is a legal instrument, the family is more honest. Although his father was a Puritan, but not as much as the other Puritans at that time, he likes music, but also guide Milton to love music. He also loves books such as life, while the young Milton played little

      4、like his father like books. Milton's father also specifically for his hired a private teacher, Milton just over ten years old, you can write some good poetry. At that time Milton often learned late into the night, which had a very bad impact on his later body.At the age of 12, his father sent Milton to a man named St. Paul's men's school at the time of study, 15 years old entered the University of Cambridge. The young Milton faces handsome, but proud, thought independent. Milton had

      5、intended to go to the British Church as a pastor. But the conflict between the Catholics and the Puritans intensified, and Milton was a Puritan.After completing college studies, Milton gave up the idea of being a pastor in the British Church, and for some time he did not know what to do. Repeated thinking, he firmly believe that he should be born poet. He lived his father about 20 miles from London's Dunton village estate for nearly five years, and in order to better realize his own ideals i

      6、n the future, he began to write poetry and study.In the past five years, he wrote a large number of short poems, including "happy people" to express a longing for a happy life, "meditation" on the thought of meditation was described, "Liesidas" praise A drowned friend, "Commas" shows a masquerade.But soon, he began to feel tired of this quiet pastoral life. He is eager to the outside world more exciting. So he took his father to his money, embarked on a jo

      7、urney to France, Switzerland, Italy. In Italy, he heard that the British King and the contradiction between the people imminent, and soon may be the outbreak of war. So he immediately gave up the plan to travel and write poetry, rushed back to England.After returning to London, he strongly opposed the conservative party and devoted all his energy to writing a large number of political pamphlets that supported the freedom of the people. Published in 1644, "published freedom", bold attac

      8、k on the British press censorship system; published in 1649, "the destruction of idols," advocated the death of Charles I; 1650 published "to defend the British people", to meet the Republican and revolutionary arrival.In 1649, according to the parliamentary judgment, King Charles I was beheaded, while Oliver Cromwell came to power, became the head of government, and was called "protect the country". The leaders of the Puritan government, who had written a large num

      9、ber of essays and pamphlets written by Milton for the victory of the Republic in the revolution, then appointed him as secretary for foreign affairs. In addition to his Latin alphabet, which is responsible for translating foreign governments, he must also answer in Latin, and he is responsible for criticizing the attacks and statements against the Cromwell government. Because of the heavy task, he had to work day and night, soon, vision began to decline, the doctor warned him to stop using the eye, otherwise he will be blind. But he refused the doctor asked him to give up the heavy reading and writing work advice, continue to work hard. Eventually, by 1652, his eyes were completely blind. Even so, he did not stop working, he used to read the way he wrote others to work day and night to continue. Soon, his wife died, gave him left three young girl waiting, the largest but also 6 years old. This is a busy business for the blind people is undoubte

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