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    • 1、正奥计量泵ZHENGAO METERING PUMPHTTP:/WWW.PUMPZA.COM 用户使用说明书手册 柱塞式计量泵分册 在使用本产品前请仔细阅读本手册,本将其放在设备附近以备将来参阅。敬 告尊敬的用户:感谢您购买和使用上海正奥泵业制造有限公司(以下简称“正奥泵业”)出产的系列产品。为了您的安全和利益,在您使用本设备之前请仔细阅读本产品说明书及随机附带的全部资料。如果您未按照产品说明书使用和操作,而导致的任何损失,正奥泵业将不承担责任。Dear users : Thank you for the purchase and use of Zhengao Pump Technology Co., Ltd Zhejiang. (hereinafter referred to as Zhengao) series products. For your safety and interests of your use of the equipment prior to carefully read the product brochures and enclosed all the i

      2、nformation. If you are not in accordance with the product specification use and operation, which led to the loss,we will not assume responsibility.关于本产品说明书(以下简称“说明书”)说明书版权属正奥泵业所有;说明书与实际产品有不一致的地方,正奥泵业拥有最终解释权;说明书是本产品不可分割的一部份,请妥善保管;如果您对说明书的任何内容存在不明或异议,请在购买设备七日内向正奥泵业公司提出书面异议,否则视为您已经同意、理解并接受说明书的全部内容。设备使用过程当中,如果您遇到技术问题,欢迎来电021-63099630。Brochures of the product (hereinafter referred to as brochure)n The copyright belong to Zhengao; n We have the right to explain if the brochure has difference with the

      3、actual products.n Brochure is an indivisible part of the product, please take good care of. If you have any unknown or disagreement. Please inform us within 7 days from the day you bought it,or we will think that you have accept all the content,thanks. if you have a technical question, please call : switchboard : 086-021-63099630. 注 意1、计量泵使用前请加220#蜗轮蜗杆油或50#齿轮油至油标。2、计量泵电机接线一定要按照电机铭牌的电压接线(380V或220V)3、计量泵开机之前一定要确保出口管路通畅(阀门全开)。4、不锈钢管路接头焊接时,切不可把焊渣或杂物掉入管路或阀体内(从而会造成计量泵不出水、压力变小或流量变小)计量泵要停止工作时先关闭计量泵,再关闭出

      4、口阀门。5、出口管路压力一定要高于进口管路压力,如果低于进口压力,一定要加装背压阀,防止产生虹吸。6、出口管路口径一定要大于或等于,相应计量泵的标配口径。Attention1Adding #220 Worm Gear Oil or #50 gear oil to the oil standard before using the pump.2Electrical wiring of the pump must conform to the electrical wiring Nameplate voltage (380V or 220V) 3Before using, ensure that the export pipeline is free(the valve is open). 4During the welding, never drop the welding bits or sundries into the pipe or valve body (or it will cause the water can not come out, the pressure and

      5、flow turn to small ). To stop working close the metering pump first, then closed the valve exit.5Export pipeline pressure must be higher than the import pipeline pressure, if it is lower than the import pressure, we must install back-pressure valve, to prevent Siphon. 6Export pipeline diameter must be greater than or equal to the corresponding standard metering pump caliber. 计量泵标准按装图(供参考)Installment of the metering pump(for referrence)目 录(Contents)一、 概述Summarize(4)二、结构原理和特性Structure and characte

      6、ristics of Principle(5)三、技术数据Technical data(6)3.1参数Parameters(6)四、泵的使用The use of pump(6)4.1泵运转前的检查及其准备工作Pump operation before the inspection and reparations(6)4.2启动Star(6)4.3带负荷运转Stop(7)4.4停机Power off(7)五、泵的维护保养Pumps maintenance(8)5.1泵的日常维护Pumps daily maintenance(8)5.2维修保养解拆及装配顺序 Maintenance solution demolition and assembly sequence(9)六、安装Install(10)6.1泵的安装Pump installment(10)6.2管路安装Pipeline Installation(10)6.3特殊液体对管路通量增加Special liquid increase the flux of the pipeline(10)七、产品装配图及明细表products ass

      7、embly diagram(12)八、故障原因分析及排除方法 Failure Analysis and Elimination(15)一、 概述 J系列计量泵主要是往复式柱塞泵、活塞泵,按泵的缸数可分为单缸、双缸、三缸等多种类型。该泵可广泛用于石油、化工、纺织、食品、造纸、原子能技术、电厂、塑料、制药、水厂、环保等工业和科技部门。用来向加压或常压容器及管道内精确定量输送不含固体颗粒的液体。其流量可以开机(或定机)时从0-100%范围内无级调节。(根据计量泵的特性,最少行程一般不小于总行程的10%)单缸泵适用于单一液体的场合;双缸泵可作比例泵使用,也可并联使用;三缸泵可作为三比例泵使用,也可三缸并联,以达到较大排量,增高了液体的脉冲频率,促使液体连续顺畅加入;六缸泵可达三缸泵二倍效果。该型泵可输送温度-30100,粘度为0.3800mm2/s不含固体颗粒等腐蚀性或非腐蚀性液体介质。不同型号的计量泵均可根据用要求装配变频电机(能接收4-20mA电流信号)或防爆电机。泵的型号规格及参数请参考本公司的产品样本。The main product of the J serials metering

      8、 pump is reciprocating pump, plunger pump,the pump cylinder can be divided into single-cylinder, twin-cylinder, triplex-cylinder etc. The pump can be used in the oil, chemical, textile, food, paper, nuclear technology, plant, plastics, pharmaceuticals, water, environmental protection industry and technology sectors. They are used in transporting solid particles of liquid of the pressure and pipleline with precise quantities. Its flow can boot (or fixed) are from 0-100% within stepless adjustment. (According to the characteristics of metering pump, general itinerary at least not less than the total trip of 10%) applied to single-cylinder pump liquid single occasion; double cylinder pump for use ratio pump can also use parallel; tripl


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