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    • 1、Unit 10 by the time I got outside. the bus had already left. 教学建议一、教学目标 1学会使用过去完成时态; 2能够谈论有关令人尴尬或令人难忘的事情; 3能够区分名词、动词和形容词。二、教学向导语言功能语言目标叙述过去发生的事情What隔不久happened?I overslept. And by the time l got up, my brother had already gotten into the shower.语言结构重点词汇过去完成时态Oversleep, exhausted, embarrassed, fool, lock, bell, ring, rush, on time, empty, girl friend, reply show, marry ending, show up, break down, go off, get married学习策略与思维技巧多元智能先后顺序分类合理安排时间增强做事的计划性三、主题词语表四、主题思维图及任务型活动任务一:听力 1热身练习,看图(P68),讨论 What

      2、 do you usually do in the morning before school? Do you get up early in the morning? Are you late for school? What happened to Tina? 2通过听力练习,帮助学生输入地道的语言材料,为提高学生口语表达能力及输出奠定基础。任务二:阅读 1通过阅读训练,培养学生获取信息的能力,同时巩固句型和扩大词汇量 2学会欣赏,在学生获取信息的基础上,引导学生欣赏和积累优美、正确、地道的语言材料,为口语和书面表达奠定基础。 3通过阅读,了解到西方国家愚人节发生的事情,并引导学生理智地分析所发生的事件任务三:讨论 1叙述Tina的经历,并为其经历续写结尾 2回忆并叙述我们生活中经历的尴尬事情 3回忆并叙述生活中难以忘怀的事情五、可供教师选择的任务活动Sample 1 Tina尴尬的早晨(with the help of the pictures on the book), 并为故事续写结尾。 引导学生用过去完成时态,叙述事情,注意事情发生的先后顺序,发挥想象给出一个合理的结尾。操

      3、作建议: 1完成听力任务(1b, 2a & ab)朗读对话,加强语言输入 2同桌之间根据图示以第三人称叙述Tina的经历 3全班共同讨论故事的结尾,看谁给出的结尾更符合逻辑关系又体现人与人之间的友爱。 拓展的词汇:forgive, stationeries, habitsSample 2 谈谈上周的某天或进来的某个早晨发生的事情。 Everyone is usually busy in the morning. Do you still remember what happened to you one morning last week?Please tell Us something about it. 引导学生注意事情发生的先后顺序。操作建议: 1完成表格(个人)WhenWhatResultFeeling 2同桌交流 3全班汇报完成任务所需的语言结构: By the time I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpac

      4、k at home. (I had a terrible morning last Friday. I overslept. When l got up, my mother had cooked breakfast. But I had no time to have breakfast. When I got to the bus stop, the bus had just left. I had to wait for the next bus. When I got to school, the bell had already rung. Oh, dear, I was late for school. And of course when I got to the classroom, my teacher had begun her lesson. I was so embarrassed.) or: (I had a busy but happy morning. I got up early last Friday. When I got up, my mother

      5、 had cooked breakfast for me. It was delicious and I had a good breakfast. Then I said goodbye to my mother and left for school. By the time I got to the bus stop, the bus had just arrived. When I got to school, it was empty. When my classmates came, I had cleaned the classroom and opened the windows for the fresh air to come it. I was so happy.)Sample 3 Nick的尴尬 引导学生进一步熟练运用过去完成时态,叙述事情。操作建议: 1完成听力任务(Section B 2a & 2b) 2同桌就对话内容进行问答(第三人称) 3根据3b给出的信息,共同叙述Nick愚人节的遭遇 4写作,完成文段(个人) 5全班讨论,集体修改完成任务所需的语言结构

      6、: Have you ever been an April fool? What happened to you(on April Fools Day)? How had he fooled you?Sample 4我的经历 他的经历 1In our daily life, you are sure to meet something unusual or embarrassing. Do your really have such kind of experience? If so, please tell us.(日常生活中,人们会遇到很多不寻常或尴尬之事,你是否有过这样的经历,能告诉我们吗?) 2Do your classmates or your friends have this kind of experience? Please ask them and then tell your class about it.(你的同学、朋友曾经有过这样的经历吗?请你了解一下。) 3练习并熟练运用本单元的目的语Sample 5 我的英语学习 我们已完成了中学两年半的学习,英语学习的情

      7、况如何,请向大家介绍一下。 通过此项练习,引导学生复习Unit l中相关的句型,进一步熟练运用本单元的目的语,叙述过去发生的事情。操作建议: 1共同复习有关英语学习和词汇和方法 2根据自己的学习体会,总结你认为比较有效的学习方法 3小组讨论各自的学习情况,重点是上学期以前的学习情况完成任务所需的语言结构; By the end of last term, I had learned English(for)/I had remembered learn English by watching / listening to, study grammar, study with a group, improve speaking skill, make mistakes.Sample 6 我们最得意的事情 人的一生中有很多事情是值得回味的,请回忆在你的学习和生活中有哪些事是令人难忘的。操作建议: 1完成句子 2组内介绍 3全班汇报完成任务所需的语言结构: By the time I was five. I had. When I was eight. I knew / realized /

      8、. I am good at drawing. When I was seven, I had started learning to draw. By the time I was ten, I had already won the first medal. I was very proud. In our group Zhang Li is the best table tennis player. He had started learning when he was六、注释及补充材料 1过去完成时态的用法 1)表示过去的过去,通常由when或by引导短语或从句做时间状语或时间状语从句。 Eg: By the end of last year, I had learned English for three years. By the time he was twenty, he had won about ten medals. When I got there, they had already left. 2)常用在宾语从句中 He told me he has already finished his homework. I realized he had fooled me again. 3)体现在上下文中 I didnt go to the movie yesterday because I had seen it twice. 2oversleep v. 睡过头;睡得过久 He overslept and missed the train. 他睡过头而没有赶上火车。 因为睡觉没有赶上 I overslept my first class. 我睡过了头没有赶上第一节课。 I overslept my appointment. 我睡过了头,误了约会时间 over-还用来表示“在上面,优越”“额外”“过度的”之义。如:adj.: overconfident过度自信的,过于自恃的 overcooked煮得过熟的 overmuch过度的(地) oversize特大号的 overage过老的 over


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