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    • 1、第一卷 选择题(共 60 分)The man rushed to the beach without delay. When he_14_a pebble that felt cold, he threw it into the sea.本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题) ,第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共100 分, 考试用时 90 分钟。He_15_this practice for weeks. Each pebble felt cold, and each pebble was_16_thrown into the sea.第一节:单项填空(共10 小题 :每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从 A 、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空But one morning, he _17_ to take hold of a pebble that felt_18_, unlike the other stones. The man,白处的最佳选项。who had_19_noticed the difference, threw it into the sea. He hadn t

      2、_20_to, but he had formed a h1. Jenny, I think I ll just have some coffee for a change.that can be_21_to break.The coffee I bought yesterday is on the shelf.Any behavior one _22_is strengthened. Repeated often enough, it becomes a(n) _23_. A SpanishA. Change itB. Help yourselfC. Not at allD. Never mindproverb says,“ Habits are first cobwebs蜘蛛网(), then cables ( 钢索 ). ” It works well for_24_habits that first2.The mother opened the door quietly so as not tothe sleeping baby on the bed.trap us like

      3、a cobweb. And if we continue the behavior, the_25_ grows stronger and can be as difficult toA. disturbB. forgetC. confuseD. defendbreak as a steel cable. _26_ some habits can work in our _27_, such as patterns of our lives, positive3.Peter has been preparing carefully for his Maths examination so that he could be sure of passing it at his firstattitudes and healthy ways of thinking. We form our habits, then our habits form us_28_._When it_29_ habits, practice may not make perfect. But practice w

      4、illcertainly make permanent. SoA. desireB. intentionC. purposeD. attemptform the habits you want and let them _30_you into the person you want to be.4.After class I took my deskmate s schoolbag by mistake, for it _mine.A. is resembled toB. has connected withC. is the sameD. is similar to11.A. trickedB. informedC. introducedD. traced5.He is determined to practice the piano dailyhe can make rapid progress.12.A. look onB. cut intoC. knock downD. pick upA. ever sinceB. in caseC. so thatD. rather tha

      5、n13.A. madeB. foundC. controlledD. offered6.With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.14.A .knewB. showedC. graspedD. grabbedA. being settledB. to settleC. settlingD. settled15.A. decidedB. stoppedC. requiredD. continued7.It is common that train tickets are not easily _during public holidays at present.16.A. immediatelyB. frequentlyC. greatlyD. happilyA. temporaryB. permanentC. traditionalD. available17.A. triedB. decidedC. hopedD. happened8.It is more

      6、 convenient for us to cross the river now because a bridgeover it last year.18.A. smoothB. roughC. warmD. coldA. was builtB. has builtC. is builtD. is building19.A. commonlyB. necessarilyC. hardlyD. quickly9.The thief _into the house when no one _.20.A. designedB. determinedC. failedD. meantA. slipped; was lookingB. slipped; had lookedC. had slipped; looked D. was slipping; looked21.A. hardB. easyC. likelyD. sure10. I wonder if you could do me a favor and give this message to Mr. Johnson.22.A .f

      7、orgetsB. showsC. adjustsD. repeats. I Il do it right away.23.A. addictionB. instructionC. habitD. regretA. It dependsB. Go aheadC. No wayD. No problem24.A. annoyingB. oldC. influentialD. bad25.A. lineB. webC. spiritD. feeling第二节 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分 20 分)26.A. ThenB. ThusC. ButD. BecauseThe story of the touchstone( 试金石 ) tells of a man who was told that if he could find the touchstone, its magical27.A. favorB. memoryC. honorD. wishpowers could give him anything he wanted. It could be found, he

      8、was_11_among the pebbles (卵石 ) of a28.A. in forceB. in additionC. in returnD. in vainbeach. All he need to do is _12_a stone. If it feels warm, the magical touchstone is _13_.29.A. leads toB. comes toC. belongs toD. points to30.A. adjustB. formC. transferD. shape第二部分阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)AEinstein was not only the outstanding scientist of the 20th century, but also a gifted and enthusiasticmusician. He once said that had he not been a scientist, he would have been a musician.music is unthinkable for me,” he said.“ I live my daydreamsgetmostinmusicjoyin. Ilife out of music.33. After discovering the joys of Mozart A. began


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