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    • 1、Chapter 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing CommunicationsGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice 1.Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also _ with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. a. attract b. reach c. relate to d.advertise to municateAnswer: ePage: 535 Level of difficulty: Easy2.Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to _, persuade, and r

      2、emind consumers about the product and brands that they sell. a.informb.reachc. attractd.interest e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 536 Level of difficulty: Easy 3. Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in memory and _ a brand image. a.create municate c.create demandd.craftinge.introducing Answer: dPage: 536 Level of difficulty: Medium4.The marketing communications mix consists of six major modes of communications. Which of the following is NOT one of

      3、these modes? a.Personal selling b.Direct marketing c. Sales promotionsd. Packaginge. AdvertisingAnswer: dPage: 536Level of difficulty: Hard5.Every _ delivers an impression that can strengthen or weaken a customers view of the company. a.brand equity b.brand contact c.salesman d.featured ad e. direct mail pieceAnswer: bPage: 537Level of difficulty: Medium6.Brand equity is composed of four elements. Which of the following is NOT one of these elements? a.Brand performance b.Brand awarenessc.Brand i

      4、maged.Brand responsese.Brand relationships Answer: aPage 537Level of difficulty: Hard7.The starting point in planning marketing communications is an audit of all the potential _ that customers in the target market may have with the brand and the company. a.consumers b.interestsc.interactionsd. usagese.exposuresAnswer: cPage 538Level of difficulty: Hard8. Marketers need to assess which experiences and impressions will have the most influence at each _ of the buying process.a. stageb. levelc.consu

      5、mer d.step e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 538 Level of difficulty: Medium9.Brand awareness is a function of the number of brand-related exposures and experiences. Anything that causes the consumer to notice and pay attention to the brand can _ brand awareness. a. decreaseb.increase c.effectd.affecte.influence Answer: bPage: 539 Level of difficulty: Easy10.The macromodel of effective communications contains nine elements. Two elements represent the major parties in a communication. These two

      6、parties are called _ and _.a.sender/subject b.beginner/receiver c.receiver/starterd. initiator/receiver e.sender/receiver Answer: ePage: 539Level of difficulty: Medium11. According to the macromodel of communication, the four major communication functions are decoding, response, feedback, and _.a.message b.encodingc.responsed.feedbacke. noiseAnswer: bPage: 539 Level of difficulty: Easy12. In communicating, selective attention, selective distortion, and _ come into play. a.selective listening b.n

      7、oisec. selective retentiond.selective hearing e.selective interestAnswer: cPage: 540Level of difficulty: Hard13. In micromodels of marketing communications the four classic response hierarchy models includes all of the following EXCEPT _. a. communications model b.innovation-adoptionc.hierarchy-of-effectsd.AIDA e.BAMT Answer: ePage: 540Level of difficulty: Medium14. The eight steps in developing effective communications starts with the basics: identifying the target audience, determining the obj

      8、ectives, designing the communications, _ , and establishing the budget. a. selecting the advertising copy b. managing the processc.choosing the media mixd.selecting the channels e.measuring resultsAnswer: dPage: 541Level of difficulty: Medium15.A major part of audience analysis is assessing the current image of the company, its product, and its _.a.reputation petitors c.marketsd. userse.management Answer: bPage: 542Level of difficulty: Easy16._ is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person hold regarding an object. a. Brand b. Product c. Image d. Concept e. Idea Answer: cPage: 542Level of difficulty: Medium 17.Formulating the communications to achieve the desired response will require solving three problems: message strategy, creative strategy, and _. a.market specific adver


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