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  • 卖家[上传人]:枫**
  • 文档编号:425430956
  • 上传时间:2023-06-20
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    • 1、自1959年建成以来,北野建设的前长野总部经历了由吉村纯三设计的一系列扩建,以适应公司业务的扩展,但该建筑的部分已严重恶化,迫切需要一个重建计划。Since its construction in 1959, Kitano Constructions former Nagano headquarters has undergone a series of expansions designed by Junzo Yoshimura to accommodate the expansion of the companys business, but parts of the building had deteriorated significantly and a reconstruction plan was urgently needed.为了最大限度地提高标准建筑面积,新总部大楼与旧建筑旋转了90,天际线比例放宽了道路和相邻土地的对角线限制。为了最大限度地减少外部体量,建筑在北侧的道路上后退了8米,在该区域创造了一个开放的空间,并更新了该城市区域的城市景观。白色花岗岩和独特的浅灰色

      2、条纹图案贯穿整个外部,创造了与建筑形成对比的设计。In order to maximize the standard floor area, the new headquarters building was rotated 90 from the old building, with the skyline ratio relaxed against the diagonal restrictions of the road and adjacent land. In order to minimize the external volume, the building was set back 8 meters from the road on the north side, creating an open space in the area and renewing the urban landscape of this urban district. White granite with a distinctive light gray stripe pattern was

      3、used throughout the exterior, creating a design that contrasts with the building.除了对周围社区的贡献,该建筑的地震隔离结构被作为灾难发生时的BCP(业务连续性计划)措施,这是另一个需要解决的问题。该结构减轻了上部钢架的重量,实现了约13米的无柱空间。此外,利用自然能源的环境设施,如地热水辐射空调系统和太阳能电池板,已被积极引入。In addition to the contribution to the surrounding community, the buildings seismic isolation structure was adopted as a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) measure in the event of a disaster, which was another issue to be addressed. This structure has reduced the weight of the upper steel frame an

      4、d realized a column-free space of approximately 13 meters. In addition, environmental facilities utilizing natural energy, such as a geothermal water radiant air conditioning system and solar panels, have been proactively introduced.由吉村淳三设计的现有茶道室 Kan-un-an 被重新安置在新总部大楼的9层。手盆和台阶石的重新定位、露水通道的黑色石膏墙、以及土质地板和天花板照明的设计都经过精心设计,以满足法律要求,同时不影响茶道室的精神性。一些室内设计元素,如入口大厅和接待室,是与丹麦诺姆建筑事务所合作完成的。The existing tea ceremony room Kan-un-an designed by Junzo Yoshimura was relocated to the 9th floor of the new headquarters building. The repositioning of the hand basin and stepping stones, the black plaster walls of the dew path, and the design of the earthen floor and ceiling lighting were carefully designed to meet the legalrequirements while not compromising the spirituality of the tea ceremony room. Some of the interior design elements, such as the entrance hall and reception room, were a collaboration with the Danish Norm Architects.平面图剖面图细部节点建筑师:Atsushi Kitagawara Architects地点:日本面积:7001 m2年份:2021


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