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(江苏专用)新高考英语一轮复习 课时提能练15-16 牛津译林-牛津高三英语试题

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    • 1、课时提能练15-16课时提能练(十五)Book 3Unit 2Language课时作业A:基础层面.单句语法填空1Its not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.2Occupying(occupy) herself with routine tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.3He rose from his seat and answered the question raised (raise) by the teacher.4All of a sudden,he stood directly,representing(represent) his ideas to the people present at the meeting.5We listened to the news with a mixture (mix) of surprise and horror.语境语法填空English has many difficult rules

      2、 1.that/which confuse people.Before the middle of the 5th century,people in Britain all spoke Celtic.Then two 2.Germanic (German) groups from the European mainland and the Vikings from Northern European countries 3.invaded(invade) Britain.They brought with them their languages,4.which are also mixed with Old English.By the 10th century,Old English 5.had_become(become) the official language of England.6.After the Normans conquered England,French was spoken in this country together with English,7.

      3、resulting(result) in even more words with similar meanings.Modern English includes many Latin and Greek words.8.Pronunciation (pronounce) also went through huge changes.9.It is certain that this process will continue,and people will keep 10.inventing (invent) new words and new ways of saying things.完成句子1据我所知,该风俗为中国独有。As far as I know,this custom is_unique_to_China.2有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。Some people waste food while_others_dont_have_enough.3是你们的而不是我们的决定使他卷入这个事件中。It was your decision rather than ours

      4、that led_to/contributed_to his being involved in the matter.4在课堂上,老师永远不会被电脑取代。Teachers will never be_replaced_by_computers in the classroom.5科学研究对人类非常有益。Scientific research is_of_great_benefit/very_beneficial_to mankind.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解A(2019陕西省部分学校摸底检测)Scientists are preparing to launch the worlds first machine to clean up the planets largest mass of ocean plastic.The experts believe the machine should be able to collect half of the detritus in the patchabout 40,000 metric tonswithin five years.

      5、In the past few weeks they have been busy welding together giant tubes that will sit on the surface of the sea and form the skeleton of the machine,creating the largest floating barrier ever made.The system,originally dreamt up by Mr.Slat,will be shipped out this summer to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch,between Hawaii and California,which contains estimated 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic.It will be the first ever attempt to tackle the patch since it was discovered in 1997.Mr.Slat was 16 and sti

      6、ll at school when he was diving in Greece and first saw for himself the amount of plastic polluting the sea.“There were more bags than fish down there,” he recalls.Two years later he came up with a solution,quit university after six months and set up The Ocean Cleanup as a company.Mr.Slat says the first plastic to arrive on shore will be a major milestone.“We as humanity created this problem,so I think its also our responsibility to help solve it,” he says.The Great Pacific Garbage Patch(GPGP) c

      7、overs an area of 1.6 million square kilometers and contains at least 79,000 tons of plastic,research found last month.Most of it is made up of “ghost gear” parts of abandoned and lost fishing gear,such as nets and ropesoften from illegal fishing vessels.Ghost gear kills more than 100,000 whales,dolphins and seals each year,according to scientific surveys.Seabirds and other marine life are increasingly being found dead with stomachs full of small pieces of plastic.Creatures eat plastic discarded

      8、in the sea thinking its food but then starve to death because they are not feeding properly.Others are trapped and die of starvation or are strangled or suffocated by ghost gear.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了世界首个海洋垃圾清扫机的发明。1What does the underlined word in the second paragraph probably mean?AWaste.BOcean.CSystem.DMachine.A词义猜测题。根据第二段画线词前的“collect half of”和第四段第一句中的“first saw for himself the amount of plastic polluting the sea”和第五段最后一句中的“parts of abandoned and lost fishing gear,such as nets and ropesoften f

      9、rom illegal fishing vessels”可推知,画线词的意思是“垃圾”。故选A。2Which one makes up most of the garbage in Pacific from the passage?AFishing vessels.BDolphins and seals.CGiant tubes.DAbandoned fishing gear.D细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“Most of it is made up of ghost gearparts of abandoned and lost fishing gear,such as nets and ropesoften from illegal fishing vessels”可知,太平洋里的大部分垃圾是由废弃的钓鱼用具组成的。3Why do some creatures in The Great Pacific Garbage Patch die of starvation?ABecause they are killed by ghost gear.BBecause they are suffocated by ghost gear.CBecause they dont like eating plastic.DBecause they are not feeding properly.D细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句中的“but then starve to death because they are not feeding properly”可知,大太平洋垃圾带的一些生物死于饥饿是因为它们不能真正地进食。4What is the main idea of the passage?AA report about the death of marine life.BNews abo

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