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    • 1、 2021年上半年教师资格考试英语学科(高中)真题 1.【单项选择题】Which of the following English phonemes has more than one allophone based on its position in a word?A./wi B.lj/C./mi D./2.【单项选择题】What is the right pronunciation of the word permit when it is used as a noun?A.pomit B.pomrt C.po:mrt D.pa:mit 3.【单项选择题】Astronomer Heidi Hammer,a proponent of science education,conveys a passion for planetary science that her fascinated audience find_ A.equivocal B.archaic C.timid D.infectious 4.【单项选择题】The discoveries made by Nobel Pr

      2、izewinning geneticist Barbars McClintock are considered to be among the major_of 20th century biology science.A.proposals B.elaborations C.accomplishments D.deliberations 5.【单项选择题】Hoping to preserve natural habitats,conservationists lobbied for legislation that would_ commercial development in these areas.A.accommodate B.diversify C.promote D.arrest 6.【单项选择题】The ethical judgments of the court become an important issue and the court cannot maintain its guardian of the law_justice behaves like pol

      3、iticians.A.when B.lest C.before D.unless 7.【单项选择题】For whatever_,don t be late again,or our work will be lagging far behind others.A.any reasons B.a reason C.reason D.the reason 8.【单项选择题】Little is known of Oliver s childhood,_ at the factory at the early age of eight.A.suppose that he worked B.provided that he worked C.providing that he worked D.save that he began to work 9.【单项选择题】ln a sequence of two related utterances by two speakers,the second utteranceis always a response to the first.This is

      4、 known as A.pair work B.pair practice C.adjacency pairs D.minimal pairs 10.【单项选择题】Which of the following involves progressive assimilation in connected speech?A.ags.B.lssue.C.One cup.D.One cup.11.【单项选择题】Problem solving activities,role play,information gap,etc.are typical classroomactivities of_.A.the Direct Method B.the Direct Method C.the Audiolingual Method D.ommunicative Language Teaching 12.【单项选择题】The ultimate goal of middle school English teaching and learning is to _.A.enhance certain basi

      5、c language knowledge B.develop integrative abilities in language use C.develop integrative abilities in language use D.foster listening,speaking,reading and writing skills 13.【单项选择题】When a teacher says,Is this sentence right?,he/she may be doing all of thefollowing EXCEPT_.A.giving students feedback B.eliciting studentsresponses C.inviting students judgments D.correcting a mistake explicitly 14.【单项选择题】ln a process-based writing class,after students have finished drafting,their teacher would most

      6、 probably have them A.edit their draft B.do brainstorming on the topic C.analyze the topic D.learn useful words and expression 15.【单项选择题】Which of the following activities is NOT appropriate for developing studentsawareness of discourse coherence?A.Which of the following activities is NOT appropriate for developing studentsawareness of discourse coherence?B.Underlining the topics sentence of e C.hanging sentences from active forms into passive ones.D.rranging all the sentences to produce a meanin

      7、gful passage 16.【单项选择题】ln English teaching,such mechanicalactivities as_may be helpful for teaching particular structures,but they should not be overused.A.transformation and role play B.translation and word-matching C.gap-filling and topic discussion D.memorization and pattern drilling 17.【单项选择题】Which of the following is most effective for a teacher when students do not understand how to do an activity that he/shehas described?A.emonstrating how to do it B.sking students to talk freely C.Encour

      8、aging students to share theirideas D.Walking around the classroom and answering questions 18.【单项选择题】Which of the following activities hasa focus on grammar?A.Read a story and act it out in group B.Read a story and answer comprehen C.Read a story and underline the mostdifficult sentences.D.Read a story and analyze how past events are described.19.【单项选择题】Which of the following should be discouraged concerning the use of internet resources?A.Teachers depend on internet resources for teaching materi

      9、als.B.Teachers use internet resources to s C.Teachers adapt internet resources before using them for language input.D.Teachers select internet resources according to their teaching purpose.20.【单项选择题】David took a test and his score wasat the top 10 percent in his class.This is aninterpretation of the result of a_ test.A.diagnostic B.formative C.norm-referenced D.criterion-referenced 21.【单项选择题】“The age of melancholyis how psychologist Daniel Goleman describes our age.People today experience more d

      10、epression than previousgenerations,despite the technological wonders that help us every day.It might be because of them.Our lifestyles are increasingly driven by technology.Phones,computers and the Internet pervadeour days.There is a constant,nagging need to check for texts and emails.to update Facebook,MySpace and Linkedln profiles,to acquire the latestnotebook or cellphone.Are we being served by these technological wonders or have we become enslaved by them?l studythe psychology of technology,


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