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    • 1、考研英语一陕西省榆林市靖边县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was the first time in four years that my daughter Kate had been able to have a face-to-face chat with her Chinese grandfather through WeChat. Her grandfather 1 showed us his apples. Kate eagerly asked when she could eat them. Since her birth, we cant 2 time to take her back to China. Year after year, her gran

      2、dfather would save us a box of the 3 apples just in case we visited. They were kept in the cold store 4 and they must have been sweet. I vividly remember my first 5 of an apple picked straight from the tree.A few weeks after the 6 , when new blossoms(花) began to appear on the trees, an idea 7 Kates grandfather. If we couldnt take our 8 back this year, he would take the apples to us. He 9 the ladder(梯子), carefully examining blossoms. Those that 10 his examination were picked off the trees. When t

      3、he blossoms 11 small apples, he covered each apple with a special 12 consisting of three layers, which would 13 the young apples from brown spots and also help them 14 an even coloring. Several weeks passed and the apples were almost ready. He spent days 15 the outer layers of the bags. The inner red layers remained. If they were removed too early, the fruits would be damaged by the sunlight. Once they adapted to the 16 , he removed the final layers.From his 17 , he still kept one box of his fin

      4、est apples but this time he was 18 to deliver them himself. 19 for his passport and visa approved, he delicately 20 his 2-kilogram bag of best apples and headed for Scotland.1、Acarefully Bproudly Csecretly Dbriefly2、Adevote Bcost Cspend Dafford3、Abiggest Bsourest Cripest Dfinest4、Awaiting Bexpecting Cgrowing Dworking5、Atouch Bsight Cbite Dpurchase6、Ainterview Bdiscussion Cchat Dappointment7、Aamused Boccurred to Ccrossed Dappealed to8、Afather Bmother Cson Ddaughter9、Aclimbed Bdesigned Cmade Dfixe

      5、d10、Aescaped Bpassed Cfailed Dlost11、Aburst into Bgave out Cgrew into Dlet out12、Apaper Bbag Csheet Dpackage13、Aprotect Bdiscourage Chide Dcover14、Awin Bachieve Cacknowledge Dundertake15、Asticking Bapplying Ccarrying Dremoving16、Asun Bweather Cclimate Dair17、Atree Bharvest Cexperiment Dproduct18、Aaccustomed Badvised Cengaged Ddetermined19、AInstructions BRecreations CApplications DReservations20、Apacked Bfilled Cemptied DdeliveredSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following

      6、 four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Donald Trump was born in Queens, a borough of New York City. He was the fourth child. He had two brothers and two sisters. By his own telling, young Donald often created trouble in school. So when he was 13 years old, his parents sent him to a military-style school.Trump went on to college first at Fordham University in New York, and then at the University of Pennsy

      7、lvania. He earned a degree in economics. He was also already investing in real estate. After he graduated, Trump quickly returned to New York City and his career.In time, he became the head of the family business. He re-named it the Trump Organization. As its president, Trump developed and put his name on luxury buildings, casinos, hotels, and golf courses around the world. Later, he became linked to the entertainment industry, too. He became a part owner of beauty pageants, hosted a television

      8、show, and wrote a book about how to succeed in business.During these years, Trump also married three times and divorced twice. The media wrote especially about his first and second marriages because he openly had a relationship with his second wife while he was married to his first. In 2005, he married Melania Knauss, a former model from Slovenia. She is only the second first lady who was not born in the United States. The first was Louisa Adams, who came from Britain in 1801.But, until he offic

      9、ially entered the 2016 campaign as a Republican candidate, few linked him to politics.Trump is unusual among past presidents because he had never worked in the government before. Nor has Trump served in the military. Only Presidents Taylor, Grant, andEisenhower had no previous government experience; however, they had all been generals.Trump is the oldest person ever to take office. He was 70 years old when he was sworn in.He is also one of therichest.And Trump is unusual in how he communicates with the public. As president, he co


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