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    • 1、考研英语一许昌市鄢陵县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Mr.Bard is the manager at his familys shoe company.He really 1 competence in his workers.He always tells the 2 and hard-working employees that he is 3 of them.But Mr.Bard does not only show his appreciation through words.The most competent workers are also paid 4 .Mr.Bard thinks when an 5 works harder and produces

      2、higher quality shoes,the company earns more money. 6 ,the employee should also earn more.But many of the less competent workers 7 .“We are equal,”they protest(抗议). “We do the same job,so we should get the 8 pay!”He is a kind man,but he is also 9 .If he keeps hiring the less competent workers,the whole company will 10 , and perhaps all employees will lose their jobs.It will also be bad for his family and for the company is 11 .To 12 the situation,Mr.Bard creates evening workshops(工作坊)to help 13 t

      3、he employees who are not working at company 14 .They watch the most competent workers,who receive a special bonus for 15 their co-workers,and make lots of notes.They inspect the production line,ask lots of questions,and 16 until they are skilled and 17 .Production at the company 18 ,and the customers are happier with the high 19 shoes!As sales increase, Mr.Bard is able to pay his workers better.And 20 the companys smart pay system,the most competent workers can be highly rewarded.1、Aappreciates

      4、Bdescribes Cabsorbs Dagrees2、Aexcited Bskilled Cborn Dconsiderate3、Aworried Bconfused Cproud Dpainful4、Aworse Bless Cdegree Dmore5、Aemployer Bemployee Cdegree Dguarantee6、AHowever BOn the contrary CIn other words DTherefore7、Adisagreed Bdisliked Cdisappeared Ddiscouraged8、Ahigh Bsame Clow Ddistant9、Asilly Blikely Cwise Dsimple10、Aselect Bshake Csuffer Dscold11、Adrivers Bteachers Ccooks Dcustomers12、Aimprove Bput up Cpostpone Dcome up13、Aforget Bsell Ctrain Dharm14、Astandards Blimits Cborders Dpa

      5、tience15、Apicking Bteaching Ctolerating Dweighing16、Awarn Bsneeze Csob Dpractice17、Aproductive Baffected Cstrict Dstraight18、Agoes down Bgoes away Cgoes against Dgoes up19、Aquantity Bability Cquality Dequality20、Aregardless of Bthanks to Cinstead of Din spite ofSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Teary-Eyed Stories from StrangersThe Ma

      6、n at the MarketWhen the supermarket clerk summed up my groceries, it was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please dont put yourself out,” I told him.“Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in hospital with cancer. I visit her every day and bring her flowers. I went this morning, and she got mad at me for spending my money on more flowers. She demanded that I do something else with that money. So, here, please a

      7、ccept this. It is my mothers flowers.”A Familys Food AngelSince my mother lost her job, our family troubled new worries: no income, the same bills, and no way to afford groceries. It was around this time that she started finding boxes of food outside our door every morning. This went on for months, until she was able to land a job. We never did find out who it was and who left the groceries for us, but they truly saved our lives.Seven Miles For MeLeaving a store, I returned to my car only to fin

      8、d that Id locked my keys and cell phone inside. A teenager riding his bike saw me kick a tire and say a few choice words. “Whats wrong?” he asked.I explained my situation. “But even if I could call my wife,” I said, “she cant bring me her car key, since this is our only car.” He handed me his cell phone. “Call your wife and tell her Im coming to get her key.”“Thats seven miles round trip.”“Dont worry about it.”An hour later, he returned with the key. I offered him some money, but he refused. “Le

      9、ts just say I needed the exercise,” he said. Then, like a cowboy in the movies, he rode off into the sunset.Breaking BreadLast December, before work, I stopped at a deli (熟食店) and ordered an everything bagel with cream cheese. It was toasty warm, and I couldnt wait to dig in. But as I left the store, I noticed an older indigent gentleman sitting at the bus stop. Knowing it would probably be his only warm meal of the day, I gave him the bagel.But all was not lost for me. Another customer from the deli offered me half of her bagel. I was so


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