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模拟题库及答案下载银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模拟题库及答案下载银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自我提分评估自我提分评估(附答案附答案)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、经济成本和经济利润具有以下特征()。A.前者比会计成本小,后者比会计利润大 B.两者都比相应的会计成本和会计利润大 C.前者比会计成本大,后者比会计利润小 D.两者都比相应的会计成本和会计利润小【答案】C 2、“谷贱伤农”经济现象的根源在于:农产品的需求价格弹性()。A.小于 1 B.大于 1 C.等于 1 D.为 0【答案】A 3、下列句子排序最为连贯的一项是()。A.(3)(2)(5)(6)(1)(4)B.(3)(5)(2)(1)(4)(6)C.(2)(5)(3)(6)(1)(4)D.(2)(3)(1)(5)(4)(6)【答案】C 4、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.A.looking over a wide area B.seeing objects far away C.judging distances D.seeing at night【答案】C 5、Maltreated infants and young children are substantially more likely than older maltreated children to be seriously harmed or killed as a result of_or neglect。A.abandon B.misuse C.abuse D.curse【答案】A 6、多媒体的应用领域十分广阔,包括()。A.教育和培训 B.家庭娱乐、休闲 C.商业和服务行业 D.以上三项都包括【答案】D 7、Ninety-four studies were deleted because they did not A.make B.meet C.put D.keep【答案】B 8、“马力”一词表示的是()。A.是一个动力单位 B.表示一匹马的能量 C.表示一匹马的速度 D.表示发动机的功率【答案】D 9、Educating patients about receiving surgical procedures is becoming an important issue,_it can reduce anxiety and uncertainty while helping to hasten decisions for undergoing time sensitive surgeries.A.therefore B.as C.if D.however【答案】B 10、What this is telling us is that we need to first establish a middle class that is able to hold the government _.A.account B.accounted C.accounting D.accountable【答案】D 11、The doctor hit me just below the knee to test my _.A.influxes B.inflows C.flexes D.reflexes【答案】D 12、资料:Global business travel topped$1.2 trillion and is expected to reach$1.6 trillion by 2020,according to new research by the Global Business Travel Association(GBTA),an association representing the interests of corporate travel managers.Whats more China has now surpassed the U.S.as the largest business travel market in the world,ringing up$291 billion last year.A.Immigration Rules B.Straight line upwards in world economy C.US presidential election D.Weakening global economy【答案】B 13、Passage 2 A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles C.It was warmly received by environmentalists D.It caused a big stir in developing countries【答案】A 14、角楼位于故官城墙的转角,共有 4 座。史料及考古资料表明,我国多个朝代的宫城城墙上均建有角楼。如先秦古籍考工记的“匠人营国”部分就规定了城墙角楼的高度为“七雉(约 16.7 米);东周时期军事家墨翟所著墨子,其中的备城门备蛾傅等部分都记载了在城墙的拐角处修建防护建筑、其样式必定是重楼形式的军事防御规定。A.说明故宫角楼的来历 B.说明角楼并非是古代宫城所必须的建筑 C.介绍故宫角楼的功能 D.介绍角楼源于军事防御的需要而兴建【答案】D 15、中国证监会根据国务院的授权,依法对()实施监督管理。A.证券业 B.信托业 C.基金业 D.租赁业【答案】A 16、资料:In a survey,people were asked to choose between treatments to save 600 people from dying a disease.A.The participants B.The wording C.The background D.The contents【答案】B 17、Passage 8 A.several time throughout the year B.as quickly as possible C.occasionally when necessary D.regularly every winter【答案】D 18、Exce1 中,将两个字符串连接起来的运算符是()。A.$B.+C.D.一【答案】C 19、123,628,235,347,279,()A.567 B.246 C.389 D.893【答案】B 20、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the worlds largest commercial plane maker.A.Remained optimistic B.Remained steady C.Successfully avoided deep trouble D.Ran very fast【答案】C 21、Luckily,the bullet narrow missed the captain()an inch.A.by B.at C.to D.from【答案】A 22、微型计算机中,ROM 的中文含义是()。A.随机存储器 B.只读存储器 C.高速缓冲存储器 D.可编程只读存储器【答案】B 23、资料:What,if anything,do we gain by clinging to our antioxidant supplements?A.It is good for muscle cramps B.It is good for macular degeneration C.It goes well with trauma D.It makes human body stronger【答案】D 24、在短期内,垄断厂商无法改变固定要素投入量,而是通过在既定的生产规模下通过对产量和价格的调整,来实现()的利润最大化。A.边际利润等于长期边际成本 B.边际利润等于长期平均成本 C.边际利润等于短期边际成本 D.边际利润等于短期平均成本【答案】C 25、流动资产是指可以在()变现或耗用的资产,包括现金和各种存款、短期投资、应收及预收款项、存货。A.一年内 B.一年或超过一年的一个营业周期内 C.一个营业周期内 D.一年或超过一年的一个营业周期以上【答案】B 26、亚当*斯密的公平理论中公平比较对象不包括()A.自我内部 B.自我外部 C.别人内部 D.内部外部【答案】D 27、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in Midtown A.Laptop B.Mobile phone C.Radio D.Printer【答案】C 28、()是指企业对外提供的反映企业某一特定日期财务状况和某一会计期间经营成果、现金流量情况的书面文件。A.资产负债表 B.利润表 C.会计报表附注 D.财务会计报告【答案】D 29、Passage 1 A.indifferent B.impartial C.sarcastic D.pessimistic【答案】B 30、2012 年 5 月 10 日,期货市场首个上市新品种:白银期货正式挂牌交易,这意味着国 内市场上市了第()个贵金属期货交易品种。A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四【答案】B 31、Well be very careful and keep what youve told us strictly()。A.rigorous B.private C.confidential D.mysterious【答案】C 32、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means of safeguarding cash and preventing fraud.Although internal control is an important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud,this is only a part of its roles.Remember that business decisions are based on accounting data and the system of internal control provides assurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in making decisions.A.person is required to keep the custody of asset as well as accounting records B.person is required to order merchandise and supplies and to receive them as well C.person is required to handle cash and another one to maintain accounting records D.traveling salesperson is required to present reports showing the number of calls made on c
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