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专题03 电影《长津湖》 -高中英语拓展阅读—外刊时文语法填空

  • 卖家[上传人]:爱穿****定定
  • 文档编号:209740376
  • 上传时间:2021-11-11
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    • 1、高中英语 拓展阅读 外刊时文语法填空 03电影长津湖(一)外刊时文语法填空 The war epicThe Battle at Lake Changjin, one of the most expensive films ever made in China, shot to the top of the week long National Day holiday box office, 01 promoting (promote)the domestic market to recover after an unsatisfying box office for more than two months. Set in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953) and headlined by Wu Jing and Jackson Yee, the film 02 tells (tell)the story of the Chinese Peoples Volunteers soldiers fightin

      2、g bravely under freezing temperatures in a key campaign at Lake Changjin, or Chosin Reservoir. With 03 the number of cast and crew reaching an unprecedented(史无前例的)scale of more than 12,000, the movie re-creates the serious conflict on the Korean Peninsula amid the extremely cold winter of 1950, 04 when temperatures decreased to the lowest level in 50 years. The movies production involved more than 80 visual-effects companies 05 domestically (domestic) and abroad, with the script revised 37 times

      3、. Breaking over 10 records, including single-day income for a film, the blockbuster(大片) 06 has earned around 2 billion yuan ($310 million) since its opening on Sept 30. It accounted 07 for around 75 percent of total holiday receipts, 08 which had reached 2.67 billion yuan as of Monday, according to the movie information tracker Beacon.The film has also gained millions of reviews and clicks on several of the countrys most popular social media platforms, including Sina Weibo and Douyin, with most

      4、commenters 09 praising (praise)the heart-breaking tale and saying it stirred their national pride, making them want to pay tribute to the CPV heroes who sacrificed their lives. Some netizens said the film reminds them, amid the current China-US tension, to cherish todays 10 peaceful (peace) life. 史诗shoot 快速移动 promote prmt 促进,促销,使升职 domestic dmestk 国内的,家养的 recover rband 恢复 box office 票房be set in 以为背景 resist rzst 抵抗 aggression gren入侵 headline 头条,领衔主演campaign kmpen运动,战役

      5、 cast 投掷,演员表 scale 规模 reservoir rezrvwr /rezvw水库conflict knflkt冲突 level 程度Peninsula pnnsjl 半岛 visual-effects 视觉效果 script skrpt 脚本involve nvlv包括,涉及,使参与 revise 修改 receipt rst 收据,收入account for 占,是的原因 tracker 追踪者; 跟踪者 review 评论 click 点击 tale 传说 stir 搅动,引起 tribute trbjut敬意 sacrifice skrfas 牺牲 netizen /ne.t.zn/ 网民 current krnt 现在的 tension 紧张 cherish ter 珍惜amid 在之中【Vocabulary】: (二)答案及解析: 01 promoting (promote)句子谓语动词是shot,因此这里promote(促进,促销,使升职)只能使用非谓语动词,与前边的句子主语The war epicThe Battle形成主动关系;02 tells :对电影

      6、的描述应使用一般现在时态,而对电影故事内容的描述则一般使用一般过去时态;03 the :这里表演职人员的数量达到了史无前例的12,000的规模,所以使用the。注意区别:a number of 表“许多”,而the number of表“的数量”;04 when :本句主干谓语动词是re-creates ,而从本空后边的主谓结构“temperatures decreased to”可以判断,本空应填从句连词,结合从句主体部分(不缺主宾)和前边的先行词(the extremely cold winter of 1950),本空应填关系副词when;05 domestically :考察了其副词形式,与abroad同为副词;06 has earned :根据后边的时间状语since,本空应填earn的现在完成时态;07 for :accountfor为固定词组,“占.”; 08 which :考查非限定性定语从句;09 praising :考查with的复合结构。这里praise与commenters形成主动关系;10 peaceful :考查其形容词。 (三)长难句分析: 3.1 The

      7、 war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, one of the most expensive films ever made in China, shot to the top of the week long National Day holiday box office, 【promoting 主语 谓语 状语1 【状语2】the domestic market to recover after an unsatisfying box office for more than two months】. 句式解析:本句是一个简单句。其基本结构为“主谓状+非谓(状)”的结构,其主要特点是主语较长,为主语+同位语的结构;同时promoting引导的非谓语分词短语作结果状语,补充说明了长津湖这部影片对国内票房复苏所起到的作用。 句子翻译:战争史诗长津湖之战是中国有史以来最昂贵的电影之一,在长达一周的国庆长假票房中快速上升至首位,推动国内市场在低迷了两个多月之后复苏。 高考核心词精讲(一):shoot, promote,recover 1shootv.(s

      8、hot-shot)射击,射杀;拍摄;射门,投篮He shot the arrow from the bow at the target.他拉弓对准靶把箭射了出去。2The police shot (shoot)one suspect when he pulled a gun on them 警方击毙一名对他们拔枪的嫌疑人。3The movie was shot in New Zealand.这部电影是在新西兰拍摄的。2The basketball player shot the last goal.那位篮球运动员投进了最后一球。3n.嫩枝;新芽The rose is putting out new shoots.玫瑰正抽出新芽。3 shot n.射击,投篮,射门,拍摄,镜头,努力All the soldiers had been ordered to issue clear warnings before firing any shots 命令所有士兵在开枪前都必须明确示警。2We heard some shots in the distance.我们听见远处有几声枪响。3In the

      9、 football match Shaw took a shot at the goal from the halfway line, but missed.在足球比赛中,肖从中场线射门,但没射中。3He didnt think he had much chance of winning, but hed give it a shot.他觉得自已获胜的机会不大,但还是要尝试一下。3promotev.促进,促销,升职Good listening can show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. 认真倾听可以表示尊重,增进理解,并改善人际关系。 2a publicity campaign to promote her new book 为推销她的新书而开展的宣传活动.3While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted, Henry did his best to perform his duty 在等待升迁机会的同时,亨利竭力做好自己的工作。1p

      《专题03 电影《长津湖》 -高中英语拓展阅读—外刊时文语法填空》由会员爱穿****定定分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题03 电影《长津湖》 -高中英语拓展阅读—外刊时文语法填空》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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