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    • 1、2019年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测(一)英语 2019.1第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFantastic Fall Festivals You Wont Want to MissSeymour Apple FestivalAdmission to the Seymour Apple Festival is free and so is the entertainment! More than 15,000 people from all over the region come out to take part in the activities, ranging from drawings, vendor booths, food, apple contests, bike-decorating contests, and more.Marionville Apple FestivalThe popular Marionville

      2、 Apple Festival is home to countless activities and events. The carnival, pony rides, and games will keep the kids busy, while adults will enjoy watching the pie-eating contest and browsing dozens of craft vendor booths.Humansville Fall FestivalThe Humansville Fall Festival may be hosted by a small town, but that doesnt mean its lacking big fun. Perfect for all ages, this fall festival is celebrating its 70th year and will provide three full days of fun. This years festival will feature live mus

      3、ic from fantastic local musicians, which will definitely make it different from the ones in other years. Youll also find fun carnival rides, talented artisans selling their goods, and an amazing parade to wrap up the event on Saturday.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KSouthside Fall FestivalThe Southside Fall Festival is perfect for family celebrations, with an alcohol-free environment and free admission. Enjoy a colorful parade and float contest, delicious food vendors, live music, karaoke, and more.Fall Into Art

      4、s FestivalMake sure to bring the kids along for this festival that celebrates all things creative. The Fall Into Arts Festival features a host of kid-friendly activities like a lego build, sand art, bubble stations, chalk the sidewalk, a jump house, and more. Parents will have plenty to do as well, with an excellent variety of artists, festival food, a mini film festival, and much more.,21. Which festivals are free of charge?A. Southside Fall Festival and Fall Into Arts FestivalB. Seymour Apple

      5、Festival and Southside Fall Festival,C. Humansville Fall Festival and Fall Into Arts FestivalD. Seymour Apple Festival and Marionville Apple Festival.22. What makes Humansville Fall Festival special this year?A. Fun activities on Saturday.B. The duration of the festival.C. The area of the hosting town.D. Musicians live performance.23. Fall Into Arts Festival is specially welcomed by .A. movie loversB. modern artistsC. visitors of all agesD. families with kids BIn a win for literary fiction amid

      6、declining sales, Sally Rooneys novel Normal People has been named Waterstones book of the year in 2018.Rooneys second novel, which follows two young people falling in love in Ireland, has sold 41,000 copies in hardback in the UK since it was released in August-five times the hardback sales of her 2017 debut, Conversations With Friends. At 27, Rooney is now the youngest winner of the award, which is given by the UKs biggest bookshop chain, Waterstones.Normal People received almost universal appla

      7、use upon its release. Longlisted for the Man Booker prize, the book won novel of the year at the An Post Irish book awards in November of2018 and has also been shortlisted for the Costa novel of the year, announced in January of 2019.The reader response to Normal People had been astonishing. As well as the universal praise, it has been a huge word- of-mouth (口头的) hit. Therere customers returning to buy multiple copies as gifts. Normal People strengthened Sally Rooneys reputation as the voice of

      8、her generation and one of the most exciting novelists around today. Its success is a testament to the health of literary fiction and indicates that there is still significant appetite for excellent storytelling.The award, established in 2012, tends to go to books that are already bestsellers near Christmas. It has previously been won by the late American author John Williamss Stoner, the cookbook Polpo by Russell Norman, and last years choice, Philip Pullmans La Belle Sauvage.James Daunt, Waters

      9、tones managing director, said Rooneys win was a sign of the healthy state of literary fiction, which has seen sales decrease over the last decade. We are delighted to name it our book of the year, he said.24. What do we know about the current situation of literary fiction?A. It sells well in Waterstones.B. It doesnt enjoy popularity.C. It mainly tells love stories.D, It is a big winner in 2018.25. What can we infer about Normal People?A. It was Britains most popular book in 2018.B. It won different awards in a lot of countries.C. It received praise soon after it was published.D. It made its author the voice of young people.26. The underlined word testament is closest in meaning to .A. examination B. evidence C. concern D. statement27. What is the main function of Paragraph 5?A. To attract readers attention.


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