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    • 1、初三英语考前辅导 2012.6.10 一、选择填空单项选择内容涉及语法、词法、惯用法、句型、口语交际等诸多方面,题目比较灵活,覆盖面广。单项选择题解题技巧。(1) 题目要看准看全;(2)全面分析题干,冷静思考选项;(3)找准题目的考点,反复比较。可用直接法、排除法、推理法、常识法、反证法解题。但多数题目都源于课本 , 一改过去只考查语法知识的传统。分析起来主要有以下一些特点 :1题目重视语境的创设,解答必须首先吃透语境,把握题干的全部信息,进行合埋的推断,作深层的理解,并从词法、语法和惯用法、搭配等角度全方位考虑。如:例 1:-Would you like some tea? -Yes, I prefer tea _ sugar.Ato Bwith Cthan Dfrom2强调在情景对话场合中考查语言知识,许多题目是由对话构成题材,使语言知识的考查更灵活、更生活化。如:例 2:-When shall we meet again?-Make it _ day you like;its all the same to me.Aone Banother C. some Dany解析 选 D。

      2、这里 make it 是用来约定时间,从下文智 its all the same to me (这对我来说都一样来看,只能选择 D any(任何;任意 )。 3题目命题时注重干扰和迷惑,通过各种手段考查综合运用语言的能力。如: 例 3 The schools in China are different from _.AAmerica schools Bthat of AmericaC. America Dthose in America解析 选 D。考查 比较级要在同类事物之间进行比较 ”和 “替代 ”(the schools 用those 来代替 )。做题时容易受汉语的习惯思维定势的影响误选 C,题目的迷惑性很大。4题目的综合性增强,同时考查两个或两个以上的知识点;有些题目设计了两个或两个以上的空格;有些题目虽然只有一个空格,但涉及多个考点。如:例 4:I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _, I wont go. Awill rain;rains Bwill rain ;will rainCrams; rains Drains ;will ra

      3、in 解析 选 A。这里考查了 if 引导宾语从句和条件状语从句两种不同的用法。前面一句中的 if 引导的是宾语从句,由于主句的时态是现在时态,因此宾语从句根据需要用一般将来时 ,而后一句 if 引导的条件是状语从句,因主句是一般将来时,从句只能用一般现在时。所以做题时要看清题干,注意常用的语法现象,语言环境和习惯用语,常采用择优法,排除法、比较法、运用逻辑推理法、固定结构判断法。在做题的过程中,务必看清句子的干扰项。1冠词:字母(单词)里以元音开头的,如表示一个(件、只)则用“an” an “f (l,m,n,s,x,a,e,i,o,r,h)” an hour an orange an honest boy an eight-year-old boy an eleven-metre-wide river an unusual day字母(单词)中以辅音开头的,如表示一个(件)则用 a “u”a second time (再/又一次) a third chance (又一次机会) a useful book a university a one-eyed cat2名词: the Gre

      4、en family=the Greens (注意谓语动词)classthe elderly/young/old/rich/poor/police/audience e.g. His family are having supper in the dining room now.The Green family has moved to Paris.two months/years20 dollars (表示、数学运算、重量、金钱、距离、时间、数目等复数名10 meters 词或短语做主语看作一整体,注意谓语动词用单数)e.g. Two Months has passed since he came here.the number of a number of (使用谓语动词的区别)几分之几的 百分之几的most of (谓语动词取决于它们后面所跟的主体名词或代词)e.g. 1)Three fifths of the money is mine.2)89% of the students are from cities.3)About two thirds of the earth is

      5、 covered with water.4)A lot of work has been done by her since yesterday.5)Many a boy enjoys playing football in our playground.6)More than one person has been to Beijing.主语为单数,且后面跟有 with, together with, along with, besides, except, like 等,谓语动词用单数e.g. The manager, along with his secretary, is going to the meeting room.The worker and writer and 所连接的指的是同一个人或事物谓语动词用单数 The worker and the writer and 连接的两个单数名词谓语动词用复数名词所有格:Jims two months (two-month) holiday someone elses who elsesTom and Jacks room ea

      6、ch others others Toms and Jacks rooms Its 15 minutes walk. Spend a two-week holiday Its a 15-minute walk. Spend two weeks holiday Its 15 minutes on foot.in a few years (days months weeks) time3代词:注意人称代词的主、宾格、形、名词性物主代词以及不定代词。a) one the other(two three) some othersanotherb) some little few a bitany a little a few a little bita bit of +n.something, nothing anything (可用于肯定句,作“任何东西/ 人”讲)somebody, nobody, anybody e.g. 1) Theres nothing serious with you.2) I have nothing else new to tell you.both neith

      7、er eitherall none each(注:形容词修饰不定代词位置后置,else 修饰疑问代、副词,不定代词位置后置)c) on both sides of the street/river on either side of on each side ofon every side /all sides of the lake/playground/island/classroomon the other side ofnot only but alsod) neithernor eitheror (谓语动词用就近的原则)there bebothand (连接主语时谓语动词用复数)4数词:a) 数词的读法 1, 000, 000, 000billion million thousand一万 ten thousand 一亿 one hundred million 10 亿 1 billionb)数词的表达法 概数 hundreds of thousands of millions of many thousands of确数 three million several hundr

      8、ed(s) of two thousand of the workersc) 分数的表达法:分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于 1,分母的序数词加s,分数后跟名词,谓语动词依据名词形式而定。d)two and a half days=two days and a halfone or two hours expect tp dp sth.5动词 expect sb to do sth.a)同义词辨析 take look for hear hopebring find listen wish(肯、否) must see search sb. rise vi.talk have to look search for sb. raise vt.say arrive in/at steal sth. from search+place+for sb./sth.speak reach rob sb. of sth. search the Internet tell get to grab sth. search the information on the Internetused to do be made of /from return sometimes be used to doing be made in lend some times be used to do be made by borrow sometime be used for doing be made up of keep some time be used bybe used in( )1. What did the teacher _you to_ at the meeting ?A. tell, say B. ask, speak C. tell, speak D. ask, talk ( )2. Do you know who theyre _ about the accident at the school gate?A. talking B. say


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