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    • 1、.词汇 1_ n扩张_v. 使扩张_ adj.可扩张的 2_ adj. 宽容的,容忍的_n. 宽容,容忍 _ v. 宽容,容忍_ adj. (反义词)无法容忍的 3_ n. 专家_ adj. 特殊的,特别的_v. 成为专家,专门从事_ adj. 特殊用途的_ adv. 特意地,专门地,4_ n. 进步,进展_ v. 前进_ adj. 高深的,高等的,先进的 5_ n. (肉体或精神上的)痛苦,苦难_ v. 遭受,经历_ n. 受难者,受苦者 6_ adj. 不规则的,无规律的_ adj. (反义词)定期地,有规律的_ adv. 定期地,有规律地_ n. 规则性,规律性_ v. 使规范化 7_ v. 赞同,同意_ n. 赞同,认可_ n. (反义词)不赞同,8_ v. 警告,劝小心_ n. 小心,谨慎_ adj. 谨慎的_ adv. 谨慎地 9_ n. 启程,上路_ v. 离开_ adj. 过去的,已往的_ n. (反义词)到达 10_ n. 独立_ n. (反义词)依靠,依赖_ adj. 依靠的,依赖的_ v依靠,依赖 11_ n. 想象,空想_ v想象_ adj. 想象中的,假想的,

      2、虚构的_ adj. 可想象的,12_ n. 倒影_ v. 反射,映出_ adj. 反省的,沉思的_ n反射镜,反射物 13_ v. 捐赠_ n. 捐赠物_ n. 捐赠者 14_ v. 装饰_ n. 装饰_ adj. 作装饰用的 15_ adj. 内心的,精神上的_ n. 心态,精神状态_ adv. 精神上,心理上 _ adj. (反义词)身体上的,答案:1.expansion, expand, expansive 2.tolerant, tolerance, tolerate, intolerant 3.specialist, special, specialize, specialized, specially 4.advance, advance, advanced 5.suffering, suffer, sufferer 6.irregular, regular, regularly, regularity, regularize 7.approve,approval, disapproval 8.caution, caution, cautious, cautiously 9

      3、.departure, depart, departed, arrival 10.independence, dependence, dependent, depend 11.imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginable 12.reflection, reflect, reflective, reflector 13.donate, donation, donor 14.decorate, decoration, decorative 15.mental, mentality, mentally, physical,.短语 1take _ of 抓住 2approve _ sth. 赞成某事;满意某事 3cater _ 满足的要求 4hand _ hand with 与手拉手 5_ funds 募集资金 6be _ to 迷上 7be _ to do sth.被允许做某事 8be _ of 容忍 9part _ 与某人分离 10on second _ 重新考虑后,答案:1.hold 2.of 3.for 4.in 5.raise 6.addic

      4、ted 7.allowed 8.tolerant 9.from 10.thoughts,.句型 1_ people could see me inside. 要是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了。 2_ that museum cleaners have had trouble distinguishing exhibits from rubbish. 这已不是第一次博物馆的清洁工难以区别展品和垃圾了。 3_only in the 11th century _ his poetic genius was recognised. 直到11世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。,4It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river _ to take hold of the reflection of the Moon. 据说他是在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡的。 答案:1.If only 2.This is not the first time 3.It was, that 4.while trying,.重点词汇 1acquainta

      5、nce n. 相识;了解(不可数);相识的人;熟人(可数) 知识拓展 have acquaintance with 对了解 have no acquaintance with 不熟悉,不了解 have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth. 与某人有点头之交;(对某学科)略知一二,drop/cut sb.s acquaintancecut an acquaintance with sb. 和某人绝交 make the acquaintance of sb.make sb.s acquaintance 结识某人 pick acquaintance with 偶然结识(认识) have a wide acquaintance 交友广阔;交际圈广 upon(further)acquaintance 经过一段(较长)时期的熟悉(了解),drop/cut sb.s acquaintancecut an acquaintance with sb. 和某人绝交 make the acquaintance of sb.make sb.s acquaintance 结识

      6、某人 pick acquaintance with 偶然结识(认识) have a wide acquaintance 交友广阔;交际圈广 upon(further)acquaintance 经过一段(较长)时期的熟悉(了解),I have no acquaintance with this book. 我不熟悉这本书。 He has a large circle of acquaintances. 他有很多熟人。 He is not a friend, only an acquaintance. 他不是朋友,只是个熟人。 She has many acquaintances in the business community. 她在商界有不少熟人。,即学即用 I have some_with English, but I do not know it well. Aresistance Backnowledgement Cacquaintance Daccess 答案:C,2share n. 一份,份额,股份;vt. 分享,共享;分配,分摊 知识拓展 do ones share fo

      7、r. 为尽自己的一份力量 ordinary shares 普通股 share out the work 分摊工作 share the joys and hardships 同甘共苦 share(in)sth. 分享某物 share sth. with sb. 与某人共享某物,on shares 分摊盈亏 go shares 合伙经营 share broker 股票经纪人,Share with somebody if you have left your book at home. 如果你把书落在家里的话,你可以和别人共看一本。 Everyone ought to have his share of food. 每个人都应该有一份食物。 Jack learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and that it is important to have someone to care about. 杰克懂得了,我们都需要休戚与共的朋友,关心别人是人生要事。,The share price for that com

      8、pany is increasing now. 那家公司的股票价格在上涨。,高考直击 (2008安徽21)The two girls are getting on very well and share _ with each other. Alittle Bmuch Csome Dnone 答案: B 句意为“两个女孩相处得很好,她们互相分享很多东西”。由前半句“相处得好”可推知应用much。,即学即用 All his friends_his happiness when he won the match. Ashared Bshared from Cshared with Dshared like 答案:A,3reveal v. 展现,显露出,揭示,揭露;暴露;泄露 知识拓展 reveal a mystery(secret) 揭露一个秘密 reveal ones identity 揭示身份 reveal oneself 说出姓名;表明身份 reveal itself 事物出现,Research has revealed him to be(that he was)a hermit. 调查结果表明他原是一位隐士。 Little by little he revealed his ambitions. 渐渐地,他暴露出了他的野心。 She revealed_to_the child that he was not her kindred. 她向孩子透露说,他并不是她亲生的。,即学即用 Further investigation_that he was guilty. Areviewed Breversed Cresponded Drevealed 答案:D,4caution n. 小心;谨慎;警告;告诫;使小心 知识拓展 for cautions sake 为慎重起见 give sb. a caution 给某人警告 wit


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