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    • 1、 简介 国名:加拿大 Canada 国名释义:印第安语意为 “棚屋” 别称:枫叶之国(枫林遍 及全国,最著名的为糖枫 和黑枫) 首都:渥太华 Ottawa 加拿大的旅游城市 多伦多Toronto 蒙特利尔Montreal 温哥华Vancouver 维多利亚Victoria 诺特丹圣母大教堂 Basilique Notore Dame 这座北美最大的诺特丹圣 母大教堂建于1829年,它 位于老城区德拉姆广场( Place dArmes)对面, 是蒙特利尔市的标志。这 座新哥特式罗马天主教的 宗教圣殿,其建筑风格与 巴黎的圣母院可称为姐妹 篇,但其实真正奇特壮观 的是它内部金碧辉煌的装 饰与众多的艺术收藏品。 The North Americas largest Notre Dame cathedral, built in 1829, it is located in the old drame square opposite (Place d Armes), is a sign of Montreal. The new gothic Catholic religious temple,

      2、its architectural style and the Notre Dame DE Paris can be referred to as a companion, but its really strange spectacular is inside it resplendent and magnificent decoration and art collection. 加拿大国家电视塔 Canada National Tower 加拿大国家电视塔位 于安大略湖畔,塔高 553米,是全世界最 高的建筑之一。乘坐 全透明观光电梯抵达 约346米观景台,仅 需不到1分钟的时间 。 透过宽大的玻璃 窗,多伦多市全景和 美丽的安大略湖尽收 眼底。 Canadas national tower located in Ontario, 553 meters high tower, is one of the tallest building in the world. A transparent sightseeing elevator arrived at about 346 m

      3、observation deck, only less than 1 minute. Toronto, and through the window of the wide view and panoramic view of the beautiful lake Ontario. 加拿大广场 Canada Place 建于80年代初期,加拿大 广场是温哥华市中心的标 志性建筑,是来温哥华游 客的必到之地。当然,最 引人之处还有其停泊的巨 型游轮,这里是北美西岸 游轮的重要码头。来到 这里,除了看广场上的建 筑,你可以在广场上到处 走走,拍拍照,这里是绝 佳的拍照 Built in the early 80 s, the square is the symbol of the downtown vancouver, Canada is to vancouver visitors will come to the land. Of course, the most attractions and its giant cruise ships docked, important dock.

      4、 Here is the north American west coast cruise ships. Here, in addition to see the buildings in the square, you can look around the square, photograph, here is a wonderful photo 布查特花园 The Butchart Gardens 在加拿大的维多利亚市有一 座远近闻名的花园,这就是 布查特花园。布查特花园是 一座家族花园,经过几代人 的辛勤努力,已经成为了世 界著名的第二大花园。 布查 特花园很大,分为综合服务 区、下沉花园(Sunken Garden)、玫瑰园、日本花 园、意大利花园和地中海园 ,修缮整齐的草坪和小径连 接着这五大花园。 In Canada, there is a famous garden city of Victoria, this is the charter garden. Cloth charter garden is a family, after several generatio

      5、ns of hard efforts, has become a world famous second big garden. Cloth charter Garden is very big, can be divided into comprehensive service, sinking Garden (Sunken Garden, a rose Garden, Garden, Japanese, Italian Garden and the Mediterranean Sea, repair the lawn and trail connection in the five big Garden. 尼亚加拉大瀑布位于美 国纽约州和加拿大安大 略省的交界处,是美洲 大陆最著名的奇景之一 ,也是世界三大跨国瀑 布之一。 -大瀑布由马蹄形瀑布 、美利坚瀑布和新娘面 纱瀑布三部分组成,平 均流量5720立方米/秒, 水声如雷,壮观无比。 Niagara Falls on the border between New York and Ontario, Canada, is the most famous one of the wonders of the American continent, is also one of the worlds three largest transnational waterfall. - great falls by the horseshoe falls, the American falls, and bridal veil falls of three parts, the average flow of 5720 cubic meters/seconds, underwater sound of thunder, spectacular. 尼亚加拉大瀑布 Niagara Falls


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