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研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)lesson 5

  • 卖家[上传人]:suns****4568
  • 文档编号:84791977
  • 上传时间:2019-03-04
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:3.82MB
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    • 1、1,Advanced Reading Revised Edition,2,策 划:鞠方安 商希建 顾 问:李光立 主 编:刘兰芝 杨真真 副主编:Gerald Zimmerman 张波 任林静 制作人:董敬一 尹立鑫,3,Lesson Five Steve Jobs,4,Catalogue,Warm-up Questions,Language Points,Difficult Sentences,Keys to the Exercises,Background Information,Main Idea,5,Walter Isaacson is the author of the biography Steve Jobs and the CEO of the Aspen Institute. He was previously the editor of Time Magazine and the CEO of CNN. He was born in New Orleans, La., on May 20, 1952.,Background Information,6,He is a

      2、graduate of Newman School in New Orleans, Harvard College, and Pembroke College of Oxford University. He serves as chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other U.S. international broadcasts. He is also the chairman of the board of Teach for America. He is on the boards of United Continental Airlines, Bloomberg Foundation, Harvard Overseers, and Tulane University.,Background Information,7,Steve Jobs is the authorized biography of S

      3、teve Jobs. The biography was written at the request of Jobs by acclaimed biographer Walter Isaacson, a former executive at CNN and Time who has written best-selling biographies about Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein.,Background Information,8,Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two yearsin addition to interviews with more than one hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleaguesIsaacson was given “exclusive and unprecedented” access to Jobss

      4、life.,Background Information,9,Home of Paul and Clara Jobs, on Crist Drive in Los Altos, California. Steve Jobs formed Apple Computer in its garage with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976. Wayne stayed only a short time, leaving Jobs and Wozniak as the primary co-founders of the company.,Background Information,10,Jobs holding a white iPhone 4 at Worldwide Developers Conference 2010,Background Information,11,Apple logo in 1977, created by Rob Janoff with the rainbow color theme used until 199

      5、8.,Background Information,12,A NeXT station with the original keyboard, mouse and the NeXT Mega Pixel monitor.,Background Information,13,Logo for the Think Different campaign initiated by Jobs after his return to Apple Computer in 1997.,Background Information,14,Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at the fifth D: All Things Digital conference (D5) in 2007,Background Information,15,Jobs demonstrating the iPhone 4 to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on June 23, 2010,Background Information,16,Steve Jobs wit

      6、h the first generation iPad tablet,Background Information,17,Click here and watch Steve Jobs life story.,Warm-up Questions,18,Warm-up Questions,What do you know about Steve Jobs and what do you think of him?,2. If you were Steve Jobs, what would you live for, wealth, honor, love or others ?,19,Main Idea,This reading is taken from the book Steve Jobs, au- thorized biography of the Apple co-founder written by Walter Isaacson. In this excerpt he describes the major role played by Steve Jobs in the

      7、development of the iPhone. In telling this story he also gives some insight into Steve Jobs personality, and his ability to imagine revolutionary new products and bring them,20,Main idea,to the public. Isaacson begins by telling how Jobs used Apples very successful iPod to begin the develomemt of the iPhone. Jobs recognized that other products had limited usefulness, and that it was difficult for customers to understand how they worked. Customers used the cell-phones of other companies, not beca

      8、use they were better, but because they were the only products available. Jobs,21,Main idea,imagined, designed and developed a much better product. The story continues to tell how the iPhone was introduced to the public, and how it became a great success.,22,Language Points,1.skyrocket vi ( line1,para.1) to increase suddenly and greatly 物价和失业率猛涨的同时,生产却下降了。 Production has dropped while prices and unemploy- ment have skyrocketed. 人们无法担负暴涨的医疗费用。 People cannot afford the skyrocketing costs of health

      9、care.,23,Language Points,2. quadruple vt & vi ( line 2,para.1)to increase and become four times as big or as high, or to make sth increase in this way 挪威对欧盟的出口已经增加了3倍。 Norway has quadrupled its exports to the EU. 近几年来价格已经翻了两番。 The price has quadrupled in the last few years.,24,Language Points,3. bottom line n ( line 3, para.1) 1) the profit or the amount of money that a business makes or loses 现今的商家只对利润感兴趣。 Business today is only interested in the bottom line. 底盘的结果是上月我们赚了1.5万美金。 The bottom line is that last month we made a profit of 15 thousand dollars.,25,Language Points,2) a situation or fact that exists and that one must accept, even though one may not like it 事实是酒后驾车会出人命。 The bottom line is that drunken driving can kill. 3) the lowest amount of money that one is willing to pay or take for sth 你这部车的最低售价是多少? Whats your bottom line for selling the car?,26,Language Points,4. revenue n u ( line

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