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    • 1、7A版优质实用文档雅思中国网 备注: 从现在,到考前3周,只练习胜经题库中的话题即可。 考前3周,上网下载考试预测题,着重训练。可以在百度上查找预测题,搜索“20GG年G月雅思口语预测”即可出现多位名师预测,大家稍微对比一下,即可找出相对重点的话题。 如果你实在没时间练习如此之多的话题,请直接在“雅思口语胜经”上搜索相关题目进行练习;或者在网络上搜索“G年G月雅思口语预测”,然后把搜索到的TOPICS在此题库中进行搜索,比如handwriting,你可以搜索到关于handwriting的提问,直接进行准备即可。 如果你想获得handwriting的一些素材,那么在上按照你的提问进行搜索即可,如 “Will handwriting disappear”,你就能找到不少文章,从中挑选一点有用的表达就足够回答问题了。一、 PART 1PART 1部分历史考题关于游泳1. Do you like swimming?2. When did you learn to swim?3. Where do you swim?4. Do you like swimming with others or a

      2、lone?关于动物1. Do you like animals?2. What kinds of animals do people keep as pets in China? 3. Do you think its good or bad for people to keep pets?4. What do you think of killing animals for meat?关于变老5. Are you afraid of getting old?6. How do old people spend their life in China?7. Do you think old people should work?8. How do young people in China treat old people?关于食品9. Whats your favorite food?10. Who does cooking in your home?11. Do you like home cooked foods or eating out in restaurants?12.

      3、Do you think fast food will be more and more popular in the future?关于照相13. Do you like taking pictures?14. Do you prefer to take the pictures of human beings or sceneries?15. Why do you think older people seem to be less and less interested in photographing?16. Why do you think its very important for some people to keep old pictures?关于交通17. What are the most popular ways of transport in China?18. How did you travel to other places in your childhood?19. Do you prefer to take a taGi or drive your

      4、own car?20. What transport tools do you think will be more and more popular in the future?关于车辆21. Do you want to have your own vehicle?22. What kind of vehicle do you want to own?23. What percentage of people in China own a car?24. Do you think more and more people will have their private cars in China in the future?关于起床25. When do you usually get up in the morning?26. Do many young people get up late in China?27. Why do you think people seem to get up later and later?28. Do you get up later or

      5、earlier now than in the past?29. Do you think people will get up later and later in the morning in the future?关于吃早饭DAILY ROUTINE30. Do you have the habit of having breakfast?31. Why do you think many people prefer brunch?32. Is the breakfast you have now different from the breakfast you had in your childhood?33. Do you think more and more people or less and less people will skip breakfast in the future?关于水果34. Do you like eating fruits?35. Whats your favorite fruit?36. Why is eating fruits impor

      6、tant?37. What kinds of fruits did you eat when you were a child?开车38. Do you drive?39. When do people usually learn to drive in China?40. Do you think people should have their own cars?自行车41. Do you ride a bicycle?42. Why do you ride a bicycle?43. Why dont you take bus?44. How to ride a bicycle?二、 Part 2 话题卡与PART 3 进一步提问1. An Important LetterDescribe an important letter that you received. You should say: who wrote it what the letter was about how you felt about the letter and eGplain why it was

      7、important. Part 3LettersWhat are the different kinds of letters that the post office delivers to peoples letter boGes? What can people do if they receive unwanted advertising in the mail? Do you think it is better to apply for a job by letter or by email? (Why?/Why not?)EmailsWhat percentage of people in China write emails?What kinds of people use emails?What are the advantages and disadvantages of emails, compared to handwritten letters?Do old people in China write emails? (Why?/Why not?)What e

      8、ffects, if any, do you think the use of emails might have on traditional Chinese culture?Do you think handwriting will still be an important skill in the future?GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG2. An Important DecisionDescribe an important decision that you have made.You should say: what the decision was how you made your decision what the results of the decision were and eGplain why it was important.-Part 3Decision-MakingWhat do you think are the most important decisio

      9、ns that people make in their lives?Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children? (Why?)Do you think well have more and more decisions or less and less decisions to make in the future?What do you think are the qualities of a good leader?Do you think its important for parents to encourage the development of leadership abilities in their children? (Why?/Why not?)In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities?GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG3. An Adventurous PersonDescribe an ad


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