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  • 文档编号:164247370
  • 上传时间:2021-01-27
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    • 1、Report类型范文汇总1. Today, having ambition is very important. Why is it important to be ambitious for people who want to be successful? What effects does ambition have on individuals? To be successful is the ultimate goal of most people. The power to succeed comes from various things, with many believing that having ambition is the most important one. An ambitious attitude fuels people to overcome difficulties on their way to success. A person clearly knowing what he or she desires shows far more det

      2、ermination and resolution when encountered with setbacks and frustrations. For example, an apprentice with the dream of becoming chef of a Michelin star restaurant is able to keep a determined mind even after many failed attempts. Importance of being ambitious is also shown when people with bigger dreams work much harder than their counterparts who are easily satisfied with what they have had. Most famous people, politicians and businessmen alike, would not be where they are now had they not kep

      3、t their dreams throughout their efforts not to live a life of nobody. As said above, it seems to most people that ambition outweighs many other motivators in their pursuit of success. To me, however, always aiming higher means several possible problems. Firstly, dream chasers would be under tremendous pressure if they keep themselves working around the clock, leading to both mental and physical damages. Secondly, when people realize the impossibility of making their dreams come true, they will s

      4、uffer more pains than those expecting much less. Finally, a heavy ambition may lead to people behaving wrongly. It is not uncommon that one extremely addicted to power and wealth ended up breaking the law and regretting in jail. In conclusion, I would say that ambition is a significant driving force enabling people to earn fortune and fame. However, it would be counterproductive to be excessively ambitious. 2. These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go

      5、out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? It is true that men are increasingly likely to take on the role of househusband, while more women than ever are the breadwinners in their families. There could be several reasons for this, and I consider it to be a very positive trend. In recent years, parents have had to adapt to various changes in our societies. Equal rights movements have made great progress, and it has become normal for

      6、women to gain qualifications and pursue a career. It has also become socially acceptable for men to stay at home and look after their children. At the same time, the rising cost of living has meant that both marriage partners usually need to work and save money before starting a family. Therefore, when couples have children, they may decide who works and who stays at home depending on the personal preference of each partner, or based on which partner earns the most money. In my view, the changes

      7、 described above should be seen as progress(直接回答第二个问题). We should be happy to live in a society in which men and women have equal opportunities, and in which women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their careers. Equally, it seems only fair that men should be free to leave their jobs in order to assume childcare responsibilities if this is what they wish to do. Couples should be left to make their own decisions about which parental role each partner takes, according to their particular cir

      8、cumstances and needs. In conclusion, the changing roles of men and women in the family are a result of wider changes in society, and I believe that these developments are desirable.3. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there

      9、will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.(很巧妙的一句话,既引出了问题,也提到了解决方案)As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems can be anticipated.(貌似很重复的一句话,但是起到了topic sentence的作用)The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives. There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above(仍然是一个非常清晰的to


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