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    • 1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors,Lead-in,occupation,scientific study, natural process, living things.,biology,sudden; violent; movements; scientific study; earthquake;,seismology,biologist,seismologist,Lead-in,occupation,The universe, The objects that exist naturally in space The sun, the moon etc.,astronomy,eruption; ash; lava; crater; volcano;,volcanology,astronomer,volcanologist,Lead-in,culture, the past, the remains of buildings and objects, history.,archaeologist,archaeology,occupation,The stu

      2、dy of the graves, buildings, tools and other objects which belonged to people who lived in the past in order to learn about their culture and society.,What is an archaeologist supposed todo?,excavate,identify andanalyze,collect,What is the object?What is it made of?What was it used for?What are the modern alternatives?,1 In pairs, try to identify these objects. Discuss what they were made of and explain their use. Who do you think used them? Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?,

      3、A household object from Greece,clay lamp,clay/pottery,to light the house,electric light,This is an oil lamp that was used to give light at night. It was possibly used for parties, housework or study. Olive oil was placed in the body of the lamp to make the light. There was a thread that went from inside the lamp, and when it was lit it provided light.,A musical instrument,Chinese chimes,metal, possibly bronze or brass,to provide music,xylophone (木琴),This is a musical instrument which was played

      4、when a person hit the bronze or brass bells. Different notes could be made by making the bells larger or smaller. People composed music to be played in a large house, temple or palace.,A stone tool,stone/ jade axe,stone/jade,to chop wood,chain saw(链锯),This tool is made of jade stone which is hard and very beautiful. It had a sharp edge so it could be used to break other pieces of stone. The hole on the top of the tool shows where it was joined to a wooden handle, so it could be used like an axe

      5、today.,A face of an Egyptian Pharaoh,death mask,gold,to cover the face of the pharaoh after his death,none,This is a mask which was placed over the Pharaohs face after he died. Sometimes they were also buried with the dead pharaoh. They were made of gold and decorated in beautiful colours. It shows that the Pharaoh expected his objects to have the best of material and workmanship.,Unit 5 Reading A Visit To The Zhoukoudian Caves,Peking Man Site,One of the most significant archaeological finds in

      6、the 20th century,Three topics,Life in the cave,What we can learn from a needle,What we can learn from a necklace,Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.,1. Where do the caves lie?A. In the forest. B. On the seaside. C. At the foot of the hill. D. Higher up the hill.,2. Which of the following is the correct order about how early people made clothes?a. clean the fat and meat from the skinb. cut up the animals c. rub salt inside the skin d. remove the skine. sew the pieces togetherA. b-

      7、d-c-a-e B. b-d-a-c-e C. b-a-d-c-e D. b-a-c-d-e,3. Which of the following shows us the earliest people and the modern people have something in common?A. People hung animal skins to keepout the coldB. People never grew their own cropsC. People use scienceD. People care about their appearance,4. What can we infer from the sentences- “This one looks very like a fish bone. Is it reasonable? -Yes indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large sha

      8、llow lake. Probably there were fish in it.”?A. Being an archaeologist needs a wide rangeof knowledge.B. A lake is not the sea.C. People can identify the fish by the colour.D. A fish bone can be made into a necklace.,Unit5 Language Points,identify vt. 确认, 识别, 鉴别,认出 Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases. 1) identify sb. /sth. as sb./ sth. 她认出那个男子就是袭击她的人。She identified the man as her attacker. 2) 找到,发现 Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. identification n. 确认,鉴

      9、定,身份证明,alternative adj. 供选择的, 其他的n. 可能的选择,可供选择的事物,替换物 The way was blocked ,so we had to go by road.这条路阻塞,我们只能走其他路。 1) an alternative solution to the problemalternative energyalternative lifestyles2) have no alternative but to do sth. = have no choice but to do sth.,其他的解决问题的办法,替代性能源,非传统的/另类的生活方式,除外别无选择,只有,除了放弃那个计划, 我别无选择。 I have no alternative but to give up the plan. = I have no choice but to give up the plan. = I have nothing to do but give up the plan. 3) There are some alternatives to our plan.有几种方案可以代替我们的计划。,So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold因此我们有理由认为他们不顾寒冷住在这些洞穴里。,assume vt. 假定,设想,认为 assume sth.sb./sth. to be + n. / adj.,that 从句,1) 科学家设想月球上没有动物,The scientists assume that there are no animals on the moon.,2) Dont always assume the worst,别总往坏处想,3) 我们本以为他是个诚实的人,We had assumed him to be an honest man,assume an air of innocence/concern/superiority,


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