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    • 1、Chronic Disease Prevention,Objectives,Background: Setting the Stage Status of Chronic Diseases in San DiegoEvidenced-based Best PracticesHHSA Chronic Disease Prevention Model,Setting the Stage,Why Chronic Disease?,Why Chronic Disease?,California Conference for Local Public Health Officers (CCHLO) Chronic Disease Conference Spurred Idea to develop CC Agency for Agency Two meeting held to date to develop an inventory of Agency Chronic Disease activities SPOS came to PHS to conduct a “Focused Dialo

      2、gue” Chronic Disease was chosen,What Is Chronic Disease?,According the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, is a disease that lasts 3 months or more. Cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medications. Caused by health damaging behaviors - particularly tobacco use, lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits. Is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Accounts for 7 of the 10 U.S. leading cause of death.,Why Should We Care?,Chronic diseases are prevalent

      3、, preventable and costly! Cause extended pain and suffering, associated with decreased quality of life for millions. Treatment for seven chronic diseases including cancers, mental illnesses, heart disease, lung conditions, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes ran to nearly $280 billion in 2003; now estimated to be to $1.3 trillion per year. Prevention programs are highly cost-effective,Top 10 Causes of Mortality in San Diego County,Rates are per 100,000 population. Source: State of California, Dep

      4、artment of Public Health, Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics Section, Death Statistical Master Files,= Chronic Diseases,Death by Risk Factors,Physical Activity by Gender,Percent,Women,Nutrition by Gender,Men,PA and Nutrition Trends,Healthcare Cost in California and San Diego,$130 Billion spent (treatment and lost productivity) by California in 2003$4.3 Billion in SD County (not including lung cancer treatment),3 FOUR 50,3 RISK FACTORS (Tobacco Use, Poor Diet, Lack of Physical Activit

      5、y),4 CHRONIC DISEASES (Heart Disease/Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, Respiratory Disease, Cancer),50% of DEATH,Status of Chronic Diseases in San Diego,What Are the Statistics?,*2006 U.S. data are preliminary,LIFE EXPECTANCY TRENDS San Diego County vs United States, 2000-2006,San Diego County Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2007,Source: SANDAG, San Diego County 2007 Population Estimates,3 million people Racial/Ethnic groups from around the world. Over 100 languages,Asian 9.4% N=292,251,White 51.6% N=1,597

      6、,847,Black 5.4% N=166,486,Hispanic 29.3% N=906,898,Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.4% N=13,144,American Indian 0.5 % N=15,946,San Diego County Population by Race/Ethnicity, Census 1990 vs. 2000 vs. 2007,Source: SANDAG, San Diego County 1990, 2000 Census, and 2007 Population estimates,Between 1990 & 2000: The population of Hispanics and Asian increasedThe population of Whites and Blacks decreased,Percent,All Cancer Deaths by Race/Ethnicity, 2005,Note: All rates are adjusted to 2000 Standard U.S. Popu

      7、lation. Source: California Death Statistical Master File; SANDAG January 1, Population Estimates.,Cancer is the second leading cause of death for San Diego County,San Diego County Overall Rate, 2005: 163.1 / 100,000,HP 2010 Goal: 159.9,Selected Cancer Deaths by Race/Ethnicity, 2005,Note: All rates are adjusted to 2000 Standard U.S. Population. Source: California Death Statistical Master File; SANDAG January 1, Population Estimates.,HP 2010 Goal,Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke Deaths by Race/Et

      8、hnicity, 2005,Note: All rates are adjusted to 2000 Standard U.S. Population. Source: California Death Statistical Master File; SANDAG January 1, Population Estimates.,Blacks have the highest rate of coronary heart disease deaths and stroke deaths compared to other racial and ethnic groups.,HP 2010 Goal CHD: 166.0,HP 2010 Goal Stroke: 48.0,San Diego County Overall:CHD Rate - 128.4 / 100,000Stroke Rate 41.3 / 100,000,Diabetes by Race/Ethnicity,Source: Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), San Diego C

      9、ity Schools; California Office of Statewide Planning and Development;SANDAG January 1, Population Estimates; California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), California Department of Health Services, Death Statistical Master File.,R/E,Hospital Admissions 2005,Deaths (underlying)2005,Black White Hispanic Asian/Other,69.0 16.6 33.5 21.2,303.5 87.1 236.0 87.6,10.7 7.7 18.4 7.4,% High School Students Overweight 2005,Prevalence of Diabetes Among Adults 2005*,6.6 5.1 6.5 7.2,* - Percentage of adults who were ever diagnosed with diabetes,Diabetes Mortality,Among the top 53 U.S. City/County jurisdictionsSan Diego County:Ranked 52 in 1990 Ranked 46 in 2004Ranked 8th in the highest rate of change between 1990 and 2004,Source: NACCHO 53 Big Cities Health Inventory, 2007,Note: Ranking scheme - 1 being worst and 53 being best,Diabetes Mortality Among San Diego County Residents, 2000-2005,Deaths and Age-adjusted Rates,HP2010 = 45,Diabetes Hospitalizations Among San Diego County Residents, 2001-2005,

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