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  • 卖家[上传人]:宝路
  • 文档编号:52455000
  • 上传时间:2018-08-21
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    • 1、 1.引人发笑 2.利用不同的技巧 3. 担任 4. 愚弄某人 5. 捧腹大笑 6. 双关语/玩弄词藻 7. 母语 8.有共同之处 9. 打扮 10.表演小品 11. 追溯 12.创造出无穷的乐趣 13. 英语表达流利make people laughuse different techniques act as play tricks on/ play jokes on roar with laughterword play / play with words mother tongue have in common make up / dress up act out small sketchesdate back to / date fromcreate a rapid flow of fun be fluent in Englishmake1. Comedians are skilled at _people _.(make , laugh) 2. The workers are made _(work) all day long by the strict boss with

      2、 only a little rest. 3. The good news was made _ 4. The long talk made all of the students _(tire).making laughto workknown tired5 I speak loudly to make my students _(hear) what I said. / to make myself_.hear heardActing out stereotypes of people from different countries can be very funny. 1.吸烟有害健康.Smoking is harmful to our health . / Smoking does harm to our haelth.2. 他突然消失使我们很担心 His disappearing suddenly made us worried.3. 他很高兴受到了表扬His being praised made him very happy.4. 不知道准确的时间,他开会迟到了.Not

      3、knowing the exact time, he was late for the meeting.Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play. 这是个倒装句,正常语序是:The crosstalk show, where., is typical for China.出席会议的人大多数是科学家Present at the meeting are mostly scientists.Dating back to the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC), the traditional crosstalk shows, or xiangsheng shows, have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries. date back to = date from 可追溯到;始于这个城堡可追溯到14世纪。This castle

      4、dates back to the 14th century可追溯到14世纪的那个城堡已经重建了好几回了The castle dating back to 14th century has been rebuilt several times.Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.技艺高超的艺术家利用丰富多彩的口语, 创造出连绵不 绝的乐趣.a flow of某事物的连续供应cut off the flow of oil切断石油输送the constant flow of information源源不断的信息To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artistsappreciate (1) 欣赏, 赏识, 鉴赏(后常接名词, 动名词)直到死后他的作品才受到重视His works were not appreciated until after his death.我实在喜欢有时间放松一下 I re

      5、ally appreciate having time to relax. (2) 感谢(某行为); 完全了解,明白I really appreciate your help.我确实非常感激你对我的帮助1.如蒙邀请,不胜感激.I would very much _ _an invitation.2.这座城堡是在14世纪建造的.The castle _ _ _ the 14th century.3.一定把我说的话记在心里.Do_ _ _ _ _ _.4.这个地方做为温泉胜地而出名.The place is _ _ a hot spring resort(胜地).appreciate receivingdates back tohave what I said in mindfamous asTranslation (翻译句子)1. Dustin Hoffman is famous as his role acting as a woman.2. Act out stereotypes of people from different countries can be very funny

      6、.3. It is their clothes, make-up and the way they walk which make people laugh.4. Perhaps that is the reason for what few foreigners know about this Chinese art form.5. Two days later I received a letter offered me the job.forActing thatwhichofferingError correcting ( 改错 )6. On the way home, he was caught by a storm. As a result, he developed a cold.7. 8. We have the party in honor for the famous writer.9. Do be careful when do your homework.10. The boss told us to finish the job as quickly as possible, which we thought it impossible.11. So far there have been four buildings putting up here.inofdoingitput


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