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    • 1、Unit 8 Integrated CircuitsLesson 22 IC Processing Technology电子技术专业英语教程冯新宇 主编 电子工业出版社 Date1电子技术专业英语教程Lesson 22 IC Processing Technology Backgrounds Text tour Language in use Vocabulary Structure Reading/writing techniquesDate2电子技术专业英语教程 Terminology thermal diffusion 热扩散 concentration peak 浓度峰值 wet etching 湿法刻蚀 dry etching 干法刻蚀 gas flow rate 气流率BackgroundsDate3电子技术专业英语教程 Terminology crystal growth 单晶生长 Czochralski method 切克劳斯基法(直拉法) thermal oxidation 热氧化 integrated circuit 集成电路 ion implantation 离子

      2、注入 electric field 电场BackgroundsDate4电子技术专业英语教程Text tour Outline Introduction(para.1) Crystal growth (para.2、3) Oxidation (para.4、5) Diffusion and ion implantation (para.6-9) Lithographies(para.10-13) Etching(para.14-17)Date5电子技术专业英语教程Introduction The process steps described here includeDate6电子技术专业英语教程Crystal growth The Czochralski processCzochralski method Date7电子技术专业英语教程Oxidation Oxidation is the process by which a layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2)is formed on the surface of the silicon wafer. Da

      3、te8电子技术专业英语教程Diffusion and ion implantationDiffusion and ion implantation are the two key processes we use to introduce controlled amountsof dopant into semiconductor.An ion implantation system at LAAS Date9电子技术专业英语教程Lithographies There are several lithographic methods to implementThe process of the lithographies Date10电子技术专业英语教程Etching Etching is the process of removing exposed (unprotected) materialDate11电子技术专业英语教程 Vocabulary diffusion , immerse, velocity , penetration hazard Structure Reading

      4、/writing techniquesLanguage in useDate12电子技术专业英语教程VocabularyDate13电子技术专业英语教程Dffusion in dictionary The process of diffusing or the condition of being diffused.扩散:扩散的过程或扩散的条件 Needless profusion of words; prolixity.冗长:没完没了有好多话;冗长而罗嗦 Physics 【物理学】 The scattering of incident light by reflection from a rough surface.反射:偶然的光线在粗糙表面的反射Date14电子技术专业英语教程Dffusion in text Diffusion and ion implantation are the two key processes we use to introduce controlled amounts of dopant into semiconductor.扩散和离子注入是控制半导体

      5、材料掺杂量的两种主要 工艺。 Both diffusion and ion implantation are used fabricating discrete devices and integrated circuit 扩散和离子注入常被用来制造分立器件和集成电路。 Date15电子技术专业英语教程Immerse in dictionary To cover completely in a liquid; submerge.See Synonyms at dip 浸没:在液体中完全浸没;淹没参见 dip To baptize by submerging in water.施浸礼:用浸在水中的方式给施洗礼 To engage wholly or deeply; absorb:沉迷中,陷入:完全或深深地从事;专心于Date16电子技术专业英语教程Immerse in text A seed of crystalline silicon is immersed in molten silicon and gradually pulled out while rotating. 切克劳斯基

      6、法是将一块单晶硅的籽晶放入熔融硅中, 然后在旋转籽晶的同时逐渐地将其从熔融硅中拉出。Date17电子技术专业英语教程Velocity in dictionary Abbr. vel.Rapidity or speed of motion; swiftness.缩写 vel.迅速,快速:运动的快速或速度;迅速 Abbr. VPhysics A vector quantity whose magnitude is a bodys speed and whose direction is the bodys direction of motion.缩写 V【物理学】 速度:一种向量,其量值为物体的 速率,其方向为物体运动的方向 The rate of speed of action or occurrence.速率:行动或发生的速率 The rate at which money changes hands in an economy.周转率:在某一经济制度中金钱易手的速率Date18电子技术专业英语教程Velocity in text Ion implantation is the pro

      7、cess by which ions of a particular dopant are accelerated by an electric field to high velocity and physically lodge within the semiconductor material. 离子注入是特殊掺杂物的离子由电场加速至很 高的速度并注入半导体材料中的工艺。Date19电子技术专业英语教程Velocity in use velocity formula 速度公式 diffusion velocity 扩散速度 ideal velocity 理想速度 spatial velocity 空间速度 Date20电子技术专业英语教程Penetration in dictionary The act or process of piercing or penetrating something, especially 渗透:穿透或渗透的行为或过程 The act of entering a country or an organization so as to establi

      8、sh influence or gain information 渗透,弥漫:进入一个国家或组织以施加其影响力或 获取情报的行为 An attack that penetrates enemy territory or a military front. 突破:深入敌区或军事前沿的袭击Date21电子技术专业英语教程Penetration in dictionaryThe power or ability to penetrate.穿透的力量或能力 The depth reached by a projectile after hitting its target.打进程度:火箭或导弹击中目标后所达到的深度 The degree to which a commodity, for example, is sold or recognized in a particular market.畅销度:一种商品在例如某一特定市场的销售或被认可的程度 The extent of influence that one culture or nation has on another.渗透:一种文化

      9、或一个国家对另一文化或另一国家所产生的影响 的强度 The capacity or action of understanding; insight.理解的行为或能力;洞察力Date22电子技术专业英语教程Penetration in text The average depth of penetration varies from 0.1 to 0.6m depending on the velocity and angle at which the ions strike the silicon wafer. 渗透的平均深度在0.1m到0.6m范围内,具体取决于 注入硅晶圆离子的速度和角度。 Date23电子技术专业英语教程Hazard in dictionary A chance; an accident.机会;偶发事件 A chance of being injured or harmed; danger意外,危险:受伤或受损的可能性;危险 A possible source of danger:可能的危险之源 To venture (something); dare:冒险;斗胆Date24电子技术专业英语教程Hazard in text The wet-etching technique is strongly dependent on time and temperature, and care must be taken with the acids used in wet etc


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