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    • 1、 1._ v.联合;团结 2._ vi. 组成;在于 3._ vt.澄清,阐明 4._ vt.完成,达到 5._ n.矛盾;冲突 6._ adj.不愿意的unwilling uniteconsistclarifyaccomplishconflict7._ n.信贷,学分,赞扬8._ n.便利;方便9._ adj.粗糙的;粗暴的10._ vt.吸引,引起注意11.collection n. _12.enjoyable adj. _13.plus prep.受挫_break down consist ofdivide.into.break away (from.)take the place ofpick upleave out8.to ones credit _9.make a list of _10.in memory of _11.feel proud of _12.refer to _13.on special occasions_14.be linked to _15.to ones delight _使某人高兴的是值得赞扬,在名下把列出清单为纪念对感到骄傲谈到,参考;查阅在特殊

      2、的场合与有关1.Under no circumstances will the Chinese allow Taiwan to _China.2.It is believed that computers cant _ humans completely.3.Being exposed to ultraviolet light (紫外 线)_skin cancer.is linked to break away fromtake the place of4.He _ himself for not giving up.5.British society is considered to _ _ three main groups of classes- the upper class,the middle class and the lower or working class.be dividedinto feels proud of6.He asked us not to _ our English teacher in the invitation.7._ (令我们高兴的是),h

      3、e did succeed at last.8._,he didnt pocket the money he had picked up. To his credit leave outTo our delight9.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without_ _his notes.10.The committee _seven members.consists ofreferringtoGreat Britain consists1 _four countries: England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.In the 13th century Wales 2_(link) to England.In 1603,they were joined to Scotland.They were united 3_peace instead of by war. ofwas linkedin However,just as they were g

      4、oing to get Ireland 4 _to form United Kingdom,the southern part of Ireland broke away,5 _ only Northern Ireland joined with England.connectedsoEngland is the 6_(large) of the four countries and for7_ (convenient) it was divided into three zones: the South of England,the Midlands and the North. Most of the population8_ (settle) in the South,but most of the industrial cities are located in the Midlands and the North.largestconvenienceare settledLondon is the capital city with the great 9_ (history

      5、)treasures. It has the oldest port 10_(build) by the Romans in the 1st century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo -Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.historicalbuilt1.Jack was made_ (stand) in class.2.To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English _(speak) as much as we can.to standspoken3.Can those_(seat) at the back of the classroom hear me?4.They are cleaning the_ (fall) leaves in the yard.5.He felt very _when he he

      6、ard the _result.(disappoint)seatedfallendisappointed disappointing 1. consist vi. 组成;在于;一致consist of 由组成(=be made up of, include)consist in 在于;决定于(=be based on or depend on)运用:句型转换,但意义不变。 As we all know,water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. As we all know,water_ hydrogen and oxygen. Happiness does not depend on how many possessions you own. Happiness does not_ how many possessions you own. consist inconsists ofclarify ones position 澄清某人的立场clarify a situation/a problem澄清情况/ 问题2. clarify v. 澄清;

      7、阐明运用:说出下面两个句子的中文意思 。 Could you clarify the first point, please? _ I hope that what I will say can clarify the situation. _我希望我所要说的能澄清这一情况。 请你阐明第一个要点,好吗?3. accomplish vt. 做成功;完成;实现派生:accomplishment n. 完成,成就运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 怕吃苦,就干不成大事。 Those who fear hardships will not _.accomplish anything great 我认为第一次在月球上行走是一项 了不起的成就。I think that the first walk on the moon was quite an _. accomplishment4. influence vt.& n.影响;有影响的人( 事)have a good/bad influence on 对留 有好/坏的影响under the influence of 受到的影响运用:用适当的词填空。

      8、Pollution has a bad influence_ our life _ the influence of the new curriculum concepts,English teaching concept and methods also change. Underon5. arrange vt. 筹备,安排;整理;排列派生:arrangements n.安排,准备arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事arrange for sth./to do sth.准备做某事make arrangements for sth./to do sth.为 做安排/准备运用:用所给词的适当形式填空或完成句 子。 刚才我把书架上的书籍整理好了。 _ on the shelves just now. 你能安排一辆汽车送我们到那里去吗? Can you_to take us there?I arranged the booksarrange for a car We will make_(arrange) for somebody to meet you at the station. arrangements6. available adj. 可利用的;可用到的;有 用的注意:此词常常作后置定语或表语。运用:翻译下面的句子。 This book is not available here. There is only a little mone


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