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B5,Unit 2 Grammar(高中英语模块五第二单元语法)

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:46219323
  • 上传时间:2018-06-24
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:573.50KB
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    • 1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom Grammar: The past participle as the Object Complement.1.Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.find + object+ past participleobject complement2. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way.get + object+ past participleobject complement什么是宾语补足语?英语中有些及物动词,只有一个宾语,意思不够完 整,还需要加一个成分对宾语起补充说明作用,这 个成分就叫宾语补足语。常用的动词有: order, tell, find, get, notice, le

      2、t, see ,watch, hear, help, have, make等。He let me have a rest.What he said made me angry.I asked her to help me. (宾语) (宾补)(宾语)(宾补)(宾补)(宾语)Nobody noticed him enter the room.We must get the work finished by 10 oclock.We should keep them informed of what is going on here.The speaker raised her voice to make herself heard. He found his new bike stolen.Jane got her bad tooth pulled out at the dentists.I was sleeping when I heard my name called. He didnt want such question discussed at the meeting.“wit

      3、h 宾语过去分词”结构中,过去分 词用作介词 with 的宾语补足语。这一结 构通常在句中作时间、方式、条件、原因 等状语。 With the matter settled, we all went home. The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. With water heated, we can see the steam.一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. The reporter promised to keep us _ (inform) of the latest news. 2. Im afraid I cant make myself _ (understand) clearly without explaining the question. 3. The manager was happy to see all of the problems _ (settle) so quickly.informed understoodsettled 4. When I entered

      4、 the office, I found the window _ (break) and the computer _ (steal).5. James had some flowers _ (send) to Sarah on her birthday.broken stolen sent 6. What he had said made me _. (surprise) 7. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light. (follow) 8. My glasses are broken. Ill have to get them _.(repair) 9. With her finger _ to the broken vase, my mother asked me, “Who did that?” (point) 11. The doctor warned him food after the operation. (not eat)surprisedfollowingrepaired pointingnot

      5、 to eat1. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.A. carry out B. carrying C. carried out D. to carry out2. Mrs. Brown was very disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _ went wrong again.A. it B. it repairedC. repaired D. to be repairedCC单项选择3. In the past few years, we have had thousands of trees _ around our school.A. plant B. planted C. planting D. being planted 4. She was glad to see her child well _ care of.A. take B. to be taken C. taken D. ta

      6、kingBC. I can make you _ what I say, but you cant make yourself _ in English.A. understand; understand B. understand; understoodC. to understand; understand D. understand; to be understood. The girl asked him not to leave the door _.A. to close B. closed C. to be closed D. closing . I have often heard the ABC song_, but I have never heard Alice _ it.A. to be sung; to sing B. being sung; sangC. sung; sing D. sang; singingB. The two students were told to have the classroom _ after school.A. clean

      7、B. cleaned C. cleaning D. to clean . Can you suggest a good way to get my spoken English _ in a short period of time? A. improve B. improving C. to improve D. improved BD1. You can hear English _ in almost every university in China.A. speak B. speakingC. spoken D. to speak 1. In order to make herself _, she tried raising her voice.A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. being heard 1. Miss Lin found her house _ when she came back from New York.A. break into B. broken into C. to break into D. breaking intoCBB

      《B5,Unit 2 Grammar(高中英语模块五第二单元语法)》由会员飞***分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《B5,Unit 2 Grammar(高中英语模块五第二单元语法)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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