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  • 常见问题
    • 1、1. A. The woman is happy at last. B. The young man hasnt stolen anything. C. The young man was excused from emptying his pockets. D. The woman didnt think the young man stole anything. 2. A. Brother and sister. B. Husband and wife. C. Mother and son. D. Father and daughter. 3. A. A library. B. A restaurant. C. A home. D. A hotel. 4. A. The woman has an angel. B. The woman is a new mother. C. The woman is perfect. D. The woman is like a baby. 5. A. The baby has to worry a lot about little acciden

      2、ts. B. The man has baby-proofed his home. C. An unsafe home is good for a baby. D. The woman is more worried about her baby. 1. A. The piano. B. Mozart. C. Parents. D. Child geniuses. 2. A. The man doesnt think geniuses play the piano. B. The man doesnt think Mozart was a genius. C. The man doesnt expect the child to be a genius. D. The man doesnt think he is a genius. 3. A. Being positive. B. Mozart. C. Being a genius. D. High expectation.4. A. The speakers both think that the child playing the

      3、 piano is a genius. B. The speakers have different opinions about the intelligence of the child. C. The speakers are among the few geniuses that exist in the world. D. The speakers are given a lot of trouble by others who are geniuses. 5. A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Mother and son. D. Father and daughter. 1. A. Scientists who have altered genes. B. Healthier animals with better genetics. C. A breakthrough in genetic studies. D. The laboratory that produced Dolly. 2. A. Animals

      4、 are used as organ banks. B. Cloned animals are healthier. C. The science of genetics is improving. D. Gene targeting was first done on sheep. 3. A. Be used as organ banks. B. Produce milk for humans. C. Produce milk with a certain human protein. D. Introduce DNA changes. 4. A. Introduce changes into a person by inserting sheep DNA. B. Make clones that carry the genes altered in clones parents. C. Produce a cloned animal from a human protein. D. Produce a cloned animal with only a specific part

      5、of DNA. 5. A. Scientists can change DNA so that animals taste better. B. Milk from cloned animals is undrinkable. C. Animals with altered genes are more healthy. D. Cloned meat and milk are more delicious.6. A. Television advertisements. B. A product Americans will use in the future. C. A new type of rice. D. A Swiss scientist, Ingo Potrykus. 7. A. They show children playing somewhere in Asia. B. They show a product that will help prevent blindness. C. They are advertising a product people dont

      6、like. D. They are advertising a product that Americans may never use. 8. A. Vitamin A deficiency. B. White rice. C. Infections in children. D. Golden rice. 9. A. Introduced a flower gene into rice. B. Prevented kids from getting blind. C. Developed a flower. D. Produced Vitamin A. 10. A. The flower that carries a special nutrient is yellow. B. Vitamin A is yellow in color. C. The new rice has saved a million children a year. D. Time magazine is in favor of the new rice. 11. A. A $5000 scholarshi

      7、p. B. Dr. Beheruz N. Sethna. C. Students of Carver High School. D. Efforts for integration since the mid- 1950s. 12. A. He got groups of former students together. B. He tried to get into West Georgia College. C. He attended Carver High School in 1955. D. He rejected students because of their skin color. 13. A. All the students of Carver High School applied to West Georgia College. B. A person was moved to and created a scholarship fund. C. The offspring of the Carver High students applied to Wes

      8、t Georgia College. D. The 1955 and 1956 classes expressed regret for what they had done. 14. A. The offspring of former students are not satisfied. B. Everyone will be satisfied by the scholarship fund. C. More needs to be done to make up for the past wrong doings. D. The local newspaper acts as a symbol of protest. 15. A. 70%. B. 60%. C. 3.0%. D. 20%. 1.The increasing academic _ with foreigners calls for good spoken English. A. action B. interaction C. interference D. interval 2.Every two month

      9、s, Li Liang _ a new hair style and a new look. A. stands up to B. makes up for C. comes up with D. puts up with 3.Although many of the sports _ for the Games have yet to be built, Beijing received a glowing report from the IOCs evaluation commission last month after visits to all the bidding cities. A. facilities B. fatigue C. fibers D. features 4.We shouldnt _ our own national features for international ads that are shown globally. A. dispose B. expose C. discard D. discharge5.WTO entry will enable us to learn from the worlds best advertising _ and participate directly in international competition at home. A. heads B. brakes C. brains D. bounds 6.Without outside _, Chinas advertising people cannot really mature and obtain a foothold (稳 固的地位) in the global ad market. A. encouragement B. consumption C. pressure D. controversy 7.Our program is different _ it stresses the technical skills that business


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