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    • 1、小升初必备 12015 东莞东华初级中学小升初面试题综合部分:(35 分)一、选择题。(每小题 3 分)1、长城上的最重要的关:( )A.山海关 B.函谷关 C. 剑门关2、活化石是什么:( )A.恐龙化石 B.银杏 C.钻石3、念奴娇 赤壁怀古 中羽扇纶巾指的是谁:( )A. 周瑜 B.诸葛亮 C.孙权二、填空。(每空 4 分)“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”是( )的作品,他还有一首诗中有一句“朱雀桥边野草花”,后面这句是( ),朱雀桥在六大古都之一的( )。三、阅读。(共 14 分)1、有感情朗读短文。(5 分)2、阅读理解,结合文章内容,在文中的括号内说出一个合适的成语。(4 分)3、后来小蚂蚁逢人就说,会说什么?请你用自己的话说出来。(5 分)小蚂蚁钻牛角一只十分勤奋的蚂蚁,有一天误入了牛角。 蚂蚁很小。弯弯的牛角,在他看来就像是一条极其阔的隧道。它想,走出隧道,定会是一个草美水丰的洞天福地。谁料,脚下的路却越走越窄,到后来竟难以容身。为此,蚂蚁不得不停下来进行认真思考。经过一番激烈的思想斗争,它决心掉过头来,重新开始。 这一回,他由牛角尖向牛角口进发,结果它惊喜

      2、地发现,道路越走越宽广,而且步出牛角,天蓝盈盈的,极其高远,地郁郁葱葱的,宛如( )的大海。一时间,它觉得自己就是那天上自由飞翔的小鸟儿,大海中随意竞游的小鱼儿。 之后,蚂蚁逢人便说:_”数学部分:(每小题 6 分,共 30 分)1、把 20 层楼称为 0 层,则 15 层楼为-5 层,26 层楼为+6 层,那么+14 层是第( )层楼。2、“能上 5 东华 5 真 6 好”的任意相邻 3 个数的和为 20,那么能+上+东+华+真+好=( )。3、长方形对折后,非重叠部分总面积为 8,长方形的总面积是折叠后总面积的 1.6 倍,那么折叠后重叠部分的面积为( )。4、米奇和小伙伴们去寻找宝藏,宝藏图为一九宫格,左上角为“开”键,其余 8 个格子分别写着下一步的移动方法,例如“下 1”,即下移一格;“左 2”,即左移 2 格。那么米奇第一次按了第( )行第( )列的键,根据移动方法的指示,可以遍历整个九宫格,最后落于左上角“开”键,打开宝箱。小升初必备 25、求出一个数的位数和,再求出位数和的位数和,之后不停地求位数和直至一位数,如果这个一位数是 5,那么原数称为“武”数,那么 12014

      3、 从大到小排列的第 4 个“武”数为( )。英语部分:(共 35 分)1.快听快答,口头回答老师的问题。(每小题 3 分,共 9 分)a. Can you tell me the way to Tung Wah school? If I can take the bus, which line can I take?b. There are many ways to make an advertisement, like in newspaper. Can you give 3 more examples?c. If you need 6 minutes to boil an egg, how long do you need to boil 3 eggs? 2模仿。根据听到的单词,做出相应的动作。(每小题 3 分,共 9 分)a. climb b. have a toothache c. say hello to interviewer 3.听短文,回答问题。(9 分)The world is not hungry , but it is thirsty . It seems str

      4、ange that nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water while we say we are short of (短缺 ) water. Why? Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we cant drink or use for watering plants directly (直接地) . Man can only drink and use the 3% - the water that comes from rivers and lakes. And we cant even use all of that, because some of it has been polluted (污染) . Now more water is needed. The problem is: Can we avoid (避免) a serious water shortage later on? First, we should all learn

      5、how to save water. Secondly, we should find out the ways to reuse it . Scientists have always been making studies in the field. Today, in most large cities water is used only once and then runs to the sea or rivers . But it can be used again. Even if (即使) every large city reused its water, still there would not be enough. What could people turn to next? The sea seems to have the best answer. There is a lot of water in the sea. All that needs to be done is to get the salt out of the sea water. Th

      6、is is expensive, but its already used in many parts of the world. Scientists are trying to find a cheaper way of doing it. So you see, if we can find a way out, well be in no danger of drying up. a.Why the world is thirsty? b.What percentage of water on the earth is sea water?c.To avoid the serious water shortage , what is the most important?4.阅读短文,1分钟准备,30秒钟读完。(8分)It was very fine today. It was neither too hot n_ too cold.He Song and I went to Beijing Zoo in the morning. The animals were so i_

      7、that everyone liked them very much.We watched the bears for a long time. They were really lovely. One of them was standing and opening the mouth. A_ of them was sitting on the ground and waving its arm like saying hello to us. The other two guys were boxing. We had a good laugh at it. But at that time I saw a visitor throwing food to them. I ran up to him and s_ him, because some of the animals had been hurt by the food given by 开 右 1 下 2右2 下 1 左 1上2 上 2 左 2小升初必备 2visitors.All the animals are our friends. Take good c_ of them if we really love them.


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