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    • 1、北师大版高中英语新教材(选择性必修第一册)课文 (Unit 1)Lesson 1 Teachers My teacher我的老师I havent seen Mr Jenkins since I left school, but I often think about him. I wasnt very good at most school subjects before I met Mr Jenkins. I suppose I was a bit lazy, especially in maths. The only thing I can remember from school maths is that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees! But when I was 15 and went into Mr Jenkins class, I really became interested in a subject for the first time.虽然离开学校之后再也没有见过詹金斯先生,但我经常想起他。在遇到詹

      2、金斯先生之前,大多数科目我都不是很擅长。我想我那时候有点懒惰,特别是在数学方面。我唯一还记得的数学课内容是三角形的内角和180度!但是在15岁那年,我走进了詹金斯先生的课堂,第一次对一个学科真正产生了兴趣。 Before Mr Jenkins taught me, science had simply been a subject full of strange words to me. I had no idea what hydrogen was, and I didnt really want to know, either! I found it all so boring and difficult. But Mr Jenkins made everything interesting. He used to explain things which seemed difficult with lots of practical examples and in simple language. One day, he took us outside, and we built

      3、 a rocket! I remember that he let me pour some fuel into the rocket, and then another student lit a match to set it off. It was great fun.在上詹金斯先生的课之前,科学课对我来说就是一堆奇怪的词语。我不知道氢是什么,而且也不想知道!我觉得这些东西既无聊又难以理解。但詹金斯先生让一切变得有趣起来。他结合很多实际例子用简单的语言解释看似很难的知识。有一天,他把我们带到户外,一起制造了一枚火箭!我记得他让我把燃料倒进火箭,然后另一名学生点燃了一根火柴发射火箭。这非常有趣。 I know that I wasnt a willing student, but I wasnt slow to learn new things. The problem was that I lacked confidence in myself. Mr Jenkins made me feel that I had my own strengths. I was interest

      4、ed in the study of the stars and planets and he asked me to give a presentation to the class. That was really the first time I tried to explain science to an audience and now its my job! Often when Im preparing a programme, I think about how Mr Jenkins would have done it. Sometimes I think, if only I could call him and ask for his opinion!我知道自己不是一个主动学习的学生,但我学习新事物并不慢,问题是对自己缺乏信心。詹金斯先生让我认识到我有自己的长处。我对恒星和行星的研究很感兴趣,他让我给全班同学做一个展示。这是我第一次尝试向观众讲解科学知识,现在这成了我的工作!在准备一个项目时,我常会想如果是詹金斯先生,他会怎么做。有时甚至想,如果能打电话征求他的意

      5、见就好了! 选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 P8My student我的学生Ive read a couple of Grahams books and seen him on TV. I always say to my wife, “Oh look, I used to teach him!” I remember Graham was very difficult before he came into my class. I had heard stories about his bad behaviour. Once I caught him and his friends seeing who could jump the farthest off the school stage! But when he got interested, he changed. The first day he walked into my class, he was dragging his schoolbag behind him and looking bored, but as s

      6、oon as I set up an experiment to show how the human stomach works using acid and an onion, he gave me his full attention. He loved science! He was very bright and he had done very well in science subjects.我读了几本格雷厄姆的书,也在电视上看到过他。我总会对妻子说:“喏,看,我曾经教过他!”我记得格雷厄姆来我的班上之前学习很成问题。我听说过一些他的不良行为。有一次我撞见他和几个朋友比赛,看谁能从学校的舞台上跳得最远。但当他对学习产生兴趣时,他变了。第一次走进我的班级时,他书包在身后拖着,一幅百无聊赖的样子,当我用酸和洋葱做了一个展示人类的胃如何运作的实验时,他全神贯注。他爱科学!他非常聪明,科学课学得非常好。 However, I have not done as well with all my students as I have with Graham. I think its

      7、important to understand that theres no such thing as a good or a bad student. Look at Graham! Everyone is good at something and its important to find out what that is for each student. We teachers should have more time to make friends with all our students and really understand them. Then we could make sure that we found the path to success, both at school and in later life, for all of them.不过,并不是每一个学生我都能像教格雷厄姆那么成功。我认为重要的是要知道没有所谓的好学生或者坏学生。看看格雷厄姆!每个人都有擅长的事,重要的是要找出每个学生擅长的是什么。我们老师应该花更多的时间和所有的学生交朋友,

      8、真正了解他们。这样才能确保我们为他们都找到了通向成功的道路,不管在学业上还是以后的生活中。 I knew I had chosen a job with a lot of stress but I love what I do. The thing about being a teacher is that you have access to childrens minds when they are open and eager to learn. If what I do as a teacher can help turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult, then I know what Im doing is worthwhile. As John Dewey, the famous educationalist, said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” 我知道我选择了一份压力很大的工作,但我爱我的工作。

      9、做教师意味着,你有机会在孩子们敞开心扉、渴望学习的时候,走进他们的心灵。作为老师如果可以帮助像格雷厄姆这样的孩子成长为如此成功的人,那么我知道我做的是值得的。正如著名教育家约翰杜威所说:“教育不是为生活做准备;教育就是生活本身。” Lesson 3 So Close, Yet So Far第三课 这么近,但又那么远 Mark never stops socializing with his friends online. But hes also never felt more alone.马克一直在和网上的朋友们交往却也从未感到如此孤独。 Where am I? What am I doing? If youre one of my 500 friends online, youll always be the first to know. My phone and laptop are never out of touching distance, so Im constantly posting updates on social mediawhether Im having a coffee, on my way to school, watching TV. even when Im in the shower. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, I check through all my social networking apps, read my emails and answer text messages. I do the same thing all over again while Im having breakfast.我在哪里?我在做什么?如果你是我的500个网友之一,你总会第一个知道。我的手机和笔记本电脑一直在身边,所以我可以不断地在社交媒体上更新无论是在喝咖啡、上学的路上、看电视甚至在洗澡的时候。早上一睁开眼,我就会立刻查看所有社交网络应用程序,阅读电子邮件并回复短信。我在吃早餐的时候会再做一遍这些事情。 I live in a unive


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