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    • 1、北师大(新)选择性必修第二册中英文Unit 4 HUMOUR第四单元 幽默Lesson 1 Whats So Funny?第一课 有趣的小故事 Story AA famous art collector was walking through the city when he noticed a dirty cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. He did a double take. 一个著名的艺术品收藏家在穿过城市时看见一只脏猫在一家商店门口舔饮浅碟中的牛奶。他惊讶地又看了一眼。He noticed that the saucer was an antique and very valuable, so he walked casually into the store and innocently offered to buy the cat for 20 dollars. 收藏家注意到浅碟是件古董,很值钱,于是他漫不经心地走进店里,假装不知情的样子,提出要花20美元买那只猫。The store ow

      2、ner replied, “Im sorry, but the cat isnt for sale.”收藏家注意到浅碟是件古董,很值钱,于是他漫不经心地走进店里,假装不知情的样子,提出要花20美元买那只猫。The collector said, “Please, I need a hungry cat with a good appetite around the house to catch mice. Ill pay you 200 dollars for that cat.”收藏家说:“拜托了,我正需要一只又饿、胃口又好的猫帮我抓屋里的老鼠呢,我可以出200美元买那只猫。”The owner said “sold” and handed over the cat. 店主说了声“成交”,就把猫给了他。The collector continued, “Hey, for the 200 dollars I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer. The cats used to it and itll save me from ha

      3、ving to get a dish.”收藏家接着说:“嘿,200 美元的话能不能把那个破碟子也送给我。毕竟这猫已经习惯了用它,这样也省得我再去买猫食盆了。”And the owner said, “Sorry my friend, but thats my lucky saucer. So far this week Ive sold 68 cats.”店主说:“对不起,朋友,那可是我的幸运碟。到现在为止,这周我已经卖出去68 只猫了。”Story BSherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retired for the night, and went to sleep. 夏洛克福尔摩斯和华生医生去野营。他们吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐,喝了瓶酒,就准备休息,去睡觉了。Some hours later, Holmes woke up and asked his faithful friend, “Watson, look up at

      4、 the sky and tell me what you see.”几小时后,福尔摩斯醒了,问他忠实的朋友:“华生,抬头看看天空,告诉我你看到了什么。”“I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes,” replied Watson. “福尔摩斯,我看到无数的星星,”华生回答。“And what do you deduce from that?” “那你从中推断出什么?”Watson thought for a minute. 华生想了一会儿。“Well, according to the studies on astronomy, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. According to the positions of the stars, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. According to the scientific measurement of time,

      5、 I deduce that the time is probably a quarter past three. According to the current atmosphere, I forecast that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you, Holmes?” “嗯,根据天文学研究推断,现在天空中有数百万的星系,可能还有数十亿颗行星。根据星星的位置判断,现在土星在狮子座。根据科学计时测算,我推断现在大概是三点一刻。根据目前的大气条件,我预测明天天气会很好。福尔摩斯,你推断出了什么?”Holmes was silent for a moment. “Watson,” he said, “someone has stolen our tent!”福尔摩斯沉默了一会儿。“华生,”他说,“有人偷了我们的帐篷!”Story C故事CA middle-aged man was feeling very down. Everything had been going wrong for him. H

      6、e had had problems at work and his wife had left him for another man. So, after he had been feeling depressed for over a month, he decided to go to the doctor. He had to wait for what seemed like ages in the doctors surgery. The bleeding man next to him was looking at his watch nervously; awoman was coughing and sneezing badly; and a baby was screaming. Finally, after he had been waiting for about half an hour, he was called in for his consultation. The doctor was writing a note at her desk when

      7、 he came in. “Sorry, Im just finishing something. Im afraid weve been very busy this morning.” She then turned to the man. “So, whats the problem?” she asked. 一个中年男子觉得非常沮丧。最近他诸事不顺。他在工作上遇到了问题,妻子又跟别的男人跑了。在沮丧了一个多月后,他决定去看医生。他在诊室里等着,像是等了几个世纪。旁边的男人在流血,紧张地看着手表;一个女人使劲咳嗽、打喷嚏;还有个婴儿在哭闹。等了半小时后,终于叫到他了。他进去时医生正在办公桌上写便条。“抱歉,我刚忙完别的事,今天上午很忙。”之后她转向中年人问道,“你怎么了?”“Well, Ive been having a bit of a crisis, you know, lots of problems,” replied the man. “And Ive been doing a lot of work.”“是这样的,我最近遭遇了一点危机,嗯,是出现了很多问题,”那人回答

      8、道,“而且我工作一直很忙。” “Mmm, youre looking very pale.” The doctor started to examine him. “Well, everything is working OK,” she announced afterwards. “You have slightly high blood pressure and youre breathing quite heavily, but otherwise everythings fine.”“嗯,你脸色很苍白。”医生开始给他检查。“不过一切正常,”她检查后说道。“除了血压有点高,呼吸有些沉重,其他方面都正常。”“So what can I do?” asked the man. “Im going on a trip soon. I will be working in the United States for three months. This time next week, Ill be arriving in New York.”“那我该怎么办?”那人问道。“我很快就要出差了

      9、,要在美国连续工作三个月。下星期的这个时候,我就去纽约了。” The doctor thought for a while. “I think what you need is a good laugh. That would do you a lot of good. A circus is performing in town. Why dont you go to see it? I hear theres an amazing clown wholl really make you laugh. His names Grock.”医生想了一会儿。“我觉得你需要开怀大笑,笑出来对你很有好处。城里刚好有马戏团表演,你怎么不去看看呢?我听说马戏团里有个很棒的小丑,叫格罗克,他肯定能逗笑你。”“I am Grock,” replied the man sadly. “可我就是格罗克,”那人悲伤地回答。Lesson 3 My Favourite Comedian第三课 我最喜欢的喜剧演员 TEXT 1 Mr Bean憨豆先生Mr Bean is an internationally recognised comedy character in films and TV series. He has a reputation for constantly encountering awkward situations, which greatly amuses audiences of all nationalities and cultures. His humour is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language that is universal.憨豆先生是一个国际知名的影视喜剧人物。他的著名之处在于总是遇到尴尬的情境,使来自不同国家、不同文化背景的观众都觉得非常好笑。憨豆先生的幽默总是通过一连串简单、可笑的动作清晰地表达


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