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    • 1、北师大新选修第四册Unit11 Lesson 1 How Closely Connected Are We?第一课 我们之间的联系有多紧密?Research shows the average person only has regular communication with between seven and fifteen people, and that most of our communication is in fact with five to ten people who are closest to us. However, perhaps we are closer to the rest of the world than we think. “Six Degrees of Separation” refers to the theory that any person on Earth can be connected to any other person through a chain of no more than five other people.研

      2、究表明,普通人只与7 至15 个人经常保持联系,而且其中大部分的交流实际上只发生在5 到10 个亲近的人身上。不过,也许我们与世界上其他人的联系比想象中的更紧密。“六度分隔”理论说的是地球上任何人都可通过不超过另外五个人与一个陌生人联系起来。The concept was first talked about as long ago as in the 1920s. The Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy published a book calledEverything Is Differentin 1929, in which he introduced the idea of friendship networks and his ideas influenced many of our early impressions of social networks.这个概念早在20世纪20年代就被提出。匈牙利作家弗里吉斯考林蒂在1929年出版了一切皆不同一书,书中介绍了朋友关系网的概念,许多早期关于社交网络的构想都受到他思想的影响。In the 1

      3、950s, an attempt was made by two scientists to prove the theory mathematically; but after twenty years, they still had not had any success. In 1967, an American sociologist called Stanley Milgram tried using a new method to test the theory, which he called the “small-world problem”. He chose a random sample of people in the middle of America and asked them to send packages to a stranger in the state of Massachusetts. The people sending the packages only knew the name, job and general location of

      4、 the stranger. Milgram told them to send the package to a person they knew personally who they thought might know the target stranger. Once the parcel had been received by this person, he/she would send the parcel onto a contact of theirs until the parcel could be personally delivered to the correct person. Amazingly, it only took between five and seven people to get the parcels delivered, and once released, the results were published in the bimonthly magazinePsychology Today. It was this resear

      5、ch that inspired the phrase “Six Degrees of Separation”.20世纪50年代,两位科学家试图用数学方法证明该理论,但20年过去了,仍未成功。1967年,美国社会学家斯坦利米尔格拉姆试图用新的方法来验证这一理论,他称之为“小世界问题”。米尔格拉姆在美国中部随机抽取一部分人作为样本,让他们给马萨诸塞州的一位陌生人寄包裹。这些寄送包裹的人只知道这位陌生人的姓名、工作和大致的位置。米尔格拉姆告诉这些人先把包裹寄给认为有可能认识目标收件人的熟人。一旦此人收到包裹,他或她就会将包裹再发给认识的人,直到包裹被送到目标收件人手中。令人惊讶的是,这些包裹只需通过5至7个人就能送到正确的人手中。结果一经公布,便发表在双月刊今日心理学上。正是这项研究启发了“六度分隔”这一说法。In the last few decades, the theory and the phrase have appeared again. Its name was used as the title of a play and then a film. Then, more f

      6、ilms and TV programmes based on the concept were made and broadcast. For example, the Oscar-winning filmBabelis based on the concept of “Six Degrees of Separation”. The lives of all the characters were closely connected, although they did not know each other and lived thousands of miles apart. The television seriesLostalso explored the idea of “Six Degrees of Separation”, as almost all the characters had randomly met each other, or had met someone the other characters knew, before they were all

      7、in the same plane crash. In the mid-1990s, two college students in the United States invented a game. The idea of the game was to link any actor to Kevin Bacon, a famous American actor and musician, through no more than six links. Soon the game was being played in universities across the United States.在过去的几十年里,这一理论和说法又再次出现。它被用作戏剧标题和电影名称。随后,更多基于这一理论的影视节目相继拍摄、播出。例如,奥斯卡获奖影片通天塔就是基于“六度分隔”这一概念。影片中所有人物彼此不认识、相隔千里,但他们的生活都是紧密相连的。电视连续剧迷失也探讨了“六度分隔”的理论,剧中失事飞机上几乎所有人物此前都曾偶遇,或曾遇见其他人物认识的人。上世纪90年代中期,美国两名大学生发明了一款游

      8、戏。这个游戏的玩法是用不超过六个联结将任意一个演员与著名演员、音乐家凯文贝肯联系起来。这款游戏很快在美国的大学里流行起来。In 2003, Columbia University tried to recreate Milgrams experiment on the Internet. This became known as the “Columbia Small-world Project”. The experiment involved 24,163 email chains with 18 target people in 13 different countries. The results confirmed that the average number of links in the chain was six.2003年,哥伦比亚大学尝试在互联网上重现米尔格拉姆的实验,被称为“哥伦比亚小世界项目”。这项实验涉及24163个电子邮件链接,覆盖了来自13个国家的18个目标人物。实验结果证实,联络串上的连接平均数量是6个。Most recently, an experi

      9、ment in 2011 at the University of Milan analysed the relationship between 721 million social media users and found that 92 percent were connected by only four stages, or five degrees of separation.最新的是2011年米兰大学的一项实验,该实验分析了7.21亿社交媒体用户之间的关系,发现92%的用户只需通过四个阶段(即五度分隔),就可建立联系。So, think about it for a minute: How might you be connected to the driver of the bus you regularly take or the person who delivers your parcels?所以,思考一下这个问题:你与你经常乘坐的公交车司机或给你送包裹的人可能存在怎样的联系?Lesson 3 Anne of Green Gables第三课 绿山墙的安妮Marilla saw Matthew in the front yard and immediately rushed to the door. But when her eyes fell on the odd little figure in the stiff, ugly dress, with the long red hair and the eager, bright eyes, she froze in amazement.玛丽拉看见马修到前院了,立刻冲到门口。但当她的目光落在那个衣服不合身又难看、长着红色长头发、眼睛热切而明亮的古怪小人身上时,她惊呆了。“Matthew Cuthbert, whos that?” she asked. “Where is the boy?”“马修卡斯伯特,她是谁?那个男孩子呢?”她问道。“There wasnt any boy,” said Matthew. “There was only her.”“没有男孩


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