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    • 1、托福口语语料目录托福口语语料1目录11 Task1独立口语21.1 交友放松21.2 大城市21.3 大学教育/商业21.4 环保21.5 种树的好处21.6 成功励志(Work Hard)21.7 运动21.8 家人朋友(通信交流)21.9 健康饮食31.10 旅游31.11 学习、时间管理(to-do list)31.12 艺术31.13 节约时间31.14 效率类31.15 节约钱31.16 兼职31.17 动物保护31.18 课堂讨论41.19 独立生活41.20 榜样力量41.21 人生意义41.22 了解历史41.23 网络的好处41.24 亲子关系41.25 孩子、青少年不成熟41.26 跟朋友争吵+解决51.27 图书馆+纸质书51.28 老板性格友善51.29 三选一51.30 写论文的好处51.31 面对面交流51.32 公共场合不礼貌51.33 Good manner 的重要性52 Task2综合口语62.1 Task2模板62.2 Task2万能句型63 Task3综合口语63.1 Task3模板64 Task4综合口语74.1 Task4模板75 综合写作76

      2、 独立写作71 Task1独立口语1.1 交友放松 Im a university student who needs to deal with a lot of school assignments every day【很忙】, like taking classes, writing papers, preparing for this TOEFL test and so on. Usually, I feel so tired and busy, so I need to find a way to unwind【放松】. Like, last weekend, after a whole day study, I felt so tired, so I choose to _. During the process, I could totally get away from the daily grind【放松】. Whats more, while _, I can meet a bunch of people who share the common interests

      3、and hobbies【交友】. I mean, its easier for us to get along with each other. Therefore, it can help me to expand my social network【交友】. 1.2 大学教育/商业(好大学重要性)I am studying in a top university, which provides me with a platform to gain and enrich knowledge for my major. My major is engineering. In university, I have learned some related academic subjects, such as programing, math, computer science and so on. At the same time, I can do some internships in some technology companies. All these can lay a so

      4、lid foundation for my future career. Whats more, in university, I can make friends with some talented people who can give me a lot of inspiration【交友】. 1.3 大城市 Living in a big city can provide people with a lot of benefits【好处】. I am a university student who studies in Beijing, the capital city in my country. I enjoy my life here in this big and modern city, because I can receive better education, experience new things, get more job opportunities and so on【好处】. All these can lead to a better life,

      5、 right? Besides, the basic infrastructure in big city is perfect, because there are some museums, hospitals, schools, libraries and so on. 1.4 环保 Protecting the environment is very important, because the world we live in is our only home. Last summer, I joined an environmental protection club named Beautiful Home. Once, we collected the recyclable rubbish in the downtown, such as plastics, cans, bottles and so on. Then we sent them to the recycle center. I think this kind of activity can not onl

      6、y clean the city, but also strengthen citizens awareness of environmental protection. (make full use of the natural resources) 1.5 种树的好处In my city, the government pays a great attention to protect the environment. For eg, the government plants a lot of trees in the city. The trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This plays a very important role in purifying the air in the city. Whats more, the green trees can beautify the city, so it can give citizens a sense of happiness.1.6 动物保护I

      7、 think its very important to protect the endangered species, because if a species goes extinct, its lost forever. Last summer vacation, I went to a wild zoo in Sichuan. I saw a lot of lovely pandas there. Panda is a kind of endangered species, and the government should do something to protect it, such as building protected lands, planting more trees, improving breeding techniques and so on. In this way, it can provide a favorable environment for pandas to live. I really hope that my grand childr

      8、en or great grandchildren can still see the real, cute pandas. 1.7 成功励志(Work Hard)Last semester, I joined a speech contest in university. To be frank, I didnt have any talent in public speaking, so I felt so nervous. I really wanted to challenge myself. Therefore, I spent a lot of time preparing for it, like searching for information, writing my speech, improving my body language and so on. No kidding, I even practiced in the washroom (laugh secretly)! In the end, I got the first prize in this c

      9、ompetition. HURRAY! Since then, I became more and more confident! Amazing experience, right?1.8 运动 Im a big fan of doing sports, because its beneficial for my physical and mental health. Im very interested in swimming, because during the process, I could stretch out my arms and legs and build muscle all over the body. Whats more, its also a good way to relax and feel good. Besides, swimming is one of the most effective ways to burn calories so that I can keep a good body shape. 1.9 家人朋友(通信交流) Im studying in Beijing which is far away from my hometown. When I feel down or when I meet some troubles in my life, I will call my parents, because they are my rock. Like last night, I was so upset about the upcoming TOEFL test, coz its too important to me. Then I called my mom and she enco


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