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    • 1、基于SSH框架的大学后勤保障系统的设计与实现摘要随着某高校办学规模的不断扩大,后勤服务保障的内容和范围也在迅速增加,师生 们对学校后勤保障的要求也越来越高,现有的管理模式已经不能适应新形势的变化,严 重制约了学校的整体信息化建设进程。随着信息技术特别是互联网技术的发展与进步, 越来越多的行业开始引入管理信息系统。为了改进学校后勤服务保障的业务流程,降低 人工成本,提高工作效率,本项目开发了基于SSH框架的某大学后勤保障管理系统。首先,本文围绕大学后勤保障系统的设计与开发,通过对技术方案进行比较分析, 确定了本系统采用的体系结构为BS模式和J 2EE架构,并采用Oracl e数据库。同时, 围绕系统特点和应用特殊性,分析了St rut s技术、Spri ng技术、Hi bernat e技术的关键和 主要特点,决定采用SHH框架。其次,详细分析了系统的功能需求、性能需求,使用业务流程图、用例图、数据流 图等对系统的业务需求情况进行了详细分析,并就系统建设分别从技术可行性、经济可 行性、管理可行性三个方面进行了可行性分析。将系统按功能划分为维修管理模块、库 存管理模块、采购管理模块、支付管理

      2、模块、反馈管理模块和用户管理模块。然后,完成系统的总体功能设计、架构设计、数据库设计和主要功能模块的设计 等工作。分别给出主要功能模块的时序图,给出了系统主要实体ER图,并设计了数据 表。最后,完成整个系统各个功能模块的详细实现并进行测试,分别给出了维修管理模 块、库存管理模块、采购管理模块、支付管理模块、反馈管理模块和用户管理模块等各 功能模块的详细实现过程,给出了必要的程序流程图和关键代码片段,并对主要的界面 进行了展示。对系统分别进行了功能测试、性能测试和兼容测试,各项测试指标均满足 要求。该系统的上线运行,对于提高学校后勤保障管理和服务水平、推进校园信息化建设发挥了重要作用,为学校教学、科研以及行政等各项工作提供了强有力的保障和支持。关键词:后勤保障系统;BS模式;J 2EE技术;SSH框架II东北大学硕士学位论文Abst r actThe Desi gn and I mpl ement at i on of Uni versi t yLogi st i cs Suppor t Syst embased on SSHFr amewor kAbst r actWi t h t h

      3、e cont i nuous expansi on of t he scal e of r unni ng a uni ver si t y, t he cont ent s and scope of l ogi st i cs servi ces ar e i ncreasi ng r api dl y, and t he requi rement s of t he school l ogi st i cs servi ce ar e mor e and mor e hi ghThe exi st i ng management mode can not adapt t o t he new si t uat i onWi t h t he devel opment of i nf or mat i on t echnol ogy, especi al l y I nt ernet t echnol ogy, mor e and mor e i ndust r i es begi n t o i nt r oduce management i nf or mat i on syst

      4、 emI n or der t oi mpr ove t he servi ce pr ocess of t he school l ogi st i cs servi ce,reduce l abor cost s and i mpr ove t he wor k ef f i ci ency, t hi s proj ect has devel oped a l ogi st i cs suppor t management syst embased on SSHf r amewor kFi rst l y,t hi s paper anal yzes t he desi gn and devel opment of t he uni versi t y l ogi st i cs suppor t syst emT11r ough t he compari son and anal ysi s of t he t echni cal sol ut i ons,t he syst emst r uct ur e of t he syst emi s det er mi ned as

      5、 BS mode and J 2EE f ramework,and t he Or acl e dat abase i susedAt t he same t i me,t he charact eri st i cs of t he syst emand i t s appl i cat i on ar e anal yzedThe key and mai n charact eri st i cs of St rut s t echnol ogy, Spri ng t echnol ogy and Hi ber nat e t echnol ogy ar e anal yzedThe SHHf r amewor k i s adopt edSecondl y, t he f unct i onal r equi r ement s and per f or mance requi rement s of t he syst em ar e anal yzed i n det ai l ,and t he busi ness r equi r ement s of t he syst

      6、 emare anal yzed i n det ai l ,such as busi ness pr ocess di agr am,use case di agrana,dat a f l ow chart ,et cAccordi ng t o t he f unct i on, t he syst emi s di vi ded i nt o mai nt enance management modul e,i nvent ory management modul e, pur chasi ng management modul e,payment management modul e,f eedback management modul e and user management modul eThen,compl et e t he syst em S overal l f unct i on desi gn,st ruct ure desi gn,dat abase desi gnand t he mai n f unct i on modul e desi gn and

      7、 SO onThe t i mi ng di agramof t he mai n f unct i onmodul es are gi ven respect i vel y,and t he mai n body of t he syst emi s gi ven,and t he dat a t abl e i s desi gned by E- RFi nal l y, t he det ai l ed i mpl ement at i on of each f unct i onal modul e of t he whol e syst em i scompl et ed and t est edThe mai nt enance management modul e,i nvent ory management modul e,III东北大学硕士学位论文Abst r actpur chasi ng management modul e,payment management modul e,f eedback management modul e and user mana

      8、gement modul e ar e gi venFunct i on t est s,per f or mance t est s and compat i bi l i t y t est s ar e carri ed out f or t he syst em,and t he t est i ndexes meet t he requi rement sOn l i ne oper at i on of t he syst em,i t pl ays an i mpor t ant rol e i n i mpr ovi ng t he management and servi ce l evel of l ogi st i cs support ,and pr omot i ng t he const ruct i on of campus i nf ormat i on I t provi des a st rong suppor t f or t he w01k of school t eachi ng,sci ent i f i c research andadmi ni st rat i onKey Words:Logi st i c suppor t syst em;BS model ;J 2EE t echnol ogy;SSHf r amewor kIV东北大学硕士学位论文目录目录独创性声明 I摘要 I IAbst ract I I I第1章绪论 111项目研究背景和意义 112国内外研究现状分析 313主要研究内容


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