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    • 1、目 录摘要IABSTRACTIII第一章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究目的与意义21.3 国内外研究现状31.4 主要内容和组织结构4第二章 试题质量评测与组卷算法研究52.1 试题质量的度量分析52.2 组卷算法策略的分析与选择62.3 实数编码遗传算法实现组卷功能92.4 本章小结12第三章 在线考试系统需求分析133.1 系统功能性需求分析133.2 系统非功能性需求分析183.3 本章小结19第四章 在线考试系统设计204.1 系统总体设计204.2 系统功能模块设计224.3 系统数据库设计274.4 本章小结32第五章 在线考试系统实现335.1 环境配置及 SSH 框架搭建335.2 系统管理模块实现375.3 人员管理模块实现405.4 题库管理模块实现405.5 试卷管理模块实现415.6 智能组卷模块实现425.7 在线考试模块实现465.8 试卷评阅模块实现475.9 成绩查询模块实现49第六章 在线考试系统测试516.1 系统测试516.2 测试结果516.3 测试结论与分析52第七章 总结与展望547.1 总结547.2 展望54参考文献56致谢58I

      2、I摘要计算机网络技术在现代社会得到了广泛应用,促进了各行业网络化的变革,教育行业也因此产生巨大变化。在线网络考试模式具有不可替代的优势,逐渐成为新型教育测量的重要手段,被越来越多的人关注和认同,在教育、国防、金融等行业成为了考核的重要形式。在线考试系统不受时间和空间的约束,能公正公平的对成绩进行测评,节约考试中出卷、监考、阅卷、评测等步骤的人力物力,且储存传输更为便利,成为考试的重要工具。在线考试系统中最为核心的功能就是智能组卷功能,其工作原理是根据设定的一系列教育测量系数,通过某种特定的算法计算,选出符合要求的题目,并自动组合成试卷。智能组卷功能不仅需要具有快速选择题目并生成试卷的特点,同时也需要保证试题的质量,实现考试的公平公正的特点。本文在分析了在线考试模式现有理论的基础上,结合 SSH 框架与实数编码遗传算法,研究并实现了一个基于 SSH 框架的具有智能组卷功能的在线考试系统。该系统简化了目前各类考试的工作流程,节约人力物力资源,减少各学校对于考试工作的投入, 进而促进学校的工作效率,使教育信息化程度进一步加深。本文的主要工作和创新点如下:1. 对在线考试系统和组卷算法的相关基

      3、础理论作了分析,阐述了国内外发展现状和应用实践情况,对目前几种主流组卷算法作了探讨,为系统的需求分析、设计实现提供相关理论知识和技术基础。2. 对 Java 开发中的 SSH 框架作了分析,剖析 Struts2、Spring5、Hibernate5 三层框架在系统开发中的作用,并将这些关键技术应用到微学习系统中。3. 根据在线考试系统的特点,从功能性需求和非功能性需求两个方面对系统进行分析,明确系统功能和用户群体。对在线考试系统进行设计,给出了各功能流程和对应时序图,建立了系统所需的数据库表。4. 分析在线考试系统智能组卷功能的要求,以实数编码遗传算法来实现本文智能组卷功能,给出了利用遗传算法实现智能组卷功能策略的过程。系统采用 JavaWeb 技术,SSH 框架,及 MySQL 数据库进行开发,智能组卷功能利用遗传算法进行设计实现。关键词:在线考试;智能组卷;遗传算法IDesign and Implementation of Online Examination System Based on SSH FrameworkAbstractComputer network technol

      4、ogy has been widely used in modern society and has promoted the transformation of networks in various industries, resulting in tremendous changes in the education industry. Online online examination mode has irreplaceable advantages and gradually became an important measure of new-type education measurement. It has been more and more peoples attention and recognition, and has become an important form of assessment in education, national defense, finance and other industries. The online examinati

      5、on system is free from constraints of time and space, can evaluate the scores fairly and fairly, and saves manpower and material resources in the examinations such as the rollout, invigilation, marking, evaluation, etc., and the storage and transmission are more convenient and become an important tool for the examination. The core function of the online test system is the smart test paper function, which is based on a set of educational measurement coefficients, calculated by a specific algorith

      6、m, and selected questions that meet the requirements and automatically combined into test papers. The intelligent grouping function not only needs the characteristics of quick selection of questions and the generation of test papers, but also the quality of test questions and the fairness and fairness of the test.Based on the analysis of the existing theory of online examination mode, this paper combines SSH framework and real-coded genetic algorithm, and studies and implements an on-line examin

      7、ation system based on SSH framework. The system is expected to simplify the current workflow of all kinds of examinations, save manpower and material resources, reduce the input of schools for examinations, and then promote school work efficiency, and further deepen the level of education information.The main work and innovation of this article are as follows:1. Study the basic theories of the online examination system and composition algorithm, and summarize the development status and applicati

      8、on practice at home and abroad, and discuss several current mainstream algorithms to provide relevant theoretical knowledge for the requirements analysis and design implementation of the system. And technology foundation.2. Analyze the SSH framework in Java development, and deeply study the role of the three-tier framework of Struts2, Spring5, and Hibernate5 in system development, and apply these key technologies to the micro-learning system.3. According to the characteristics of the online exam

      9、ination system, this system is studied from both functional and non-functional requirements, and the system functions and user groups are defined. The online examination system is designed, each function flow and corresponding sequence diagram are given, and the database table required by the system is established.III4. Researches and studies common grouping algorithms, and analyzes the requirements of the intelligent testing function of the online examination system. It is determined that real-coded genetic algorithm is used to implement the intelligent grouping function of this paper. This article discusses in detail the process of using intelligent algorithms to achieve smart test paper


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