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    • 1、必修四Unit 4 Body language单元测试 2 笔试部分: I. 单项选择 1.“Thanks ” is a(n) _ commonly used to express ones gratitude to someone for something he has done for you. A. word B. idiom C. expression D. phrase 2. I dont suppose he is _ to come to our help when we get into trouble. A. maybe B. possible C. likely D. probable 3. Her acting skills are _ those of the world famous actress,. A. closely to B. approaching C . improving D. getting near 4. Afraid _ face before his students, the teacher refused _ that he wa

      2、s in the wrong. A. to lose; to admit B. of losing; admitting C. of losing; to admit D. to lose; admitting 5. _ English learners, we should not only be able to understand the meanings expressed by the language itself but also _ expressed by postures, gestures and facial expressions. A. Like; that B. As; those C. Like; those D. As; that 6. He is not the kind of person that _ in the comedy. In life, he is serious and conserved(保守 ). A. expressed B. is expressed C. represents D. is represented 7. _a

      3、bout the super thin material, she touched it and learned that it _ like silk. A. Curiously; feels B. Being curious; was felt C. Curious; feels D. Being curious; felt 8. Learning that their only son was sound and safe _ the family _. A. put; at ease B. made; easy C. set; easily D. laid; at ease 9. Whether you liked it or not, you shouldnt have _ to your mother when she was talking to you. A. turned back B. turned down your back C. turned your back D. turned your back away 10. The power of words l

      4、ies in _the ideas and objects in the objective world. A. their connection with B. their relation to C. their joint with D. their association with 11.I really appreciate their _ to settling personal disputes. A. ways B. means C. methods D. approaches 12. The same gestures, signs and so on, in other words, body language, may expressdifferent ideas or meanings in different cultures, so dont use them _ you are definitely sure of what they mean so as to reduce misunderstanding _ the smallest number.

      5、A. until; with B. unless; to C. until; by D. unless; by 13. People in China dont often kiss or hug each other goodbyes or hellos, which _ a common _ in some European countries. A. are; practice B. is; exercise C. are; exercise D. is; practice 14. China rank _ in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and more and more countries _ China as a friendly and powerful country. A. the first; rank B. first; rank C. the first; regard D. first; suppose 15. Could you tell me why I am constantly yawning this aftern

      6、oon? Yawning _ an indication that your body lacks oxygen and needs a rest. A. acts as B. serves as C. functions as D. plays as 16. In order not to miss his flight, he ran _ the street, jumped_ the fence and dashed into the waiting hall, _ all about his own safety. A. across; over; forgetting B. through; across; forgot C. over; over; forgetting D. across; over; forgot 17. People _ are kind, honest and willing to help, but he is not a man of this kind _, in my opinion. A. on the whole; in general

      7、B. in general; after all C. on the whole; at all D. in general; on the whole 18. The accused woman _ himself bysaying that he killed the man totally out of self-defense and it was completely an accident. A. guarded B. protected C. defended D. prevented 19. In the statement that the school sent to all parents, the headmaster _their complaints about the conditions by saying that the school dormitory, canteen were beautifully decorated with healthy materials, classrooms _and the playground rubberiz

      8、ed. A. replied to; were completely computerized B. reacted to; were computerized completely C. responded to; completely computerized D . answered to; computerized completely 20. One of his major shortcomings is that he always bases his judgment on _ opinions, which often _prejudices ( 偏见 )against something or somebody. A. objective; leads to B. subjective; results in C. objective; causes D. subjective; arise 21. Shaking the fist is a _ commonly used to express anger by male adults but the ways t

      9、o release ones anger _ greatly from person to person. A. gesture; ranges B. sign; varies C. symbol; changes D. posture; alters 22. When the speaker finished his speech, he was affected to see his speech _ with cheers and applauses from the audience. A. was met B. was welcome C. was popular D. was greeted 23. I am truly sorry for the false information I provided _ you _ the quality of the newly developed cassette A. with; with B. for; about C. for; for D. with; about 24. _ accident happened at _ not far from the Communication Bank. A. An; a crossroads B. The; crossroads C. A; the crossroads D. X; a crossroads 25. “ Why not ask your former boyfriend for help?” How could I have _to ask him again?


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