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    • 1、PEP 小学英语四年级下册期末复习资料 语音: P6:er tiger sister water computer dinner (在末尾 :小饥饿音)老虎姐妹水计算机晚饭 P16:ir bird girl shirt skirt first (大饥饿音)鸟女孩衬衫女裙第一 ur nurse hamburger hurt turn 护士汉堡伤害转动 P26: ararm car card scarf (牙医音 )胳膊小汽车卡片围巾 al ball wall tall small (恍然大悟音)球墙高的小的 P40:or horse short shorts for fork forty (恍然大悟音)马短的短裤为给叉子四十 w-orwork word world homework (大饥饿音)工作单词世界家庭作业 P50:-leapple people table uncle little (变异小饥饿音)苹果人、人类桌子叔叔小的 Unit 1 My school 一、单词: 楼层:first floor 一楼second floor 二楼 教室:teachers officeplay

      2、ground computer room music room art room gym library 其他: next to homework class forty way 指示代词: this 这,这个 (通常指空间上离我们较近的单数物品) that 那,那个(通常指空间上离我们较远的单数物品) 二、重点句型 1.询问教室位置:Where is the teacher s office? 教师办公室在哪里? It s on the second floor. 它在二楼。 2.猜测教室: Is this the teacher s office? 这是 教师办公室吗? Yes, it is./ No, it isn t. Is thatthe computer room ? 那是 计算机房吗?Yes, it is./ No, it isn t. Do you have a library? 你们(学校)有图书馆吗? Yes, we do. No, we dont. 是的,有。 / 不,没有 礼貌待客“这边请” This way please. Unit 2 What time i

      3、s it? ( 几点钟了 ) 词汇(另外要根据时间判断相应的活动a.m.上午p.m.下 午) 名词词组 一日三餐breakfast lunch dinner 课程 music class PE class English class 动词词组get up go to school go home go to bed 其它over oclock 一、 重点句型 : 是时候该Its time for +名词词组 . Its time for dinner. 干什么了It s time to +动词词组 . It s time to go to school. 询问时间 What time is it now? 现在几点钟了? It s 5 o clock. 5 点了。 Time to go home. 该回家了。 Breakfast is ready. 早餐准备好了。 三、四会单词和四会句子: P19: What time is it? It s six o clock. 几点钟了?6 点钟了。 Unit 3 Weather( 天气) 一、 词汇 天气( weather ) : 根据温度:

      4、 cold (5)warm(20) cool (15)hot(30) 根据天气符号:snowy sunny rainy windy cloudy weather report 二、 重点句型 征求他人意见Can I go outside now? 现在我能出去吗? Yes, you can . / No, you can t. 询问天气 What s the weather like in New York? 纽约的天气怎么样? Its rainy. 是下雨天。 猜测天气 Is it cold? 天冷吗? Yes, it is.是的。/No, it isnt.不是的。 It s 26 degrees. 是 26 度。 Unit 4 At the farm (在农场) 词汇 动物(animals ) : hens goats cows horses sheep 蔬菜( vegetables) tomatoes potatoes green beans carrots 重点句型 复数询问物品 What are these? 这些是什么 They are tomatoes. 它们是西红柿。

      5、What are those ? 那些是什么? They re carrots. 它们是土豆。 What are they?它们是什么?They are hens. 它们是母鸡。 复数猜测 Are these carrots? 这些是胡萝卜吗? Yes, they are . /No, they aren t. Are those cows? 那些是奶牛吗Yes, they are . /No, they are n t. Are they hens? 它们是母鸡吗? Yes, they are ./ No, they are n t. 询问数量 How many horses /sheep do you have? 你有多少匹马 /只羊? Seventeen. 17 匹/只。 Try some ! 尝一些吧! Unit 5 My clothes (我的服装) 词汇衣服(clothes) : 单数hat dress skirt coat sweater jacket shirt 复数pants socks shoes shorts clothes 重点句型 猜测物品归属 Are the

      6、se yours? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 这些是你的吗?是的,它们是。不,它们不是。 单数: Is this John s? 这是约翰的吗?Yes, it is. No, it isn t. 2 询问物品归属Whose ? 复数: Whose pants are those? They are your father s. 单数:Whosecoat isthis? It s mine. Sarah, can you help me , please? 萨拉请问你能帮助我吗? Ok./ Of course. 好的,当然可以。 Unit 6 Shopping (购物) 词汇 日常生活用品gloves sunglassesscarf umbrella 形容词pretty expensive cheap nice 其他: try on 试穿size 尺码of course 当然just right 正好 how much 多少钱dollar 美元 数字:twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty 六十 seventy七

      7、 十eighty八 十ninety九 十forty-two四 十 二 hundred 百 重点句型 询问价钱: How much ? 单数: How much is this skirt ? =How much is it? 这条裙子多少钱? It s $89. 它 89 美元。 复数: How much are these pants ? =How much are they ? Theyre 450 yuan.450 元。 Can I help you? 我能为您做点什么? Yes. These shoes are nice. 是的,这些鞋子很漂亮。 (复数) Can I try them on? (单数) Can I try it on? 我能试试吗? Size 6, please. 请给我拿 6 号的。 They re too small. 它们太 小了。 How do you like this skirt?这条裙子你觉得怎么样? Its very pretty. 它很漂亮。 (单数) I ll take it./ (复数)I ll take them . 我买了! 三、四会

      8、单词和四会句子 P63: 1. They are very expensive.们太贵了。 2. They are too small. 它们很小。 认读下列单词 1.animal 2.art 3.be careful 4.breakfast 5.carrot 6.cheap 7.class 8.clothes 9.cloudy 10.coat 11.cold e on puter room 14.cool 15.cow 16.degree 17.dinner 18.dollar 19.dress 20.eat 21.eighty 22.English class 23.expensive 24.farm 25.first 26. fly 27.forty 28.garden 29.get up 30.gloves 31.go to school 32.go home 33.go to bed 34.goat 35.green beans 36.hat 37.hen 38.homework 39.horse 40.hot 41.how about 42.how much 43.hurr

      9、y up 44.jacket 45.just a minute 46. just 47.kid 48.library 49.London 50.love 51. lunch 52.mine 53.more 54.Moscow 55.music room 56.music class 57.New York 58.next to 59. nice 60.now 61.o clock 62.of course 63.outside 64.over 65.pack 66.pants 67.PE class 68.playground 69.potato 70.pretty 71.rainy 72.scarf 73.second 74.sheep 75.shirt 76.shorts 77.size 78.skirt 79.snowy 80.sock 81.sunglasses 82.sunny 83.sweater 84.teacher s office 85.these 86.those 87.tomato 88.too 89.try on 90.umbrella 91.warm 92.weather 93.whose 94.windy 95.world Useful expressions( 常用表达 ) 1. Where s the teachers office? It s on the second floor . 2. What time is it? It s six o clock / seven twenty. 3. Whats the weather like in New York? It s rainy. 4. What arethese/ those ? Theyre tomatoes. 5. What is this/ that ? Its tomatoes. 6.Whose coat is this/ that ? It s mine. 7.Whose pants are those/these ? They are your fath


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