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    • 1、奥鹏100分20春旅游初级英语(二)期末考核-00001试卷总分:100 一、单选题 (共 15 道试题,共 30 分)1.How many State-Protected animals are there in Huanglong?A.9B.21C.30D.12答案:C2.The Old Silk Road is ( ) kilometers long.A.4000B.3000C.2000D.7000答案:D3.The best paper of the Four Treasures of Study is said to be ( )paper.A.HuiB.DuanC.HuD.Xuan答案:D4.The ( )in bronze ware are regarded as major chapters in the history of Chinese calligraphy.A.caldronsB.inscriptionsC.legsD.ornamentations答案:B5.In China, tea can be classified into ( ) categories

      2、.A.3B.4C.5D.6答案:C6.Potala Palace in ( ) is situated on Red Hill.A.LanzhouB.YushuC.LhasaD.Yinchuan答案:C7.Which of the followings is not included in the Four Treasure of StudyA.ink stickB.envelopeC.ink slabD.paper答案:B8.Caterpillars need ( ) weeks to form their silk cocoon.A.4B.5C.6D.7答案:C9.In ( ), the Yellow River empties into the sea.A.JiangsuB.ShandongC.LiaoningD.Zhejiang答案:B10.( ) emperors lived and ruled from the palace where the Palace Museum is.A.24B.25C.26D.22答案:A11.Confucius concluded that

      3、jade had ( )virtues.A.9B.10C.11D.12答案:C12.It takes ( )pounds of cocoons to produce one pound of silk.A.11B.12C.13D.14答案:B13.Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is more than ( ) years old.A.1500B.2000C.3000D.2500答案:D14.The town of Lijiang was founded in ( ).A.1172B.1271C.1127D.1772答案:C15.The Day of Dead is an ancient festival celebrated in ( ).A.MexicoB.SpainC.CanadaD.U.S.答案:A二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)16.Along the Old Silk Road there are ( ).A.grottoesB.Buddist templesC.ancient city remainsD.historical sites

      4、答案:ABCD17.The rarity of the raw material is the deciding factor of both the ( ) and the ( )of silk.A.colorB.valueC.softnessD.mystery答案:BD18.Jade symbolizes ( ) in Chinese culture.A.beautyB.nobilityC.perfectionD.power答案:ABCD19.The official colors of Mardi Gras are ( )A.redB.purpleC.goldD.green答案:BCD20.The richness of ( )of silk make it the means to imply something is fine and impeccable.A.colorB.textureC.strengthD.beauty答案:ABCD21.( )characterize Huanglong scenery.A.Calcified pondsB.beachesC.water

      5、fallsD.river banks答案:ABCD22.China Red Sandalwood Museum is ( ) museum in China.A.first privateB.largest privateC.first publicD.largest public答案:AB23.Chinese silk is famous all over the world for its ( ).A.magnificent qualityB.reasonable priceC.colorD.variety答案:ACD24.The Yangtze River flows through ( ) provinces.A.HubeiB.HunanC.ShandongD.Jiangxi答案:ABD25.In Qinghai, tourists meet and learn about ( ).A.KoreansB.MongoliansC.TibetansD.Kazaks答案:BCD三、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)26.Sericulture is the farming o

      6、f silkworms only.答案:错误27.Jade was worn by kings and nobles and after death placed with them in the tomb.答案:正确28.The overland trade route was to bacome famously known as the Silk Road.答案:正确29.Each cocoon, smaller than your thumb, is made of one silk fiber roughly three thousand feet in length.答案:正确30.Taoism was introduced in West Han Dynasty.答案:错误31.The possession of bronze ware was regarded as a status symbol.答案:正确32.Traditional Chinese medicine has nothing adherents in Western countries.答案:错误33

      7、.The Long Corridor of the Summer Palace was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 as the longest corridor in the world.答案:错误34.Lanzhou is the only city divided by the Yellow River.答案:正确35.The traditional Dongba Culture of the Naxi ethnic group has been preserved in Lijiang.答案:正确四、问答题 (共 6 道试题,共 30 分)英译汉:I will not visit any other mountains after I have hiked Mount Huangshan.答案:黄山归来不看山。汉译英:中国的丝绸通过丝绸之路运往印度和中东等地,以换取香料和玻璃等。答案:Chinas silk was sent to India and the Middle East along t

      8、he Silk Road in exchange for spices and glass.英译汉:Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.答案:从远处眺望,小岛就像一朵云。汉译英:4月1日要当心,在这一天你的朋友可能会跟你开玩笑。如果你上当受骗,别人就会把你叫做“四月傻瓜”!答案:Be careful on April 1st, because your friends may play a trick on you. If you are taken in, youll be called “April Fool!”汉译英:2006年标志着我国第十一个五年计划的开始。答案:2006 marked the beginning of the 11th Five-year Plan period.汉译英:瓷器和陶器具有极高的艺术价值和实用价值,是我国人民生活的必需品。答案:The porcelain and pottery are of high degree of artistic and practical val

      9、ue besides being the articles for peoples daily use.以下内容不需要的请自行删除 德国企业是欧洲企业的代表 1.企业培训。德国企业培训的突出特点是注重能力的培养,解决实际存在的问题。通过探讨和实验寻求解决问题的最佳途径和方法,给每个员工充分的自由发挥的空间,极大地调动了他们的积极性,也大大地提高了参训学员的素质和解决问题的能力。德国企业培训工作还有一个十分重要的任务,就是让员工认同企业的价值观。 2.牢固的质量意识。德国企业对产品质量一向是最重视的。他们认为没有物美价廉的产品,只有精品和次品。他们的许多产品都是以精取胜,成为世界知名的品牌。德国企业精益求精的价值观已深入人心,成为员工的一种自觉行为。德国企业员工追求技术完美和注重质星的强烈意识,技术不断进步,保持良好的质量,制造一流产品,是德国企业具有较强竟争力的重要原因。 3.注重独创性研究开发。德国研究经费占国民生产总值2.9%,居世界前列。德国人相信研究与开发决定企业未来,因而不论经济如何不景气,也不削减开发费用,并在研究中重视独创性和高度专业性,最大限度发挥个人创造潜力,这是德国研究与开发体制的


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