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  • 常见问题
    • 1、 一、单选题 (共10题,30.0分) 1、_ all my money on the car, I cant afford a holiday with my friend this summer. A.Spending B.Spend C.To spendD.Having spent 2、In order to finish the medical report, the doctor () into night yesterday. A.worksB.workedC.workD.will work3、Please give Jim the schedule for tomorrows conference when he _ back. He is to chair the conference. A.will come B.is coming C. comes D. came 4、_ are you going to visit the science museum? Next Saturday. A.When B.What C.Where D.How5、When someon

      2、e turns away his body, it means impatience and a desire _ a conversation. A.to escape B.escaped C. escaping D.having escaped6、In _ hottest reality show Running Man III, Luhan is _ only new member. A. a; 不填 B. a; an C.the; theD. the; 不填 7、It takes a long time to restore nature_ it is damaged. A.since B.unless C.once D.until8、_ the trip from Alaska to Argentina by bike, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years. A. To pay forB.Paying for C.Paid forD.Pay for 9、Frank, where have you been? We

      3、 _ you since 2 oclock. A.have been waiting for B.are waiting for C.had waited for D.waited for 10、You could work out the problem easily now if you _ absent from the physics class last Friday. A. werent B.hadnt beenC. havent been D.wouldnt have been1、 When I was in the third grade, I wanted to be just like Mrs. Abshere. She always had a 15 for her students. She made us feel both special and wanted. I truly felt that Mrs. Abshere cared about me. Her patience and kindness helped me 2 many hard time

      4、s. One day, after I got home, the police suddenly came and arrested (逮捕) my parents. I was 3 to death! I held on to my brother and sister as we were 4 to a childrens home. As my parents waited for their 5 , my brother, sister and I waited in the childrens home. Soon days turned into weeks. When I was told that they would be in prison for six months, I 6 on my bed and cried for hours. I was mad at the world and no longer saw any future for myself. Just at this very moment one of the girls came ru

      5、nning up to me. “Hey, theres a lady here to see you. I think its your mom.”Could it be true? When I got to the end of the hallway, there stood Mrs. Abshere! She held her arms out to me. “Honey, I know 7 is better than your mom, but I love you, too!”I hugged her and 844 thanked God for bringing this angel thirty miles out of her way to see me. As I 9 Mrs. Abshere around the grounds, I began to feel 10 again. I was so excited to show her off to all my new friends. Two weeks later, I said good-bye

      6、to all my friends and moved across the state to live in another city with my grandparents. Sixteen years later, I 11 Mrs. Abshere, so that I could tell her how grateful (感激的) I was. When I found her, we had the most wonderful conversation. I felt so much 12 telling her that I was only a year away from becoming a teacher myself. “Oh! Thats great. You can teach students in my room!”So, perhaps I will be returning to Mrs. Absheres classroom soon, only this time as a peer (同行) and a very grateful fr

      7、iend. 1、A.messageB.gameC.smileD.prize2、A.withB.throughC.outD.off 3、A.lonelyB.boredC.frightened D.sorry 4、A.invitedB.pushedC.foundD.driven 5、A.news B.replyC.lettersD.sentence 6、A.jumpedB.fellC.spreadD.slept 7、A.nobodyB.somebodyC.anybodyD.everybody 8、A.carefullyB.seriouslyC.nervouslyD.silently 9、A.walkedB.helpedC.talkedD.saw 10、A.wonderfulB.hopefulC.interestedD.relaxed 11、A.searched for B. rang upC.called onD.bumped into 12、A.patienceB.shameC.prideD.hope 三、阅读理解 (共2题,40.0分) 1、 During the winter hol

      8、iday season, we often see an increase in the amount of rubbish we produce in our homes. As you prepare to celebrate the holidays, follow the simple instructions in this article to help cut the amount of rubbish produced in your home. For gift-giving: Homemade gifts, such as cards, often produce less rubbish and can be a treasure to receive. This is a great idea for children to try. When wrapping (包装) gifts: Use gift bags instead of wrapping paper. Gift bags are reusable and not as likely to go out with the rubbish. If you receive gifts in gift bags, be sure to store them away for future use. When entertaining: A


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