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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit12教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、Unit 12理解:要点诠释单词1.matter讲:n.(笼统)事情;事态;麻烦事;占有空间的物体或物质v.成为问题;关系重大matter用以指笼统情况时常用复数形式。用作动词时,主要以it为主语,通常用于否定或疑问句。例:Thats a matter of life and death. 那是生死攸关的问题。 Take matters easy(seriously). 对事情抱轻松(认真)的态度。 The universe is composed of matter. 宇宙由物质构成。 It doesnt matter what you wear,as long as you look neat and tidy. 只要看起来干净整洁,你穿什么都可以。链接提示 (1)a matter of 有关的问题 (2)as a matter of fact 事实上 (3)for that matter 关于那件事;就那件事而言 (4)to make matters worse更糟的是练:The thing that_ is not whether you fail or not,but whe

      2、ther you try or not.A.matters B.cares C.considers D.minds提示:句意为:重要的不是你是否成功,而是你是否努力了。matter要紧;至关重要。答案:A2.locate讲:v.找出的位置;指出(确认) 的场所;设置(工厂、机关等);位于;定居讲:We couldnt locate the source of the radio signal. 我们无法确定无线电信号的来源。 Where is the new university to be located? 新大学将设于何处? They located their Asian office in Hong Kong. 他们的亚洲办事处设在香港。 The business is located right in the center of town. 商店正好位于市中心。链接提示 locate当作“位于”讲时,常与介词in/by/near等搭配。练:(1)_ in faraway northwest,this place has its beautiful scenery and fr

      3、esh air.A.Being located B.LocatedC.Locating D.To be located提示:be located in的意思是“位于;坐落于”。本句需要用过去分词短语作状语。答案:B (2)The small mountain village in_ we spent our summer holiday last year is_ in what is now part of Jiangsu Province.A.which;locating B.where;locatedC.which;located D.which;lain提示:从句子结构看,第一空作介词in的宾语,排除B;lie作“位于”讲时,不能用于被动语态,排除D项;be located in的意思是“位于”。答案:C3.hesitate讲:vi.(对某事)犹豫;迟疑不决;顾虑;疑虑例:She hesitated before replying. 她犹豫了一下才回答。 I didnt hesitate for a moment about taking the job. 我毫不犹豫地接受了那

      4、份工作。 I hesitated to ask you,but will you lend me some money? 能借给我点钱吗?我本不想开口,实在不得已。链接提示 (1)hesitation n. 犹豫;踌躇 (2)hesitate at nothing对什么都毫不迟疑 (3)hesitate to do sth.对做某事犹豫不决 (4)hesitate about doing sth.对做某事犹豫不决 (5)without hesitation毫不犹豫练:He_ for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he_ a goal.A.paused;had scored B.hesitated;scoredC.stopped;would have scored D.hesitated;would have scored提示:从句子意思看,他没将球踢进,所以第二空用虚拟语气would have scored,排除A、B两项;stop不与一段时间状语连用,故选D项。答案:D短语1.set out讲:该词组的义项有“出发;动身;开始;

      5、着手做;列举;详述”。 作“开始干某事”讲时,set out后接动词不定式,set about后接动名词。例:Then they set out for the farm. 然后他们动身到农场去。 They set out to perform the operation. 他们开始动手术。 He set out his reasons for what he had done. 他列举了这样做的理由。链接提示 (1)set out/off for动身去某处 (2)set about doing sth.开始做某事 (3)set an example做出榜样 (4)set aside拨出;留出;不理会;搁置 (5)set back往回拨;使倒退 (6)set down放下;写下;记下 (7)set fire to/set sth.on fire放火烧 (8)set foot in/on进入;踏上 (9)set to work(使)开始干 (10)set up成立;建立;支起来 练:(1)(2010江苏模拟)Its ten years since the scientist on his

      6、 lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical.A.made for B.set outC.took off D.turned up提示:make for向方向前进;set out着手;开始;take off脱掉;(飞机)起飞;turn up把(音量)拧大;露面;出现。从句意看,应该选B项。答案:B (2)The local health organization is reported_ twentyfive years age when Dr.Green became its first president.A.to be set up B.being set upC.to have been set up D.having been set up提示:依据sth.is reported to do/to be doing/to have done排除B、D两项;依据时间状语twentyfive years age确定答案为C。答案:C2.throw light upon讲:该组词组的义项有“使(问题等)较容易理解;使人明白”。 该

      7、词组中的throw也可以换成cast。例:Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease. 最近的研究可以使人进一步了解导致该病的原因。 Can you throw any light on the problem? 你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗?链接拓展 light构成的短语: (1)come to light为人所知;变得众所周知;暴露 New evidence has recently come to light. 新的证据最近已披露出来。 (2)be in ones light挡住某人的光线 Could you move?Youre in my light. 挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。 (3)bring sth.to light揭露;披露;暴露;揭发 These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚被披露出来。练:Professor Karl is a scientist whose experiments have_ the a

      8、mazing ways.A.brought light on B.thrown great light onC.thrown a great light on D.brought light on提示:在词组throw light on中,light是不可数名词。答案:B3.begin with讲:该词组的义项有“以开始;先(从某事做起)”。 begin 后可接宾语,构成begin.with.短语。例:Each chapter begins with a quotation. 每一章的开头都有一条引语。 He usually begins his class with a joke. 他通常以一个笑话开始上课。 No man can lose what he never had.没有人能失去他从来没有过的东西。 The ocean begins with little drops of water. 大洋是点滴的水汇成的。链接拓展 (1)to begin with起初;开始;首先;第一点 What was it you didnt like? 你不喜欢的是什么? Well,to begin with,our room was far too small. 唔,首先是,我们的屋子太小了。

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