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【外研版必修4】2014高考英语一轮复习配套课件:Module_1_Life_in_the_Future 60张PPT

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  • 上传时间:2019-12-11
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    • 1、晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 随着经济经济 的发发展,人们们的生活方式、消费习惯费习惯 也在悄 然变变化。目前,在商场场、超市购购物时时使用信用卡和VIP刷卡 的消费费者越来越多。请请根据下面的提示信息谈谈一谈对这谈对这 种现现 象的认识认识 ,用英语语写一篇题为题为 “The Use of Credit Cards”的短 文。 1产产生这这种现现象的原因:安全方便、气派、显显示身份 ; 2这这种现现象可能带带来的影响:过过度消费费、易产产生信用 卡诈骗诈骗 ; 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 3你的观观点:考生自己发挥发挥 。 注意:1.对对所给给要点不要逐字翻译译,要有适当发挥发挥 ; 2词词数100左右。 _ _ _ _ _ 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 【满分作文】 The Use of Credit Cards Nowadays, peoples lifestyle and spending habits have changed gradually.At present, more and more people prefer to

      2、use credit or VIP cards in shopping malls and supermarkets for almost everything.Some people think it more convenient and safer.Some think that people do so to show off, feeling more graceful to use cards than using cash. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC However, their pleasure in spending large amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy, which may result in overspending.And if they are not careful, there are credit card cheatings now and then. In my opinion, we sh

      3、ouldnt follow the fashion and use cards for everything.We should use them properly. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 【高级词汇】 lifestyle n生活方式 gradually adv.逐渐渐地 result in导导致 overspending n过过度消费费 【佳句变换】 Some think people prefer cards to cash just to show off. However, their pleasure in spending is actually greater than that from what they buy, which is to lead to overspending. And carelessness with card may cause cheatings now and then. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 1_ adj.替换换的;供选择选择 的 2_ vt.逮捕;拘留 3_ vt.开火;启动动 4_ n命令

      4、;指令 5_ n费费用;价钱钱 6_ n& vi.开关;交换换;调换调换 7_ adv.最后;终终于 8_ vt.造成形状 A 考纲词汇纲词汇 思忆忆 alternative arrest fire command charge switch eventually shape 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 9_ n预测预测 _ vt.预预言;预预料 10_ adj.危险险的;冒险险的_ n& v危险险;冒险险 11_ vi.依赖赖;依靠_ adj.可信赖赖的;可依靠的 12_ vt.装;装载载_ v卸货货_ v下载载 13_ n(常作复数)范围围_ adj.有限的 14_ n失去能力;伤伤残_ vt.使伤伤残_ adj.残废废的;有残疾的_ adj.能的_ n能力 15_ vt.系;贴贴;连连接_ n附件 16_ adj.乐观乐观 的;乐观乐观 主义义的_ n乐观乐观 主 义义 17_ adv.无疑地;确定地_ adj.肯定的;确定的 predictionpredict riskyrisk rely reliable load unload download limitl

      5、imited disability disabledisabled able ability attachattachment optimisticoptimism definitely definite 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 字词词入章,相得益彰 Energy experts predict that limited resources on the earth are running out,which arrests many peoples attention.We can rely on it that scientists will eventually find alternative energy.At the same time,we should have definite ideas on how to make full use of the available resources. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 1run _ (某物)用完;不多了;没有了 2rely _ 依靠 3_ an order/orders 订购订购

      6、4use _ 用完 5_ sure 肯定地 6get rid _ 除掉;处处理掉 7free of _ 免费费 8look _ 小心;当心 9_ 首先 10on the way _即将被淘汰;即将过时过时 11throw _ 抛弃;浪费费 12carry _ 执执行 B 重要短语语识记识记 out on place up for of charge out for a start out away out 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change _ (无论论他们们住在哪里) Im _ (现现 在忙于享受我的生活,而无暇为为未来担忧忧)! _ (不是所有的预预言)come true. C 经经典句式再现现 1no matter 引导让导让 步状语语从句 2too.to.太以至于不能 3不完全否定 no matter where they live too busy enjoying my life now to worry about t

      7、he uture Not all predictions 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC alternative adj.替换的;供选择的 n,可供选择的事 物 A 核心单词单词巧布点,基石奠 You can see changes in their life that are connected with their alternative break experiences. (2011天津卷,阅读表达) 你可以看到他们们生活中的变变化,他们们的生活均与他们们可 替代的休息经历经历 有关。 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC (1)have no alternative/choice but _sth别别无选择选择 只 好做某事 theres no alternative.别别无选择选择 an alternative _.的替代品 (2) _ adv.可供选择选择 地 I _him to the police.除了向警察举报举报 他,我别别无选择选择 。 In many fields plastics functions as _steel. 在很多领领域里,塑

      8、料可以代替钢铁钢铁 。 to do to alternatively have no alternative/choice but to report an alternative to 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC attach vt.系;贴;连接,附上;使附属 The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of a very goodlooking person and sometimes that of a less attractive person. (2012上海卷,完形) 申请请表照片上的人有的相貌清秀,有的长长相平平。 attach._.把系到上;将某事物与另一事物相 联联系 attach oneself to sb/sth(有时时指不受欢欢迎或未受邀请请而)依附 某人/参加某事 attach importance/significance to _ be attached to _ to 认为认为 重要 依恋,爱爱慕,留恋 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC Do you _what he said? 你认为认为 他说说的话话重要吗吗? Weve _this house and would hate to move.我们们十分留恋这这所房子,真舍不得搬走。 attach any importance to grown very attached to 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC

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