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    • 1、Congratulation Letters j By the end of this module , you are expected Module 2: Congratulation Letters Objectives to learn about the format and contents of congratulation letters; to write sincere, natural, warm, positive letters of congratulations with appropriate tone. Congratulation Letters Mr. Jiang has learned that his client Henry Miller had recently been promoted to the head of Marketing Department of Refine Textile Co. Ltd. So, Mr. Jiang asks Qiu Xiaoyun to write a letter to congratulate

      2、 Henry Miller on this good news in his name. Task Your Try1 A Congratulation Letter Congratulation Letters What should be the tone of a congratulations letter be like? What are the requirements of an effective congratulations letter? Are there any requirement on the length and font? If yes, what are they? You are divided into several groups and have a discussion over the writing of congratulation letters. If you are interested, you can role play a conversation on congratulation extended via tele

      3、phone, and note the similarity and difference between communication via spoken words and written letters. Notes: Whats the purpose of writing a congratulation letter? Communicative Activity2 Congratulation Letters 1. Whats the purpose of writing a congratulation letter? The purpose of a congratulation letter is to deliver a congratulatory message to friends or family members or business partners, commemorating accomplishments and achievements. It is used both in personal and business situations.

      4、 2. What should be the tone of a congratulation letter be like? Generally speaking, the tone of a congratulation letter should be sincere, natural, positive and without exaggeration. 3. What What are the requirements of an effective congratulation letter? To write an effective congratulation letter, we should pay attention to the following points: 1) Write the congratulation letter as soon as possible after the fortunate event takes place. 2) State in the beginning the specific occasion that has

      5、 motivated you to write a congratulation letter. Communicative Activity2 Congratulation Letters 3) Express praise and approval of the readers accomplishment in your congratulation letter. 4) Keep your congratulation letter simple and concise-under one page in length. 5) Keep your letter positive and dont include any negative comments or unhappy news. 6) Dont suggest that the fortunate event should benefit the letter-writer in any way. 7) Dont exaggerate your congratulatory words or your letter m

      6、ay seem sarcastic or mocking. 4. Are there any requirement on the length and font? If yes, what are they? A congratulation letter should be simple and conciseusually under one page in length. Communicative Activity2 Congratulation Letters Zhejiang Sunshine Cashmere Co., Ltd. No.25 Kangtai Road, Zhili town, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province May 3, 2008 Mr. Henry Miller 156 Jingang South Road Guangzhou, Guangdong 510260 Sample Analysis Heading Inside Address Congratulation Letters Dear Mr. Miller, Congrat

      7、ulations on your recent promotion to head the Marketing Department of Refine Textile Co. Ltd. We are delighted that your work in international marketing for the past decade has been recognized this way. We join in sending you our best wishes for the future. Sample Analysis Congratulating words Salutation Praise for the deserved achievements Congratulation Letters Sample Analysis Praise for the deserved achievements Through the years of working together with you, many of us are well aware of how

      8、much youve been dedicated to the successful business stories between our two companies. We are all looking forward to your trip to China next month when we will celebrate your advancement in a more formal way. Congratulation Letters Again, congratulations to you, Mr. Miller good luck and good wishes on your new position as Director of Marketing Department. Cordially yours, Thomas Jiang General Manager Sample Analysis Complimentary Close Re-expressing the congratulation Signature Congratulation L

      9、etters The definition of a congratulation letter A letter of congratulation, or a congratulation letter, is a thoughtful way to deliver a congratulatory message to friends or family members or business partners, commemorating accomplishments and achievements. It is used both in personal and business situations. Certain types of congratulation letters are also referred to as “commendation letters” in some situations. Summary Congratulation Letters The format of a congratulation letter A congratulation letter also contains the heading, date, inside address, salutation, body of letter, complementary close, signature, etc. In the congratulation letter, besides the congratulating words, the sender always mentions the receivers effort for his deserved achievements. A congratulation letter should be simple and concise, usually under one page length. And the stationary used is usually specially selected. Summary Congratulation Letters The purpose of congratulation letters uon get


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