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    • 1、 WORD资料.可编辑 商务英语阅读 试卷(课程代码 5439)I. Translate the following words or expressions.A. Translate the following into Chinese. 1. C.P.I. (consumer price index) 2. monopoly 3. par value 4. IPO (initial public offering) 5. financial institution 6. income funds 7. GNP (gross national product) 8. production line 9. C.I.F. (cost, insurance and freight) 10. board of directors 11. registered capital 12. F.O B 13. circulating fund 14. Clean Bill 15. public relations 16. red chips 17. bank account 18. governme

      2、nt bond 19. GDP (gross domestic product) 20. bill of exchange 21. premium 22. commission 23. durable goods 24. savings bond 25. stock exchange 26. mutual fund 27. market share 28. product mix 29. Letters of Credit (L/C) 30. income statement 31. retailer 32. stock market 33. tangible product 34. product line 35. current assets 36. installment 37. H shares 38. inventory 39. common shares 40. preference shares 41. net asset 42.bearer bond 43. stock certificate 44. promissory note 45. policy holder

      3、46. insurance policy 47. middleman 48. publicity 49. mass selling 50. target returnB. Translate the following into English. 51. 信用证 52. 营销组合 53. 风险资本 54. 普通股 55. 索赔 56. 资产 57. 直销 58. 保险单 59. 促销 60. 购买力 61. 有限责任公司 62. 预算 63. 固定资产 64. 证券交易所 65. 汇率 66. 物流 67. 佣金 68. 折旧 69. 客户服务 70. 红利71. 面值 72. 市场细分 73. 流动资产 74. 公共关系 75. 净收入 76. 合同 77. 优先股 78. 人寿保险 79. 债券 80. 有限责任 81. 保险 82. 净资产 83. 退货 84. 集装箱 85. 汇票 86. 期初存货 87. 股东 88. 离岸价 89. 电汇 90. 债券持有者91. 电话销售 92. 垄断 93. 定价 94. 盈亏平衡点 95. 购买力 96. 投资经纪人 97. 营销组合

      4、 98. 利率 99. 收入保险 100. 保险费II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.1. The buying of products on which we have been pre-sole through advertising is called _.A. rational buying B. emotional buying C. reflex buying D. impulse buying2. Which of the following is NOT a common form of payment in foreign business transactions?A. Cheque B. Cash C. Bank transfer D. A sight bill3. A clean bill is _.A. a spotless billB. a bill that is not accompanied by shipping documentsC. an unused billD. an invali

      5、d bill4. If competitors get together to raise or lower prices, this act is _. A. price discrimination B. deceptive pricing C. resale price maintenance D. price fixing 5. Which of the following belongs to “Marketing Mix”?A. Labor force B. Machines C. Materials D. Promotion 6. What do you think is the strength of publicity?A. Being flexible B. Avoiding media costs C. Saving preparation time D. Reaching a larger number of audiences 7. Which of the following can NOT be a feature of a bond?A、It has a

      6、 certain denomination. B、It has a prefixed interest rate.C、It involves high risk. D、It has a prefixed maturity date. 8. Which of the following is a legal tender?A. IOU cheques B、U.S. dollars C、Lumps of silver D、Bank deposits 9. If you advertise a product, your main purpose of doing so is to _.A. earn more money for the advertising agencyB. promote sales of that productC. compete with other firms that produce the same kind of productD. introduce that producer to the public 10. What do you think i

      7、s the strength of personal selling?A. High efficiency B. Great flexibility A. documentary B. irrevocable C. dishonored D. confirmed 12. A dishonoured bill is _.A. one which the importer is ashamed ofB. one which the importer fails to pay on the due dateC. one which the drawer fails to payD. one which the exporter fails to clear 13. In terms of safeness, a mortgage bond _ a debenture bond,A. is the same as B. is safer than C. involves more risk than D. is not as safe as14. What is an insurance policy?A. A government law on insurance.B. A written contract between the insurer and the insured.C. A piece of paper with the insurers signature on it.D. A set of rules to regulate the insurance market. 15. What can we say for certain about transportation and physical distribution?A. Transportation is the same thing as physical distribution.B. Transportation is not as importan


    (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第二单元7大雁归来教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元10 小石潭记教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元11核舟记教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第二单元5 大自然的语言教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元10小石潭记教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元12 《诗经》二首教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元写作学写读后感教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元11 核舟记教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元名著导读《傅雷家书》选择性阅读教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元综合性学习古诗苑漫步教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元课外古诗词诵读教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第二单元6 阿西莫夫短文两篇教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第二单元写作说明的顺序教学课件 (初二语文课件)人教版初中八年级语文下册第三单元9桃花源记教学课件 节能减排法律法规完善-剖析洞察
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