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    • 1、Key to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference: 1. In China it is a familiar scene that grandparents take their grandchildren to or from school every day, which, however, seldom happens in the West. There parenting responsibility mainly rests with the parents rather than others. 2. In general there is not much difference between Western and Chinese tourists. If any, it seems that Chinese like to pose for photos with the scenery as the background, whereas Westerners often just shoot pictur

      2、es of scenic spots. 3. Well, its true that many Western employees see them and their boss as equals, but anywhere, anytime, you and your boss are never equals in its truest sense. There always exists a gap in between. Compared with Westerners, Chinese employees might tend to be more forbearing (克制) towards their boss and seldom air their grievances publicly. Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text 1. Text Organization PartsParagraphsMain IdeasPart OneParas. 1-2The fulltime presence of the

      3、 authors mother-in-law after the babys birth skewed the balance in the family. Part TwoParas. 3-5Her mother-in-laws sacrifice made her grateful but uneasy, even suspicious at times. Part ThreeParas. 6-7The author and her husband experienced conflict because of their completely different views on family relationship and gender equity. Part Four Paras. 8-10Her mother-in-laws explanation of her role in the family was a complete cultural shock, because the author, brought up in Canadian culture, pre

      4、fers greater involvement from her husband in raising their daughter. Part FiveParas. 11-13The women at the dinner table helped put things in perspective for the author. Part SixParas. 14-16 The author finally understood the Chinese way of raising a child, but she is unlikely to change diapers for her mother-in-law in the future. 2. Comprehension Check 2.1 Digging into detail 1. The fact that he wasnt taking on half of the childcare duties, and he thought it was more important to spend time on hi

      5、s work than on his daughter, and his expectation that his mother would do all the housework he was supposed to do. 2. Her mother-in-law explained that her role in the family was to lighten the burden of her son, allowing him to keep his former way of life, and to help her daughter-in-law out with parenting and household management. 3. She thought it was absolutely unacceptable, because, in her view, her husband is one of two parents, and therefore their daughter should be half his responsibility

      6、; and she married her husband, not her mother-in-law. 4. He obviously believed that mothers are the primary caregiver of children and this was the normal difference between mothers and fathers. 5. She totally rejected the idea, because she thought what her mother-in-law did was fulfilling the parenting responsibility of her husband, therefore it was her husbands responsibility to take care of his own mother when she was old.2.2 Understanding difficult sentences 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B II. Focus

      7、ing on Language in Context 1. Key Words & Expressions 1.1 1. In a TV interview after the election, the elected congresswoman said repeatedly how grateful she was to all her supporters. 2. More and more people now understand the importance of striking a balance between work and family. 3. Lots of people enjoy cooking yet hate to wash up. 4. In the plane crash over the weekend, the sole survivor was a baby traveling with its parents. 5. More and more people are becoming increasingly aware that cli

      8、mate change affects every aspect of our lives. 6. He used to enjoy going out to dine with friends, but he started spending more time with family after his wife gave birth to their baby daughter. 7. It is a tradition of American universities to invite prominent people from various fields to deliver a speech at their commencement/graduation ceremony. 8. Apart from occasional visits to local places of interest, such as art galleries, exhibitions and shopping centres, the old couple generally stayed

      9、 at home. 9. The elder gentleman looked over his shoulder before entering the building, making sure nobody was following him. 10. The new product was developed in response to customer demand. 11. The young man drank too much at the party and could barely remember anything when he found himself in the hospital next morning. 12. Students should be encouraged to adopt different approaches to problems. 13. Politicians always try to avoid expressing in public opinions that are considered extreme or unpopular. 14. I love the job, and its an added bonus that its so close to home. 15. It seemed that the employment opportunities available fell short of what people hoped for that year. 16. As some of the issues surrounding climate change are very complex, it will take a long time for the international community to reach consensus. 1.2 1. negotiat


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