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备战2024年新高考英语名校模拟真题专题03 七选五10篇(第三期)

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  • 上传时间:2024-04-28
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    • 1、备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(新高考专用)第三期专题03 七选五10篇(2023上云南曲靖高三曲靖一中校考阶段练习)Many friendships hit rough aspects. Sometimes it is worth the emotional effort to work through your problems, while at other times, especially when a friendship is harmful, it isnt. 1 Here are some tips for reference.Reflect and write down the goodBefore you face a difficult conversation with a friend, pause and reflect first. Think of a specific moment that this friendship has brought you joy or excitement. Using that memory as insp

      2、iration to write down things you appreciate about a friend. 2 Even if there is still tension, that appreciation will go a long way to building mutual understanding.Choose a different way to communicateIf repair efforts have not worked via your usual tech channels, try another way to communicate. 3 Send some postcards, deliver exquisite handicrafts or mail someone a book you think they would enjoy. Attached with these gifts, a hand-written letter explaining why you think the relationship feels aw

      3、kward and why you want to repair it is highly recommended.Follow the red flags 4 for example, your friend bullies you, or you feel misunderstood by them, it might be time to end instead of mend. This indicates evaluating the balance of harm versus good is crucial. In other words, the good does not necessarily outweigh the bad if theres too much bad. Thus, drop the relationship once you perceive any dangerous sign showing you are being hurt.Give it time and try againPeople differ in how they deal

      4、 with conflict, so remember that you may need to give a friendship some breathing room before trying again. Friendships may require time to settle back into normal post-conflict and that lasting uncomfortable feelings may require further attention. 5 If the friend would rather not repair, then you can be proud of yourself for acting with integrity. Youre not in control of other people, but on your end, you did all you could.AWhen you realize that friendship is not strong enough,BIf you notice th

      5、at friendship is doing more harm than good,CPeople are thrilled to get mail thats not a catalogue or a bill.DHow to repair a friendship or leave it behind if its poisonous?ENot all friendships last a lifetime and its OK to give up a bad one.FIts also important to remember that you can only do what you can do.GThen, sharing that list in conversation with the friend regardless of the outcome.(2023上广东江门高三统考阶段练习)Color is important for all gardens, no matter what size. Kalanchoes(长寿花) offer kinds of

      6、colors, from energetic oranges, yellows and reds, to calming pinks and creams. Theyre easy to care for. 6 . Here the plant experts reveal five ways to style a small outdoor space.Be striking. Colorful plants are mood-boosting as well as a great way to lift a small outside space. Kalanchoe is a flowering succulent(多肉) that comes in a range of lively shades and looks delightful when grouped in large pots or window boxes. 7 , or on the other hand soft pinks to feel relaxed.Think big. When space is

      7、limited, people tend to choose lots of small containers, but a few large pots can fool the eye into believing theres more room than there is. Try planting taller plants, such as roses or hydrangeas, alongside smaller species, like kalanchoes. 8 .Indoors out.Making your outside space clean neednt be costly.Houseplants, like kalanchoes, will happily live outside in pots or window boxes from May to September when there is no risk of frost, so you can simply move them outside for a more colorful lif

      8、e.Make it easy. 9 . Succulents, such as kalanchoes, are perfect for“ hands off”gardeners as they will flower happily in pots on balconies for 100 days with very little watering.Just choose a sunny spot and away you go! 10 . Place different flowers such as petunias, pansies or kalanchoes into a window box or hanging basket for instant garden attraction. The more unusual kalanchoe varieties, such as “Magic Bells”, with its pretty flowers of pale green, bell-shaped flowers, or “Dorothy”, with its l

      9、ong stems and orange flowers, will add color, interest and texture(质地).ABe style smartBNot all plants need a lot of attentionCIt is a great choice for the summer gardenDChoose oranges and reds for an energy burstEYou can find kalanchoes from most garden centersFThus, you can create depth and a sense of richnessGGiven a little attention, they will reward you much flowering(2023上安徽高三校考阶段练习)People dont just wake up one day and magically become independent. 11 The following skills can help you do that. Learn more about yourself. If youre filled with the idea of what other people want, youll never gain true independence. 12 However, when you value the thoughts and feelings of other people over your own, you weaken your own authority. If you really want to be more independent, its necessary to get to kno

      《备战2024年新高考英语名校模拟真题专题03 七选五10篇(第三期)》由会员刚**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《备战2024年新高考英语名校模拟真题专题03 七选五10篇(第三期)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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