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    • 1、 毕业论文外文翻译 题目: 装载机国内现状与市场开发之分析专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 机 升 111 班 Domestic Market Present Situation And The Development Of The Excavating Loader AnalysisThe loader digger is so called “two favour”. Because it has special structure, loads device being the head and the equipment for the excavation behind. in the workplace , you need to turn the chair, completing the change from loader to the excavator loader digger is mainly used for the highway construction and protect of the city and village, the ele

      2、ctric cable build, electric power and airport engineering, municipal services construction, farmland irrigation construction, village residence construction, opening mountain to take stone and various small scaled and multi-function engineering machine, generally used in the small project after the completion of the big ones.FIRST: A CLASSIFICATION OF THE LOADERDIGGERThe loader digger is so called “two favour” having two kinds of funcitions of lading and scooping out in the meantime. The classif

      3、ications are as fallowsONE: from the structureAccording to the structure, loader diggers have two kinds of forms: one is with oblique tones move frame, the dinging device can be moved with side, which is easy to work in the special place, the center of gravity is lower when it transports. It is advantageous to loading and transporting. The weakness is: because of the restriction of the structure, the ground jack usually adopts vertical leg. The supporting point is within the wheel edge, the dist

      4、ance of the two supporting point is relatively small. While scooping the whole machines stability is bad. ( especially the scooping device moves to one side). The functional main point of this kind of machine is in the aspects of loading, producing more in Europe ; the excavation device of the latter cant move to side, the whole excavation device can make 180turn-over through the rotary supporting, the ground jack is like the frog leg, the supporting point can stretch outside side the wheel, the

      5、 stability is good when excavating, which is advantageous to the exaltation of with excavation ability. Because having no oblique tones move frame, the cost of the whole machine is lower. The weakness is the bucket hangs at the trucks tail, the size is long, when the locomotive is in conveyance and loads, the stability is bad , which has certain scooping, with the US producing most.TWO: from the motive allotmentFrom the motive allotment, the loader digger has two kinds of forms: two-wheel(rear-w

      6、heel) to drive and four-wheel(whole round)to drive. the former cant make use of adherence to weight completely, making the adhesive strength of motorcycle and ground and the leading force are to descend, but the cost is much lower than the latter.THREE:of the bedrockFrom the bedrock, among the 3 kinds of common bedrocks used in the small scaled and multi-function engineering machine, the motive of the miniature loader digger is mostly below 20 KW, the height of the whole machine is 1000-3000Kg,a

      7、dopting track-run structure, the speed dose not reach 5km/h usually used for the yardage processing of small scales, such as farm and parketc.Because its model is partial to small, cost is higher is 30-60KW, the weight is relatively heave, about 5000-8000Kg, the scooping ability is strong, uses wheeled walks the structure, driven by the whole round, making use of the turn round driving axle or hinge joint, the car speed is higher, reaching to 20km/h, the abroad usually use it as assistance work

      8、for the yardage processing and large-scale fabricating yard of farm, capital construction, road maintainanceetc. this models shape is bigger, the flexibility is worse, generally it hard to adapt the work of narrow and small place.SECOND: local present condition and development trend of loader digger, local technique condition At present in our country the enterprises producing the loader diggers are more than 10 hours, mainly is SHANDONG mechanical engineering, YANTAI mechanical engineering, LIA

      9、OLINGCHAOYANG mechanical engineering, LIUZHOU mechanical engineering, XIAMEN mechanical engineering, XUZHOU mechanical engineering, etc. Currently the products year yield is about 400pedestals.From the history of our small scaled and multi-function loader digger, we can see that our machine has been dropping behind, its development speed is slow. Our country just started to design it by ourselves at the beginning of 70s in last century, first the BEIJING building mechanical engineering developed successfully W Z 2 A and W Z 2hudraulic pressure loader digger, the YANTAL mechanical engineering manufactures ZW2Aand WZ2B hydraulic loader digger successfully in 1987,After that the FUJIAN mechanical engineering、SHANDONG GUANGRAO hydraulic pressure engineering develop the loader diggers of WZ25,DFH-904WZ,T55Z/W0-25 respectively. The LIUZHOU excavate loading、Liuzhou Project


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