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    • 1、1. 特殊句型1. Its (is/has been) two years since he left China.2. Its (is) the first time that I have visited Shanghai.3. have/has been to 曾经到过某地 have/has gone to 去了某地4. Where there is a will, theres a way.5. It was not long before I forgot it all.6. need/want/require + to be done/doing7. do nothing but do ; have no choice but to do8. The boy has his own idea of how to finish it.9. He is easy to deal with. / You are lucky to get there on time.10.In order to/ to so as to find a good job, we should stu

      2、dy well.11. too to / enough to do12.He is too young to go to school. / He is old enough to go to school.13. 独立成分:To tell you the truth, (句子)To be fair, (句子) / To be frank, (句子)To be sure, (句子) / To make matters worse, (句子)be to do / be about to do / be going to dohad better / best (not) do14. 不得不:cannot but do / cannot choose but do / cannot help but dodo nothing (= not do anything) but / except dogo / come + doeg: Please come sit here. / Go ask you mum.Why not do? (Why dont you do?)Theres no ti

      3、me to do2. 主语的固定句式It must be pointed out that 必须指出It is reported that 据报道It is believed that 大家相信It has been decided that 经决定It is thought that 大家认为It is taken for granted that 被视为当然的Its said that 据说It is known that 众所周知3. 表示倍数的句型倍数 + as as倍数 + -er + than倍数 + the size (length; depth) of the + n.4. 定语从句句型One who has nothing to fear for oneself dares to tell the truth.Anyone who fails to finish the task given should be criticized.Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here.As everybody kno

      4、ws, Taiwan belongs to China. / Taiwan belongs to China, as everybody knows.one of + 复数名词 + 关系代词 + 动词复数; the (only) one of + 复数名词 + 关系代词 + 动词单数。例如:Titanic is one of the most wonderful movies that have been produced in Hollywood.Titanic is the (only) one of the most wonderful movies that has been produced in Hollywood.5. 主语从句句型Its true that the earth is round. / That the earth is round is true.Whether he will come (or not) hasnt been decided.Whoever leaves the office should tell me. / Anyone who l

      5、eaves the office should tell me.6. 表语从句句型China is no longer what she used to be.What I wonder is who will be our team leader soon.7. 宾语从句句型We think it (is) quite right that all the people ought to obey the laws.that 引导的从句:I could say nothing but I was sorry.He differed from other people in that he always looked father ahead in his work.Your composition is quite good except that there are some spelling mistakes.某些形容词后跟宾语从句:Im sure that he will win. / Im not sure whether/if the news is true (or no

      6、t).Im afraid that Ill be late.He is glad that you passed the exam.对表示怀疑I dont think you are right, are you?I think he is right, isnt he?I doubt whether / if 我怀疑是否I dont doubt that 我毫不怀疑Theres no doubt thatWithout doubt, Undoubtedly, 8. 比较级句型比较级+ than any other + 单数名词例如:He is better than any other student in the class.比较级+ and + 比较级例如:The earth is getting warmer and warmer.越就越: the + 比较级, the + 比较级例如:The more a man knows, the more he discovers.The more works of his he read, the more freely he wil

      7、l understand his works.The busier he is, the happier he feels.9. 祈使句 + ( , ) + and/or 例如:Use your head, and youll find a way.Hurry up, or youll miss the bus.10. It 句型It is easy (difficult hard important right wrong possible) to doIt is a pleasure (pity, pleasant thing, crime, an hour) to do sth.It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.11. 非谓语动词句型To be fair, it is not all his fault.Generally speaking, Super girls are popular with the middle school students.Judging from his wearing, he must be an artist

      8、.According to his report, the situation is getting serious.There is/are (I/we) + (some) trouble, problem, fun, pleasure, a good time, a hard time (in) + doing sth.Theres no harm, hurry, need, use (in) + doing sth.I suggested my staying here. / I suggested (that) he (should) start as soon as possible. / His expression suggested he got angry.make oneself done ;have / get sth. do / done ;leave / keep / have sb. do / doing ;find sth doing / done ; find sb. doing12. 不定式句型Its easy for sb. to doIts cle

      9、ver of sb. to do Its a pity to doIt takes sb. some time to doV. + doing & V. + (sb./sth.) to doconsider doing 考虑做 consider sth./sb. to do 认为remember doing 记得做过 remember to do 记得去做forget doing 忘记做过 forget to do 忘记去做regret doing 后悔做了 regret to do 遗憾地去做mean doing 意味着做 mean to do 计划, 打算做stop doing 停止做 stop to do 停止去做try doing 试着做 try to do 尽最大努力做go on doing 继续做 go on to do 继续做另一件事used to do sth. / would do sth. 过去曾经做 get/be used doing 习惯于做cant help doing 忍不住做 cant help to do 不能帮忙做advise, allow, permit, forbid sb. to do / sb. be ed to doadvise, allow, permit, forbid doingpromise to do sth. / promise sb. to do sth.hope to do /


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