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    • 1、初二(下)英语五种基本句型专项练习题、口头翻译下列句子,标出句子的主语和谓语。1. He is standing by the sea.2. A yellow cat was sitting in thetree.3. He often walked in the rainbefore.4. They are still reading in theclassroom.5. I can write with your help.、标出下列句子的直接宾语和间接宾语。1. Can you do me a favor?2. Lei Feng set us a good example.3. He found me my bike.4. Tom lent her some money.5. Ill write you a letter tonight.、标出下列句子的系动词。1. We should keep cool.2. When did you become a teacher?3. How nice the meet smells!4. KFC tastes nice.、标出下列句子的

      2、宾语补足语。1. We must keep the room clean.2. Internet makes our life better.3. The teacher found the boy clever.4.They get everythingreadyin time.一、请判断下列句子的结构类型:1.He is running.2.The loud voice from the upstairs made himangry.3.The little boy is asking the teacher allkinds of questions.4.She seemed angry.5.My father bought me a beautiful present.6.Why do you keep your eyes closed?7.Will you tell us an exciting story?8.We must keep our classroomtidyand clean.9.I heardthe babycrying in thesittingroom.1

      3、0.Can you push the window open?二、用所学的五种句型造句:A: 1正在下着雨。2我的哥哥很用功。3我每天早晨六点钟起床。4日出于东而没于西。5比尔和吉姆每天都一起读书一起玩。B: 1我的名字是汤姆。三、判断下列句子基本结构类型2约翰和玛丽是同班同学。1 Do you know her younger sister?3你准备好了吗?2 I got home after dark yesterday.4所有的问题都不容易回答。3 Bill always does very well at school.5你的梦想一定能实现的。4 What pet do you keep?6这些玫瑰花看起来很美,闻起来也很香。5 There were some students reading in theC: 1现在我们正在学习英语。classroom then.2海伦做她的课外作业都很小心。6 Amy always helpsher mother afterschool.3昨天你看到他了吗?7 Tom often makes his teacher angry.4我们的英语

      4、老师林先生会说英语和日语。8 Did you see anyone go into that house?5大部分的小孩都爱阅读故事。9 Helen looks very happy today.D:10 I was born in a littletown inthe south1她的伯父昨天给了她一件很好的礼物。of Taiwan.2请给我们一些吃的东西。四、判断句子各属于哪一基本句型。3这位老师常给这些男、女生讲有趣的故事。 One summer evening Newtonnju:tn(牛顿)4她的父亲上星期买了一只新的手表给他。sat quietly on a bench in the garden.5我的美国朋友比尔在几天前写了一封信给我。 An apple fell to the ground from a tree.E:He saw it and thought:1他们都叫他“小胖” 。 “ Why did an apple fall?”2他使他的年老的母亲很快乐。 He studied very hard.3老师经常都要我们坐得端正。 Later he found o

      5、ut the reason.4你有办法发动这部汽车吗? One day Newton sat at his desk. He was studying very hard. His servant5. 我们的老师有时候会强迫我们做课外作业。came into the room. He left an egg on his desk. There was a watch on the desk. Into the boiling water in the kettle Newton put the watch instead.五、写出五种句子结构的英语符号:句型一 : _ + _(主 +谓 )句型二 : _ +_ +_(主 +系 +表 )句型三 :_ +_ +_(主 + 谓 + 宾 )句型四 : _+_+_ +_(主谓间宾直宾)句型五:_+_+_+_(主谓宾宾补)六、完成下列句子:1. 学生们学习很努力。Thestudents_.2. 这种食物吃起来很糟糕。Thiskindof_.3. 你可以把书放在书包里。Youcan_ .Yesterdayherfather_asabirthdayp

      6、resent.5. 我们发现他是一个诚实的人。Wefound _ _ _ _ .4. 昨天她父亲给她买了一辆自行车作为生日礼物。8.主语 Mary谓语 is lying9.主语 you谓语 : can swim10.主语 my mother谓语 iswaiting11.主语 my mother谓语drinks12.主语 you谓语 : mustexercise13.主语 Mr. Lee谓语 isrunning14.主语 the girl谓语 isdancing15.主语 the trafficlight谓语 is changing16.主语 he谓语 surfs参考答案:17.主语 they谓语 are、winning1.主语 he18.主语 she谓语 was谓语 is standingsinging2.主语 a yellowcat谓语 was主语 some children谓语sitting19.are playing3.主语 he谓语walked主语 it谓语 was raining20.4.主语 they谓语 are主语 people谓语 workreading21.5.主语 I22.主语 my grandfather谓谓语 can write语 lived6.主语 Tom谓语 eats主语 the plane谓语 is23.7.主语 We谓语 livemoving24.主语 he谓语 cantspeak8.直接宾语: Mr. Lee间接宾语: a lot of questions25.主语 I谓语 must go9.直接宾语: him间接宾语:26.主语 my uncle谓语 wasthe balldrawing10.直接宾语: his son间接27.主语 the little baby谓宾语: a picture语 was crying11.直接宾语: Tom and me间28.主语 we谓语 have to接宾语: an interesting storyleav


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