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    • 1、静海一中2018-2019学年第一学期高三英语(9月)学生学业能力调研试卷1. 考生注意:本试卷分第卷(选择题)、第卷(非选择题)和第卷(听力)三部分,满分150分。2. 试卷书写规范工整,卷面整洁清楚,酌情减1-5分,并计入总分。题型比例题号与分值基础题中等题难题选择题题组题作文题对应题号(分值)一、 二35分三、四、五80分六、七35分一、二、三、七105分12,13,14,154分 七25分第I卷 选择题 (共两节 满分45分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(基础题)1. -Michael was late for Mr. Smiths oral class this morning. - _? As far as I know, he never comes late to class.A. How come B. Why not C. So what D. What is it2. -Can I help you?-Id like to buy a present for my fathers birthday, _ at the proper price

      2、 but of great value.A. ThatB .everythingC. oneD. this3. -Tom has made great progress recently. - _, and_.A. So he has; so have youB. So has he, so have youC. So he has; so you haveD. So has he; so you have4. He made up his mind to devote all he had to_ those poor children. A. helpB. helpingC. have helpedD. having helped5. -Hi, Mary! Its good to see you. How is everything going? - _.A. Thats all right.B. Not too bad.C. Its nothing.D. Sounds good.6. It was the first time that the doctor _ making a

      3、 mistake concerning the patient. A. admittedB. had admittedC. has admittedD. would admit7. _ in the traffic jam, I usually set out at 7:00 in the morning from home by car. A. To avoid to be caughtB. To avoid being caughtC. Avoiding being caughtD. Avoid to be caught8. -With his leg _ in the game, Im afraid Tony cant take part in the next match.-I _ his home the other day, and his mum said he was still in hospital. A. injuring; have contactedB. being injured; have contactedC. to be injured; contac

      4、tedD. injured; contacted9. A good teacher must_ to his students the importance of a proper learning method. A. get acrossB. get throughC. get awayD. get over10. The Olympic Sports Center _at present in the city and is said to be open to the public in 2019A. is builtB. has built C. is being builtD. will be built11._ other countries, China is abundant in natural resources. A. ComparewithB. Comparing toC. ComparingwithD. Compared with(易混易错辨析)单项选择题组(一)12. I would rather you_ at the moment so that we

      5、 can hear the speech.13. I would rather _ than go out at the weekend. A. keep quiet B. kept quietC. stay at homeD. you stay at home.(易混易错辨析)单项选择题组(二)14. We all hope that you can _ a better plan than this one.15. The fire was finally _ with the firefighters efforts. A. put forwardB. put upC. put offD. put out二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(基础题)Almost everything was fantastic in the camp except for a girl, Elizabeth. When I saw her sitting alone in the hot sun at lunch, I asked her to eat with us under

      6、a 16 tree. However, Elizabeth refused my kind 17 , When we invited her to play volleyball with us, Elizabeth 18 our invitation, too. After a few more 19 refusals like that, I 20 to stay away from ElizabethIt 21 that we were going on a hike and our instructor paired everyone up with a partner. 22 who my partner turned out to be. It was Elizabeth!“What do you like to do for fun?” I asked, trying to make small 23 as we started out. “I like to 24 in peace and quiet,” Elizabeth 25 . So we had the qui

      7、etest and most peaceful hike in the world 26 we saw a bird. “I think his wing is hurt. Poor little bird, Elizabeth said 27 . “He might be taking a rest over there.” I said. Elizabeth nodded. Then she whispered, “But what if hes in 28 , like my granddad?” “Your granddad? ”I said. “He 29 and broke his leg the day the camp started. Hes 30 in hospital and is in so much pain,” Elizabeth explained. I noticed she was crying. “I m sorry for what I have done. For some reason, whenever I get really sad, I

      8、 act rudely and want to be 31 ,” she added“I get it,” I said. “I dont always know how to 32 it when Im feeling down, either. ” “Thanks, ”she said, wiping off her 33 .After that, Elizabeth seemed to get along well with us, and I think she actually 34 the last few days of the camp.Next time, if someone is unfriendly, give him a second 35 . Maybe hes going through a tough time and just doesnt know how to deal with it 16. A. tall B. warm C. shady D. pretty17. A. help B. suggestion C. order D. symbol18. A. turned over B. turned in C. turned down D. turned out19. A. unfriendly B. unfair C. unfit D. uncertain20. A. impressed B. decided C. pretended D. admitted21. A. happened B. seemed C. likely D. appeared22. A. Suppose B. Survey C. Dissolve D. Guess23. A. changes B. adjustment C. exchanges D. talk24. A. jog B. walk


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