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    • 1、新目标英语七年级下Unit7-12背诵重点语句和短语Unit7:1.What does he look like? (如何描述人的外貌) (look like /look the same)2.She is really good-looking. (位置,词形)3.He has long hair. He has a medium build. He is medium height.4.The man with short,blonde,curly hair is his uncle. =The man is his uncle and he has short,blonde,curly hair.(合并为上句)5.She is the captain of the basketball team. She is on the team.=She is a member of the team.6.We all like her,so she is very popular.7.Shes a little bit quiet.8.He loves to tell jokes. (p

      2、lay a joke on sb.) 9.He likes reading and playing chess.10.But my mom does. (借助助动词回答)11.Nobody knows me. 12.He is the winner of the Pop Singer of the Year Award.Unit 8.1.What is John like? (如何描述人的个性)2.He can talk like our teacher.3.Whos the tall,thin boy with curly hair?4.I want to be an exchange student.5.listen to music (music 前无冠词the)6.He is very funny. He is a funny boy. The story is very fun. have great fun7.如何写application form. (p51 and p52)8.He often tells stories to us.=He often tells us

      3、 stories.9.Mr Wang teaches him English. (使用宾格)10.He can speak a little Japanese. (say/speak/tell/talk)11.for example ;such as /and so on He likes fruit.,for example,apples,oranges and so on. He likes fruit,such as apples,oranges and so on.Unit 9.1.Its raining. /Its rainy. (含义差别)2.Hows the weather in Beijing? Whats the weather like in Beijing?3.play computer games4.Hows it going? Not bad. Terrible. Pretty good.5.Thank you very much for joining us CCTVs Around The World show.8.some others take pho

      4、tos of/with ride camels9.The Egyptians are wearing a kind of scarfs on their heads.10.Im looking at five thousand years of history. 11.Everyone is having a good time. (What a good time they are having!)12.That sounds terrible.13.Its a beautiful,sunny day!= _ _ _,_ _ it is! =_ _,_ today is!Unit 10 1.on vacation stay at home visit my uncle go to the mountains go to the beach go to summer camp go to Central Park bus trip 2.They are fantastic. 3.show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. (注意:give 含义差异) 4.What

      5、does Vera think about her vacation? =What does Vera think of her vacation? =How does Vera like her vacation? =How is Veras vacation? 5.Great weather! =What great weather it is! =How great the weather is! (感叹句变化) 6.all day ;all morning /all the day (含义差异) 7.We have great fun playing in the water.8.go shopping /do the shopping / do some shopping I want to do some _. Yesterday mom went _(shop) (注意填法) 9.I found a small boy crying in the corner. 10.He was lost. =He lost his way. 他昨天走丢了。 He _ _ yester

      6、day. 11.I helped him find his father. 12.That made me feel very happy. 13.I didnt have any money for a taxi. =I _ _ money _ _ a taxi. 14.I walked back to the hotel. I walked back home. (to 的应用) 15.We decided to play tennis. 16.We had Sichuan food for dinner. We have two eggs in the morning.=We have two eggs _ _. 17.Make questions for a vacation questionnaire. 18.Ask your classmates the questions.=Ask your classmates _ the questions. 19.Discuss the best place for a vacation with your classmates.

      7、20.Write a report on students vacations. Please write a report _ the magazine. 21. souvenirs: 纪念品 just:Unit 11. 1.What do you think of game shows? How do you like game shows? 2.I like Beijing Opera. I dont like soap operas. 3.I cant stand them. 4.I love it . I like it very much. 5.in fact I dont mind it. I dont mind her opening the door. 6.Some shows: CCTVs Around The World show English Today Sports News Healthy Living Culture-China Chinese Cooking Animal World 9 oclock Weenend Talk Tell it like

      8、 it is! Sports News _(be) very interesting.7.I do,too. I got up at 7:30 yesterday morning and she got up at 7:30 yesterday morning,too.= I got up at 7:30 yesterday morning and she did,too.8. Cooking is for moms.9.Thanks for joining us. Thanks a lot _ coming here. Thank you very much _ helping the lost boy.10.agree with /cant mind / not mind (完成汉语语句) 我不赞同你的观点 I cant stand your idea.=I dont agree with you.=I cant stand what you think of me. I dont mind young peoples idea.=I dont mind _ _ _ _ _me.11.I asked students about fashion.12.each (adj. /pron.) /every (adj.) (改错) We each have a TV. =_ _ _ has a TV. We all like the movie. =Everyone likes the movie.=Every one of us likes the movie.13.Heres what the kids in class 8 said.


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